success on IIFYM & IF, family is coming to!

Hi all!
I have been successful & happy with IIFYM for about 6 weeks, and just started IF 16/8 about a week ago. I am THRILLED with the results so far and feel like my hormones adapted pretty quickly to the IF. I am happy, getting lean, having great workouts, and healing my relationship with food.
My family, however, is coming to visit tomorrow and stay with me until at least Tuesday. I'm from a family where functions revolve around the kitchen & food. I'm afraid of not being able to track macros, or to even tell them I IF (I eat from 2pm-10pm).
How do I get through this? Take a break from IF? Attempt IF? Attempt counting? My mom will be in the kitchen taking over for the most part...
Any advice is greatly appreciated.


  • costleyma06
    costleyma06 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey girl! I don't think it would be necessary for you to tell them that you IF. If you do tell them, they may question you, tell you it's bad for you, make a big deal out of it etc. Since you say your family will revolve around the kitchen/food, try saying you aren't hungry (chances are that you won't be). If you see something you do want, have a little! It's not going to break you, one day isn't going to kill you. Don't miss out on family time because of your 'diet'. One good meal wont make you skinny, one bad meal wont make you fat. You sound like you have the right mindset, you'll be fine!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    This is late, but for next time...Don't get crazy. You're allowed to take a break. You won't gain all your weight back with a few days of bad eating. Take the 4 days or week or whatever to enjoy your time with your family and get back to it when they leave.
  • strong_er
    strong_er Posts: 109 Member
    Also late, but just emphasizing. I tried explaining my IF to my grandma while I was spending a weekend with my grandparents and it was really hard for her to understand, ha. She kept lecturing me about how important breakfast is etc etc. Half way through i gave in, and next time I'd just eat normal hours but calibrate.

    Taking a break for a few days won't mess anything up physically if you don't let it throw you off mentally.