August Challenge Sat Aug 16th to Fri Aug 22



  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! I am motivated to get out and walk the dogs twice a day, at least 2 miles each time, since they are the motivators. They start bugging me first thing in the morning, and then after dinner they are all over me again. The rainy days are coming, so that may slow down all the walking a bit.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Good morning!

    After many months of slacking on my morning workouts and running, I finally (!!) got up did a short 15 minute express workout DVD. Wasn't much, but made me realize just how much I have been slacking and how I need to get back at. So my goal for tomorrow is a 1 to 2 mile run in the morning. I have been using my knee pain as an excuse not work out or run, but if I can hike 8 to 14 miles, I can certainly do a short run or workout in the mornings.

    And with any luck, the working out will lead to better eating throughout the day!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Tuesday morning! Last night I sorta ate waaaaay to much, but it was healthy food. Still it was one of those days when I just could not get full....
    Tuesday. Angela posted yesterday about a 30 day flute challenge from Brett Contreas ( Figured what the heck I'm always trying to build up a round butt. Started this morning. I like his work. But already wondering what those final days with over 200 squats will be like ????

    My experience with squats is that the first few days are the worst, after doing them for a while I was never sore after, a little jelly legged, but not sore. I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 and adding weight to each set. So hopefully once you get broke in on doing them the soreness will go away. I love squats, probably my favorite exercise, and one where it's easy to see improvement. Good luck!
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    I'm pretty bad at this whole checking in thing. My eating has been down right crappy lately. I haven't been paying attention to it... So I hit the reset button yet again and yesterday had a really decent amount of cruciferous vegetables. I'm trying to eat 1 portion for lunch along with some high protein and 2 portions at dinner with another high protein. I never seem to have any trouble hitting my fat macros though. Between eggs, bacon, ranch dressing and olive oil I'm good to go! I ordered some fish oils also so I will be adding in at least 3g-5g.

    Training has been good and intense. Been averaging 7:30-7:45 miles lately and lots of sub :30 200m sprints. Also been hitting a lot of posterior chain work lately. I'm hoping between that and my core development I can get to my 21:00 5k time I so longingly desire.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    My motivation is find something that you like . I enjoy going to Muay Thai and improving on my techniques.
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    I get motivation from the feeling I get from being outside when it's sunny and warm. Most of my weight loss has been from walking and diet. I get motivated to work out at the gym when I have a new podcast or audiobook to listen to. Blogs, myfitnesspal, friends- all good when I need outside sources of motivation.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    I'm pretty bad at this whole checking in thing. My eating has been down right crappy lately. I haven't been paying attention to it... So I hit the reset button yet again and yesterday had a really decent amount of cruciferous vegetables. I'm trying to eat 1 portion for lunch along with some high protein and 2 portions at dinner with another high protein. I never seem to have any trouble hitting my fat macros though. Between eggs, bacon, ranch dressing and olive oil I'm good to go! I ordered some fish oils also so I will be adding in at least 3g-5g.

    Training has been good and intense. Been averaging 7:30-7:45 miles lately and lots of sub :30 200m sprints. Also been hitting a lot of posterior chain work lately. I'm hoping between that and my core development I can get to my 21:00 5k time I so longingly desire.
    Chris?? NO way! So glad to "see" you here. Hey man, I am still an IF fan from time to time. You got me all started in that.

    So this week has been insane. This whole dang summer has been nuts. I was put into a new role and so there is a lot of adjustment and extra hours of work these days. And the Masters is stressing me. I'm way behind on my research project. All the reading and assignments are just a bear. OKAY! Enough of that negativity!
    I did, thankfully, get to record a podcast last night with Jack. Not sure when I will have time to get that show out there but I'll try.

    I just love reading everyone's posts. It really helps me be reflective about my own journey.

    Howie: I found it interesting that you think about food all the time. I'm with John - I salute you in your efforts.
    It is not easy. But you have really put in a lot of great effort that is paying off. And you're helping A LOT of folks. Does everyone know that you have a website/blog?? Great posts lately! Loved the lunch idea you posted not too long ago about grabbing things in the supermarket quickly when need be.

    So yeah, It may not be what you're experiencing but I think about food all the time too. I am not as hungry as I used to be now that I'm HFLC (moderate protein) but I still want to be eating all the time. What is that?? I would always be eating something if there were no consequences. And so then I feel like I'm always denying myself.
    I get a hard time from people. I had family in town lately and all the visitors clearly think I have issues. Well, we know I have issues.
    The stuff I'm doing with Jeff Fry is to knock off some weight I put on in the Spring, sure. But more than that, I really want to find a way to not have to obsess about every macro and calorie. He's really trying to get me there. I am making progress on that front. The biggest thing he wants me to focus on is SLEEP.
    On that note, good night all. Keep up the awesomeness. I love checking in and catching up!!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Wonderful Wednesday Folks. What motivates me to exercise. My primary motivator is quality of life. I feel better, I think better, I am better for exercising with in my limits pretty much everyday to some degree. I do use some motivational tools as well. I have a barbell in my den right next to my workstation that has 115 lbs loaded on it. I lift the weight I've lost at least 15 times every morning. From that point I do other stuff....
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Morning Wednesday.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    My motivation for exercise is to keep the ability to move. If you don't move at some point you won't be able to.

