Where's everybody/I need motivation

Uniklymade Posts: 16 Member
Hello group, for some reason I'm excited to see Monday come around. Hopefully I lost at least 1 lb. I've been working a little bit harder


  • PJBisbee
    PJBisbee Posts: 27 Member
    I'm excited about the 10 week challenge too. I weigh myself every morning. This is good/bad I suppose. Sometimes I'm down a pound (:happy: ), then the next day I'm up a pound (:sad: ) --- even when I've been good with my diet this happens. But I know that consistency is key when losing weight so I don't get too discouraged by the daily scale numbers.
  • you all should not get discouraged... the road to success is paved by many bumps. Just remember the only way to lose the challenge is when you quit.
  • Uniklymade
    Uniklymade Posts: 16 Member
    I was just like you, except whenever I went to the bathroom I would weigh myself. Like you one day the numbers are down, next day the numbers are up. So, I just took the scale out of the bathroom and through it in a closet, I'll have a date once a week with the scale. Hopefully on Monday (weigh in day) I"ll see that all this water I've been drinking, and all the time I spend on my stationary bike has been worth it. Oh, I stop eating sweets, all together
  • littlechinagail
    littlechinagail Posts: 4 Member
    Being patient, really patient with yourself goes a long way.
  • Being patient, really patient with yourself goes a long way.

    I agree with littlechinagail here. What I've been trying to do is not focus on the weigh-in but focus on the workout. This helps to keep me motivated day-to-day.