Starting tomorrow!!

kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
Or as soon as my discs get here!

Hey ladies, I'm really glad I found this group because I'm definitely a busy girl which is why this program appealed to me. I was doing Insanity but my work schedule is getting a little out of hand lately so I figured I would give this a shot and save Insanity for the winter months when I'm not so busy. I was just wondering if anyone had tried this and had also tried Insanity and how their results compared. I don't want to lose weight I just want to get toned up and increase my fitness level.


  • britt0316
    britt0316 Posts: 2
    Day 1 of T25 completed today! This is my first Beachbody program and I am really hoping to see some great results. Hoping that joining a group will keep me accountable for my workouts. Good luck everyone!
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    Yay good job!! I need an accountability partner so feel free to add me. I did day 2 today. I like it so far. I think it's harder than Insanity just because the moves are different, but I'm liking it so far especially because it's 25 minutes.
  • britt0316
    britt0316 Posts: 2
    I haven't done insanity but the 25 minutes in T25 is great.. I can't make excuses for not having enough time because it goes by so quickly. I did day 4 today, which was the ab interval and it was the hardest one for me yet. My abs definitely need some work!
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    I liked the ab intervals one, but the lower focused killed me. I did it today and I think walking is going to be a challenge tomorrow lol
  • vitalopez
    vitalopez Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Like you, I love that the program is 25 minutes, it makes it easier for me to get up early in the morning when I know it's only 30 minutes earlier than I usually would. I started T25 on 7/14, so the beginning of this week. I go back and forth between regular moves and modified moves (modified mostly). Have you ladies kept up with it and if so, do you feel you are able to keep up better with each passing week?
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    I'm still trucking away at it! I'm one the second day of week 4. I still really like it. Some days are better for me than others though I've noticed, today for instance I just felt weaker but I had a busy day at work so that's probably why. Most of the time I try to do the regular moves but every now and then I have to go to the modified. This week seems to be a hard week for me though, the total body circuit repeats a couple times and that is one of the more intense work outs but I think I am making progress :)
  • vitalopez
    vitalopez Posts: 6 Member
    I am halfway through week 2 and I've already seen an improvement in stamina! I agree some days are better than others and the total body circuit days are definitely tougher for me, probably because of all the time spent in push-ups. I also noticed I have stayed with Tania less and less so I'm able to do more of the regular moves. Even if some days seem harder, as long as we keep at it, right?! :)
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    That's right as long we keep it up :)

    I was getting bored with Alpha I gotta admit, after four weeks I was ready for something different, so I took the plunge and gave Beta a shot. It was hard! But it was fun :)
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    How's everyone doing?
  • Meka_22
    Meka_22 Posts: 2
    Hi there :) Im on day 3 and I find I love this program.
  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    Mine should be in the mail tomorrow! I'm super excited this group exists and is active! Nervous about starting but ready to get it done!
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    It's a fun program, I'm really glad he came up with it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have :) Feel free to add me :)

    I ended up taking this week off. I changed shifts at work for the week and my sleep schedule is in bad shape. I'm on Betta so I think I'm just going to start this week over this weekend (if that makes sense)
  • crybabyfancy
    crybabyfancy Posts: 19 Member
    :smile: I'm combining both FOCUS T25® & TurboFire® to file my own Schedule. 61833839.png
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    Yeah I'm mixing T25,Les Mills,and Body Revolution together. I usually do 2 a day but some days I can only push myself to do 1.
    Already on week 3. You girls keep pushing hard!!
  • juliekovalcik
    Hello ladies!

    I am new to this group and MFP, but not new to T25. This is the longest I have ever stuck with the same exercise program consistently. My sister drives to my house every morning and we work out together before we go to work. We are on our second round and just started Beta. We didn't measure ourselves the first time around, but we did measure ourselves before we started our second round and I lost a few inches in my thighs but that is really it. My husband has told me multiple times that he can tell a difference in my body and I can tell, but it is frustrating that I haven't lost any weight and very little inches. So, as I start Beta (today) I am going to start counting calories which is why I joined MFP. Does anyone have any helpful tips or suggestions for sticking to it? I did Weight Watchers for a year after I had my son (he's 1 1/2 now), and I lost about 35 lbs. I was noticing that while my clothing size kept going down, I needed some toning so that's why I started T25. Today I weigh 176 and I am wearing a size 12. I would be happy at 160. Any snack suggestions? I sit at a desk all day and there are snacks readily available. I am trying to drink water more and eat less snacks... at least use some portion control.

    Any tips/suggestions/help will be greatly appreciated!!

  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    Hey Julie!

    Welcome to the group!!! For snacks I like to eat fruit and veggies, really whatever is in season but some of my favorites are sweet peppers, carrots and hummus and celery and hummus. As far as fruit lately I've been eating a lot of blueberries and cherries.

    It's a good sign that you're losing inches that means your hard work is paying off, but you might not be losing weight because your body is gaining muscle while at the same time burning fat. Muscle is denser than fat so it takes up less space. I wouldn't too much about what the number on the scale says, go more by how your clothes fit.

    Hope this helps, feel free to add me :)
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    I like T25 a lot more than insanity and am seeing similar results in working out half the time. I just started Beta this week and I love it! I've only lost one measly pound so far which is discouraging when you see some people losing 20 lbs. by the time they complete T25. I have lost inches just don't know why it seems impossible to lose any weight when working out 6 days a week and sticking to the calorie guide. I have 30 lbs. to lose so you'd think something would give! I really enjoy T25 so weight loss or not I'm going to keep going and am already noticing more tone in my arms and legs and just feeling fit overall.
  • jlmontgomery356
    I just finished week 2 day 1 of alpha. I am hoping this group helps keep me motivated to finish it up.
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    I like T25 a lot more than insanity and am seeing similar results in working out half the time. I just started Beta this week and I love it! I've only lost one measly pound so far which is discouraging when you see some people losing 20 lbs. by the time they complete T25. I have lost inches just don't know why it seems impossible to lose any weight when working out 6 days a week and sticking to the calorie guide. I have 30 lbs. to lose so you'd think something would give! I really enjoy T25 so weight loss or not I'm going to keep going and am already noticing more tone in my arms and legs and just feeling fit overall.

    I know your pain. I wonder if there will be a point where il stop losing inches or eventually force the weight off some how.
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    I know your pain. I wonder if there will be a point where il stop losing inches or eventually force the weight off some how.

    Exactly! I weighed this morning starting second week of beta and still exactly the same weight. I know they say not to focus on scale weight but it's hard to do :)