Weekly Wednesday check in - August 20th

Good morning! I'm starting us off this morning because I am soooo excited. I dropped 3 lbs this week. I changed up my eating and calorie counts and definately paying off. I know it is the first week's loss and it will slow, but whoot whoot 3 lbs! i had been stuck forever it seems like.

Hope ya'll have a wonderful week


  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member

    No one would call me skinny not even thin. There are still a few rolls. But......I feel good at this weight and I am soooo happy with how much easier it is to move about and do the small things. 5’5" - 140#

    I made a decision a while ago that to try and stay at one number would not be feasible given my day to day fluctuations so I am not ready to start maintenance. 2 1/2# more will give me a 3# "goal range" to keep within. So I continue down this road for a few more weeks before my next big challenge.

    Reward......2 new swimsuits including a 2 piece....retro style of course.

    :flowerforyou: congratulations Deb. Lovely big weight lose.

  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Today I'm down another 1/2 pound. That means I only have another 1/2 pound to get to goal weight. Once I hit goal weight I'll have to decide if that is where I want to stay, or try for another 5 pound loss. ????
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Wanda and Deb, congratulation on such achievements. Well done indeed! ????????
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Congrats to;

    Deb on your great weight loss, :drinker:

    Wanda on reaching your goal :flowerforyou:

    Computer on getting so close to your goal! :smile:

    I am happy to report I had a good week and am down 1.5 pounds this week. I always hope for more but am generally pleased with making progress! Thanks to all of you for your continued support. It is great to see continued successes and progress from everyone in the group! have a great week!
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Well, I'm excited to keep the losses going because I can report that I'm down 2 pounds this week! WooHoo! :bigsmile:

    I must thank everyone in this group for my success this week. It's been a long time since I've lost this much in a week, and had losses two weeks in a row, so I owe it to you. The inspiration and support I've received from folks here has really made a difference for me. Thank you, thank you! :flowerforyou: I am so grateful and blessed to have found the 60+group.

    Rose :happy:
  • Lyndal816
    Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
    Well, it sounds as though we are off to a great start for this week.

    Deb, three pounds is awesome.

    A HUGE congrats to bvifun for reaching goal and for computershare for getting so close. I can't wait to join you someday in the very far future.

    jbouthiette -- 1.5 pounds is awesome.


    I weighed yesterday (after forgetting to weigh last week). I lost 2.8 pounds.
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Congratulations Wanda! that is a wonderful accomplishment. ** Jealous** but I will get there :flowerforyou:

    Quite a good week we all had - it is so much better with support from everyone. Have another good week everyone!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    Wow. Nice losses jb, computer and Deb. Wanda, you should be feeling very proud of yourself. Maintenance is a long way off, but you guys who have made it inspire the rest of us.

    I lost 2 pounds this week. 3.5 for the month so far. As I said last week, probably won't make the 8 pounds I wanted for this month, but I would be extremely happy with 5! Still 11 days to go, might make it!

    I am only 1 pound from my "every 15 pound reward" goal. I hadn't thought of a reward, so I might just wait until I'm on vacation. (Certainly I can lose that pound before September 2). While in Quebec, maybe I'll see something I want to see or do that will be a splurge (this is going to be a shoestring trip as it wasn't really planned), or maybe a really nice dinner in an expensive French restaurant. Nice thing about those meals, the servings are usually small and they tend to be low in carbs and fat!

    Missing my gym. (Who da thunk it?) Closed for 3 days. Also very hot so couldn't even walk outside yesterday, nor probably today. Going to be tough because beginning Friday, I will be staying at my son's (not near my gym) from Friday through the following Saturday. Then the Tuesday after that, I leave for vacation. I will take my resistance bands with me. There are some really nice trails near my son's so I will get some workout in and maybe I'll make it over to the gym a few times. Vacation sight-seeing should make me walk a lot, but it won't be the same as walking the track fast and the bike.

    My rheumatologist was surprised and happy about my weight loss. She agreed that I might need to have my heart meds cut back. My blood pressure has been normal to low and my heart rate has been low, too. I see cardiologist next Thursday. I've had some spells of real light-headedness the past couple of days and really feel it is associated with my meds. The nice thing about my implant is that when I have a device check, it tells them everything. So, I will probably know if those spells were heart related or not. Oh, it also tells how Active I am. There should be a huge uptake in that reading! Before MFP, the readout would indicate between two and three hours of activity. Anxious to see what it is now.