    LOL Carol we all know you have issues and love you anyways. Heck who are we kidding we all have issues. The thing with me is I'm not eating and thinking about food just because of hunger. I can be full and still want and think about food.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Wednesday morning! I am still just maintaining my weight, working outside in the heat leaves me drained and eating a bunch helps me feel better in the evening. Maybe if I added some cardioit would help but I am paranoid about my knees. Jogging always seems to make them hurt, and after working all day the treadmill just does not look inviting. But I figure if I am maintaining then while gettino back to some weight lifting, then I am making headway right?

    This time last year one of my goals was to be able to do pull ups. I installed a pull up bar in my walkway between bathroom and bedroom. I couldn't even do a single pull up. Talk about slow progress I got to where at a body weight of about 240 I could do a couple, and ended up this summer even after putting some weight back on being able to do 7 at the Marine Corp booth at an airshow. I have to say walking up to that bar, with some really fit marines looking at you like you are crazy and probably thinking this pudgy guy is gonna hurt himself, seven isn't a lot, but a year before, I might have only done one. I was pretty happy.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Good morning!

    I love coming into work and taking a few minutes to read all the posts from the previous day. Helps to keep me motivated and inspired. You guys (and gals!) are awesome! :smile:

    I didn't get up and run like I had planned, didn't sleep well so I was ignoring the alarm this morning. But still plan on doing my walking throughout the day.

    Hope all is well with everyone!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    My original motivation several years ago was keeping up with my kiddo. He was a somewhat later life baby ( I was nearly 40). I'd gotten over 100lbs overweight and was avoiding activities because I couldn't do them. Flash forward six years...well I still have some additional fat to shed, I've taken up biking, scuba diving, completed several half marathons and am constantly active. Now my motivation is to be active, vital and healthy the rest of my years.

    A side benefit is I've taken up cooking and find it to be relaxing ( and better than sitting my butt in the couch). A couple of nights ago I did a Bobby Flay recipe for a grilled fig, pistachio and feta salad. Oh. My. So good. I use much more greens than he calls for- using arugula. And skipped the honey in the recipe - the figs and orange juice are plenty sweet. Even non veggie eating hubby Wolfed it down.
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Wednesday morning! I just keep chugging along. Tomorrow through Saturday will be a great test, and lots of exercise. It is the Montana State 3Gun Match, and the boys and I are also staffing the event. Lots of steel to put up and tear down, lots of walking, and long days. I will have to make sure to keep my posts here and not blow it... :D
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    I don't feel like I'm making progress with this upping my calories thing but I want to stick it out for another week to see... There is just so many conflicting info about how much you should eat.
    I skipped Muay Thai Monday and Tuesday but I'm going tonight.
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    I bought more plants today. Then I moved stuff to make room for them, dusted and opened all the windows. Running some fans too. Fresh air in the house is great, I forget to do this!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Mark, your match sounds pretty cool!

    I am sticking to the nutrition better lately. And I got to the gym twice already this week. WOOT!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Thursday Folks! Have a great day.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Wednesday morning! I am still just maintaining my weight, working outside in the heat leaves me drained and eating a bunch helps me feel better in the evening. Maybe if I added some cardioit would help but I am paranoid about my knees. Jogging always seems to make them hurt, and after working all day the treadmill just does not look inviting. But I figure if I am maintaining then while gettino back to some weight lifting, then I am making headway right?

    This time last year one of my goals was to be able to do pull ups. I installed a pull up bar in my walkway between bathroom and bedroom. I couldn't even do a single pull up. Talk about slow progress I got to where at a body weight of about 240 I could do a couple, and ended up this summer even after putting some weight back on being able to do 7 at the Marine Corp booth at an airshow. I have to say walking up to that bar, with some really fit marines looking at you like you are crazy and probably thinking this pudgy guy is gonna hurt himself, seven isn't a lot, but a year before, I might have only done one. I was pretty happy.

    Kevin - You're doing it right lad. Guys our size especially need to be careful with steady state cardio. At 240 lbs when you jog every step puts 3360 ft/lbs of pressure on your knee joints. There are few sadder days than when an Army Col Doc tells you at age 35, "First Sergeant you are prohibited from running." In the Army, those seven words change everything in your life right then right there. So my best advice would be preserve and protect those joint, If you want to challenge yourself with walking get a tabata timer, ap for your phone and do a couple "walking sprint tabata sets in a 1-2 mile walk. You'd be surprised at the HR changes and the benefit.
    Congrats on the Pull ups 7 means you've got a very good power to weight ratio. Better than prob 90% of the population your age. Keep on Jammin' lad!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Mark, your match sounds pretty cool!

    I am sticking to the nutrition better lately. And I got to the gym twice already this week. WOOT!

    Carol- WTG Lass keep on Jammin'!