Pain around incision sites

tcdouglas Posts: 11 Member
I am 6 days post-op and today is the first day I am feeling pain around my incision sites. I am assuming it's because I have been taking less of the pain medication but was wondering if anyone else experienced more pain at the incision sites a few days out as opposed to right after the surgery... I am particularly feeling a sharp pain around the incision on my right...


  • sarahViolet1977
    sarahViolet1977 Posts: 88 Member
    I have 6 incisions. The one in the middle had pain for a few days but all the others were fine. It still bothers me every once in awhile. I'm in an itchy stage right now. ..I'm 3 weeks out
  • oStephhanie
    oStephhanie Posts: 35 Member
    I didn't have pain around my "big" incision until week 3, more like a crampy feeling. Let your doc know if it feels weird to you...
  • homerismyhero
    homerismyhero Posts: 204 Member
    If that's the spot over the liver- that's the one that hurts the most. I didn't have incision pain- but did wake up with staples instead of glue because the glue wasn't working. A few days after I got the staples out- I was a little too active and that one near the liver broke open. Went to the MD- he put a band aid on it - and it was fine. I only say this to advise that that's the one particular spot that's a little tricky. So if your sore - slow down - heal- and if your worried call the MD.
  • Penelope1975
    Penelope1975 Posts: 5 Member
    I am five days post op and I have just the one incision site that is killing me. I think it's because of the reduced painkillers; I'm taking children's Tylenol instead of that amazing morphine I got in the hospital. But each day it does feel a little less and there doesn't appear to be any infection or anything so I think that's probably where they were moving the surgical instruments around a lot. It's the one to the right of my belly button.