Weekly Wednesday Check In - August 13th

Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
Checking in for Aug 6th — Aug 12th

Major wins for the past week:
-- Maintained weight
-- Met hand bike (cranking) goal of 60 minutes for the week (total = 105 min)
-- Took informational bus tour of Sun City retirement community and came away very impressed with the community activities and support programs that are in place.

Challenges for the coming week:
-- Be under fat category limit as was over 2-days last week vs. 3-days the week before
-- Increase protein as under 3-days last week and I tend to snack when low on protein :(
-- Boxing up some stuff for long-term storage

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." ~Socrates


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Pleased to report that I have maintained again despite a week in Scotland...I did put on but have managed to lose the 2 pounds...I seem to be doing that alot recently......too many mini holidays......haha - going down to Devon for three nights tomorrow so no doubt will be the same again this coming week ... that is what I am aiming for this week.....

    Hope everyone has had a good week and raring to go again for th next seven days.... looking forward to reading your posts

  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello! 4am here in Upstate New York. As usual, I got up at 2.

    Pleased to report that I have maintained this week. I'm hoping to shed a bit by next week.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Everything OK - weight maintained, but feel tighter. Have upped things at the gym, very challenging routine now, drains me though and sends me off to bed early!! Stops me thinking about food.:bigsmile:
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning everyone...Well, for the first time in a number of weeks since being refocused here, I must report that I did not have any weight loss. When I weighed in this morning I was surprised to see that I was the same weight as last week, right down to the tenth of a pound :ohwell:

    I have been upping my exercise, but apparently that was not enough to lose this week. No, worries though, will continue to stick to the program and hopefully this was a short plateau which will be overcome for next weeks weigh-in.:happy:

    This group is an amazing bunch of people , that are very supportive, which is truly helpful along this lifelong journey. I hope that all of you continue to progress along your personal journeys and I will continue to try to offer my support and encouragement along the way. :smile:

    - JB
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Two pounds lost this week for a total of 20,2.(Yeah!)

    This week had lots of exercise built in without trying --walking visiting Granddog, clearing a house for painting. Will try to sustain that level of exercise, even though not required.

    May go somewhat vegetarian this week -- enjoying farmer's market produce.

    Have been eating within a range of 100 calories under to 200 over goal calories.

    Good luck to everybody this week,
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Well had a pleasant surprise with my weight loss this - down 2 pounds and that's after over eating Sunday at my niece's baby shower. I guess sticking to veggies and protein worked. Only 1 more pound to goal weight! ????
  • Pixydin
    Pixydin Posts: 14
    "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." ~Socrates
    Wow! I like this one. How true! I did a lot of walking this week and had fun measuring my walks with fitbit. Today I was down 1.5lbs since my last weight post. Thanks to everyone for the help!
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Really happy - lost .5 lbs this week. It was actually more, because I gained one last week - so actually lost 1.5 lbs.

    congrats to everyone this week for either maintaining or loosing. As long as that dreaded scale doesn't go in the UP direction we are all good.

    Have a wonderful week everyone :drinker:
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou: It sounds like everyone is doing pretty good again this week. Reading your posts always inspires me to keep working at it.

    I'm checking in today in a better frame of mind than when I last posted. I got thru last week's vacation. And, for the first time in a looong time, I've actually lost 1 pound!!!! I know that's not much for most of you, but it's huge for me. My scale has been stuck so long that I thought something was wrong with it (it couldn't be me :wink:)

    As far as vacation, I decided to keep up my daily exercise as usual. But I decided to only log my breakfast, which was the one meal I prepared. Since we ate out for every other meal, I just tried to make reasonable choices and to not stress having to keep track of everything. I'm feeling renewed and ready to get back on track. Who knows, maybe I just needed a break.

    Hope you all have a great week. Keep up the good work and remember "Keep moving forward" :happy:

  • ustillcan
    Had a great week - exercised every day and lost one more pound!
    lost 12 since June 1
    lost 8 since starting MFP
    lowest weight in over two years! starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere :wink:

    Hope you all have another great week and everyone's scale creeps down!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Wow, losses and maintenance! Not a gain in sight for anyone. Yea, 60and+'s!

    I finally saw a loss of 1.5 pounds this a.m. Was stuck for 3 weeks at 174.5. Was 173 today. Don't think I'll see an 8 pound loss for August, but it is still downward, so that is good.

    I have been trying some new exercises. Tried a little elliptical. Don't like it so much, but is good to switch off and on. Have tried upper and lower body strength training machines. Like the lower. Will try to incorporate every other day. I have gotten pretty good about doing the resistance bands (thanks Marian and Wanda!). I don't like the upper body machines as well, but my thought is, on the off days for the lower body, if I don't do the bands, I will try to redeem myself in the afternoon and do the upper body machines. Problem with them, is even at the best setting, they seem to be made for people taller and with longer arms! I do want to make it to the driving range. Haven't picked up a golf club in a couple of years. I've been itching to though.

