2 weeks in and worried

mwcontois Posts: 44 Member
This is my first time on mfp. I love the calorie counter and exercise/food diary. I have been able to find most foods/exercises on here easily. One thing I wish this thing would do is allow us to share personal recipes so I don't have to copy my girlfriend's after she looked up all of the ingredients.

Anyway...I have been through this exercise/dieting roller coaster before and this time I am determined to keep the weight off once I reach my goals. Every other time I got lazy and started to eat junk and drink alcohol again. I'm hoping this mvp platform can keep me on track...but worried I'll fall off the wagon again.

I'm exercising at home to save $$. Picked up a used treadmill, recumbent bike and I already had an elliptical. So plenty of cardio stuff in use. Need to begin looking into strength training soon. Any support would be awesome. I find I have motivation issues, but once I'm on the equipment I'm fine...


  • MKS92411
    MKS92411 Posts: 11
    I totally get it! I feel like I've tried it all and the only thing that has ever really worked for me was being realistic. If you exercise frequently, and eat moderately, you will succeed! I am a big lover of sweets (and drinks) so I find that if I allow myself to have these items in small quantities then I do better than avoiding them altogether! I've tried the crazy strict diets and I put all the weight back on and some when the diet period is over, or we go on vacation, or any other real life occasion comes up!
  • PerkyTonny
    You could try tabata workout. I have just recently started working out with the videos on YouTube and I'm already seeing results. All you have to do is give the work out your all within the 4minutes or more depending on your fitness level. Good luck.
  • shayjay91
    I can understand that and a lot of us have been through the weight loss cylce ourselves. One thing I learned is the only thing that was ever stopping me was exactly that ME. I had every excuse in the book why I couldn't find time, why I was eating the right foods. If I had time to run and get pizza, a burger or whatever I had the time to get in the gym. Finally broke through that mental burier and realized I needed to remember I was worth it. In my opinion weight loss is 3 things... 1. Mental 2. Diet 3. Activity... get your mind right,make better choices and get your body moving and remember everyday your better then you were yesterday and further a long then that person sitting on the couch complaing about being over weight. YOU GOT THIS BRO!!!!