Goal Weight Realistic?

So I am 5' 1 1/2". (when your this short, even the half inch counts) I've struggled with weight my entire life. In highschool I decided to lose weight, since having a boyfriend hadn't happened...I was 16 and never kissed. I was ready for a boy that I liked to actually like me back....ANYWAYS BACK TO TOPIC. I never got below 130. For my height and age now, 109-137 is the "healthy" range. I'm 29, i've had 2 kids, and even though I'd love to be back down to my "healthy" range. Is 160 not realistic? I'm not saying I won't try to lose more once I reach that 160 goal, but thats the size I was when I married 7 years ago. I'd be comfortable there, I think.

Is anyone else sticking with their "comfortable" weight rather than this "healthy range" suggested?


  • CoolDad67
    CoolDad67 Posts: 324 Member
    Your goal can be whatever you want it to be.

    Obviously, if you lose that much weight, you'll be much healthier than you are now at your current weight.

    I'm doing something similar. My ideal is in the 180-195 lbs range. I'm realistically targeting somewhere around 210-215 where I think I'll be happy.

    My son is the same height as me and weighs around 195; so, using him as a gauge I think the 210-215 is about where I want to be. I want to have a fit and toned body with some muscle; so, I figure that the muscle that I would like to have would push me into the weight range I'm looking for.

    Hope this helps.

    One tip. You should set some intermediate goals if you haven't already. For example, I wanted to lose 30 lbs over the summer and have done that. I'm hoping for another 30 or so by New Years and then will push for the final target to be completed before next summer.
  • DiaryofaFatWhiteChic
    I have set several smaller goals. My first is/was 10 lbs, which I broke today! Second is 10% of my start weight, which i have 15.3 lbs to go. My third is 40 lbs down, fourth to get under 200! Then my final goal is obviously 160.

    Ideally I would LOVE to be 130-135 again, because back then I actually felt as beautiful as the compliments I got! At 160, I think I felt beautiful still, but circumstances left me questioning (I'd gotten engaged and my grandma asked me every time I saw her, "so he really doesn't mind that you've gained weight, huh?") My husband isn't a complimentary person. So I don't expect to get much praise or anything else from him...which honestly will be hurtful when I feel like I'm attractive, and he's not reafirming me... I guess I will deal with that when the time comes!