    Next three weeks will be more challenging because the fitness center is closed 3 days next week. The following week I will be at my son's dog sitting so won't be going to my gym. They do have some great walking paths throughout their neighborhood, so I'm hoping for nice weather. Week after that, I'll be on vacation. I will take my bands with me so I can at least get some strength training in. I will be walking a lot sight seeing. And I will try to be reasonable with food. Light breakfast. And then either a light lunch or dinner. I will allow one meal to be bigger. As I say, if you can stick close to maintenance on vacation, you are doing good!

    This coming week: I will try another form of exercise (I keep thinking about gramanana's hula hoop, but I wish there was somewhere I could try it for a while. My fitness center doesn't have any. I do want to make it to the driving range. Haven't picked up a golf club in a couple of years. I've been itching to though. Will really concentrate on the food intake so I can try to have the maximum loss before vacation.

    I see my rheumatologist next week! She will be pleased with the loss and she is always so enthusiastic anyway. Love her. Shouldn't be any change there. I'm in remission with the RA and I don't want to change my meds as everything is working so well. I finally see the cardiologist on the 28th (he cancelled last time). I really think we need to cut the beta blocker because of the weight loss. I have just been so terribly tired. Beta blocker kind of tired. I'm at maximum dosage, hopefully he thinks that is it. I do.

    Haven't been on MFP as much in last week or so. Just have been really busy. But I do read everything every day!

    Keep on, keeping on! You all inspire me.
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    I am pleased to report that I am down .8 of a pound. This week:

    1. I was able to try out my newly "revised" foot and ankle without the cast. While it was tender, each day was easier.

    2. I opened my food diary to my friends (and that was a HUGE thing for me to do).

    3. I posted my first blog and because I had so many positive comments, I posted my second one. That was fun

    This week:

    1. I hope to continue to build my strength in my foot and ankle.

    I hope everyone had a great week and that this coming week is even better.

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    What a terrific week everyone has had! Congratulations to one and all :flowerforyou:

    Scale is down a bit more than 2 pounds for me, so I'm happy. The biggest change for me, though, is that last Friday i decided to set my minimum walking goal to 5 miles a day. Well, FitBit was already set at 5 miles a day; unfortunately my brain was set at 3.5 miles. Friday I did exactly 5 miles; I've exceeded that every day since then (by quite a bit on a couple of the days) with an hour of the daily routine being 'very active'. The only downside is that it's HOT here :devil: . I'm trying to get started on my walk(s) earlier in the morning, but no longer balk at shopping. I've put on miles and miles at Walmart, Target, and Sam's Club this week - it's air conditioned in there!!:bigsmile:

    So may next week be just terrific for all of us!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I have to say we are all wonderful, positive, shiny, happy people.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Keep on keeping on and on and on......

  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!!

    I'm feeling inspired and looking at new reciepes. I will be starting a weight loss group next week and am excited about that. It is through my Wellness Program @ the hospital I am employed at. I am located in Upstate NY and work in a major University Hospital. From what i understand this program is for 6 months and you meet with a specialist 1 on 1 every week then as a group every other week. From what I understand folks have great success with the program. The good part is that they use MFP!!!!
    So I won't lose touch with you all. I think it will be a great success. AS LONG AS I WORK THE PROGRAM :drinker:

    I wish everyone a great evening and I will catch up tomorrow~~~~:wink:
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Quick sign in - my first on this post - I did the August challenge post the other day - wonderful to hear the upbeat and supportive posts - congratulations to all. This was my first week back on MFP - the scale read 3 lbs lost - even knowing that the first week is usually the best for losing and it won't be that much this coming week - I'm still happy:smile::smile: Everyone have a great evening.
  • bjwww7
    bjwww7 Posts: 4
    Hi I am new to MFP and happy to have found this group cause the word out there is that it is very very hard to lose weight when you are older. Reading your posts has put that lie to rest and given me HOPE. I needed to shed 200 to restore my health. Looking only at the short term goal now the month of august and working for a 5lb lost. Reading your posts helps me stay committed. Thank You :flowerforyou:
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I have to say we are all wonderful, positive, shiny, happy people.....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Keep on keeping on and on and on......

    What Jean said!!

    Welcome and 'hi' to our new posters, bjwww and cloeyeddie for sure (my apologies if I missed anyone). Great group for positive reinforcement. And bjwww- I think it is harder to lose weight after we celebrate xxx number of birthdays, but it certainly isn't impossible. Our determination may be stronger than some of the young whippersnappers too :laugh:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Newbies. This is the place to be.

    I have nothing uplifting to report. Unfortunately, I have not lost any weight this week, maybe 1/4-1/2 pound, hard to tell with the scale fluctuating. Um, Yes, I am disappointed because, I gave up wine on week nights for the last two weeks (not tonight though), it is still my favorite fruit!

    I'm thinking perhaps, I should cut back of some fresh fruit, I eat a lot of fresh fruits in the Summer 3-4 servings a day. I've already cut out most gluten products from my day.

    On the Plus side, I have increased my exercise at physical therapy and working with weights at the gym, so far twice a week. Super boring but hoping it will help speed up my metabolism.

    Maybe I'll see a change on the scale tomorrow or the next day.

    I look forward to reading your posts this week.

    Happy Trails,

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member

    As a friend of mine recently sent to me: "L'alcool ne résout pas les problèmes...mais le lait et l'eau non plus." Or translated: Alcohol doesn't solve problems...but milk and water don't either. :laugh:
