Weekend Warriors 8/16 - 8/17 - Halfway through Aug!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Let's have fun with our healthy decisions!

Check In.

Food -
Water -
Exercise -
How the day is going!

And, how's those goals!?? Last 2 days of the week!


  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    I am up having my morning coffee browsing the web. It's Saturday so I will start my meal prepping this evening and finish on Sunday. I think I did quite well except for only 1 day. Being sick probably helped me stay on track because I had no appetite for a few days. I will continue eating my homemade chicken vegetable soup and having whey protein in between. I will go to the gym later for a serious lifting session.

    Food: Black Coffee, Shredz protein, chicken vegetable soup, naked chicken tenders with side salad, BCAA's during workout, more shredz protein

    Water: The goal is a gallon of course

    Exercise: 45 min cardio 1 hour lifting-total body/deep stretch

    Then having a pedicure to get my feet rubbed after all that working out :)
  • GMStb10
    GMStb10 Posts: 158 Member
    Fun with those heathly decisions - oops.

    Sat night pizza, beer and chocolate took me over, I enjoyed my treat -I just have to make sure it doesn't happen regularly and do some serious exercise.

    Have a great sat everyone.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Cleaning today - Washed down the walls and scrubbed the carpet. Went garage sale-ing while waiting for it to dry. It's still not dry, so tried to kill this burr thing that's in the yard. Not sure if this is actual exercise, but I'm tired from it all!

    Breakfast - 1 egg, 1/2 cup shredded potato (home-made hashbrowns), 1 sausage patty.
    Lunch - 1 home made hamburger, 3/4 mac and cheese
    Snack - Red Apple Ale (haha)
    Dinner - Pork tenderloin, onions, ad TBD.

    I'm noting what I'm eating but need to back-track today in at some point to know total calories.
  • wvukp
    wvukp Posts: 22
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this group and love how active it is!

    Food -
    Breakfast: Special K red berry cereal, almond milk and a banana
    Lunch: Big salad with lots of veggies and a small side of brown rice and black beans
    Dinner: TBD

    Water - 8 glasses down hopefully I can get another 8 in before bed tonight

    Exercise - Despite being tired this morning, I didn't want to give up on the gym goals I set for myself (which go from Sun to Sat so today was my last day to get the last workouts in). I planned on doing a weight lifting class and then an hour of cardio machines but after the weight lifting class I felt motivated and did a cardio class that was far more intense then what I would have done on my own! Proud of myself!!

    Extremely excited that I've stuck to my workout goals the last two weeks (I just set them Aug 1st)!

    My days been great so far and I'm looking forward to a comedy show tonight as a goodbye to summer break.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Well, I'm in Michigan with my boyfriends family. I went to his 30 yr class reunion last night. I had a blast, prolly drank too much. I'm not sure how to count everything.

    Feeling a little rough today, his dad is cooking breakfast. I'm kinda at the mercy if other people here. Hopefully I have some healthy choices.
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    Didn't eat the best yesterday (I ate 4 double stuffed oreos, cheeseburger, chips, cake and ice cream at my niece's birthday party), but I still managed to meet my goals for the day AND today I am down 2.4lbs. WooHoo! Again, I struggle with water intake at home so today I am going to work super hard at getting at least 8 cups in.

    Today, the man AND the kids want to go do something as a family (which is a shocker!!! because I always wanna do something and they just wanna stay home doing their own things) so I am tooootally going to take them up on this. LoL. We plan on doing lunch and playing putt-putt. I am trying to figure out where we are going to go eat so that way I can pre-plan my meal so that way I am not making bad choices.

    I can't believe we are halfway through August. Time sure does fly!

    Side note: Victoria's Secret Pink Collection has NFL stuff that I l LOVE! And as you all know, I am not a skinny thang, and their sizes are kinda off (in my opinion) but I got 4 new shirts from them...yes, they are a large, but I actually fit in them like...perfectly! I wore one all day yesterday with extra confidence and I'm soooo proud of myself and all of my hard work. I didn't look like I was being squeezed into it, either. It was just right.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Weighed and measured myself this morning - first time in 2 weeks. Didn't lose a pound or gain. Also didn't change in inches. I am not disappointed, but I do know I need to get in gear if I want to lose the next 30lbs.

    Today, is a good day.
    Breakfast - Jimmy Dean frozen breakfast sandwich (250 calories, egg white, turkey sausage, whole wheat muffin)
    Lunch - Hot Ham and Cheese rolls (little more than I should have had, whoops)
    After Lunch - Coffee and Milk (x3) - Little tired, lol
    Dinner - Pork chop, green beans and tbd.

    Went to harness races today at the fair grounds for an hour, then have been spending a few hours on the computer (addict). I know I need to be more physically active, but today, I'm happy having the down day.

    Goal wise - Again 75% accomplished. I think I'm going to change up my goals with work being what it is.
  • I was bad this weekend...

    I was invited to a get together Friday night and ended up eating pizza and drinking wine and I know I went over my calories. Good thing I worked out that morning, but still I feel that I could have made better choices. To be honest though, it was worth it lol. I had a great time with friends and I know I'll make that mistake again. Saturday I stayed under my calories, but I didn't move around very much. Just a little bit of swimming and walking around. The good news is that I weighed myself this morning and I still lost some weight so I'm not going to beat myself up over this weekend.

    As for my goals this past week, I think I was about 80% successful. I didn't log all that pizza and wine lol, but I kept up with everything else.

    Today: i made a breakfast burrito again, loaded with veggies, drank a big cup of hot green tea (unsweetened w/lemon), I skipped lunch on accident because I lost track of time while studying for my test tomorrow, so I took a few bites of my son's pasta that he didn't finish lol. I'm so hungry right now and typing my food is not helping lol. For dinner I'm making some smoked sausage w/ bell peppers & onions, corn and rice.
    exercise: Taking a rest day
    water: I drank a little less than usual for some reason, its usually not a problem for me

    Next week's goals are going to be a little different. Time to step things up a little.