    Hope everyone has a good week! I appreciate all of you for your inspiration and encouragement.

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! :bigsmile:

    If I knew how to put a cheerleader on here I would definitely do that for each of you!!

    Such great accomplishments this week. :wink:

    Well, I am sorry as I am the "bad egg in the basket" - I gained 1.6 :mad:

    Next week will be better
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    One pound down this week. The step tracker with MFP wasn't working properly this week -- but I think I compensated alright. Great walking weather and taking full advantage. Last week was the week of eating lots of vegetables. Next week will be keeping up with that and cutting down on diet sodas. Am also trying to get more calcium through diet rather than supps.

    Good luck to everybody this week!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Checking in for Aug 13th — Aug 19th

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Maintained weight
    -- Won a major battle towards winning the paper war!
    -- Was under fat category all week!!dancegirl2.gif

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Continue to Increase protein, was higher than last week but still under most days
    -- Do "real" exercise and don't rely on de-cluttering the house for calorie burn
    -- Road Trip -- make good choices!!wind14.gif


    Have a great week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! :bigsmile:

    If I knew how to put a cheerleader on here I would definitely do that for each of you!!

  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    LOVE the cheerleaders! always amazes me what other people can do with computers. It sounds like most had a good to a super week - Reaching goal and/or coming soooo close must be such a Great feeling - Congratulations! Hoping sometime in the future I'll be able to join that group but for now, I'm plugging away - staying on target - not doing as much 'active' exercise the last couple of days since I'm dog sitting an older dog and she just doesn't walk that quickly and loves to smell the "roses??" but we are meandering around quite a bit each day. Have a 1.5 lb. loss for the week.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    WOW! What can I say! You have all done so well...it's wonderful! :love: :love: :love:

    I had written August off due to so many weekends away but have managed to maintain again I am happy keeping below 9 stones for the moment although feeling very positive for reaching a new target in the coming month ........ I am going to change my goal and ticker thing to reflect my new "pounds to go" ....

    Away again this coming weekend in London with friends for an Elvis event ...will try not to overdo the alcohol! :bigsmile:

    Again, well done everyone...keep on keeping on...... we can do it.....

  • Pixydin
    Pixydin Posts: 14
    You have been walking and have done the work and it's paid off in lost lbs! Congratulations and thanks for your support as well!
  • Pixydin
    Pixydin Posts: 14
    Charlie, Congratulations on your loss this week. Glad to hear the doctor was happy with your progress. Thanks for your input. Pixy
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Good Day Everyone! Thank you Deb for getting us started and once again I am paying the price for not getting going earlier :yawn: , happily too many of you got in ahead of me :sad: and I would really like to congrats each and everyone of you individually but may I please summarize and simply say CONGRATS for your successful week, whether losing, reaching or nearing goal or just checking in; even when it was a 'tough' week. Congrats on our Group's successes! Now to update you about me (ah, how I do love to talk about myself :blushing: ).

    Happy to report I lost 1 pound this week yippee and this is especially pleasing as July was a 'tough' month for me as it took me 5 weeks to lose 2 pounds and I have lost 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks!

    Even when I wasn't losing, and even put on a pound, I just kept doing the best I could and now in August things are starting to move downwards again. I fully realize this took effort on my part; however, I couldn't have done it without the help and support of my MFP friends! Thank you! I know this to be true as how many times in the past have I put in the effort and not seen much success, the one thing that has changed is the positive support I now receive from you all when I am struggling, and the generously sharing of your struggles as well!

    I 'lurked' for a month or so before taking part and reaching out for friends, so for any of you new and quiet "lurkers" out there, say hi to us all - when you are ready - friend support DOES make a difference!

    I will get off my soap box now :laugh: Have a great week Everyone! Cheers, Marian

    W3, the cheerleaders are brilliant, it is a keeper!
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    This is an amazing week for us. CONGRATS TO each and every one for being here, working on losing weight to get healthy. Positively thinking I am still 2 lbs less than last month - tadahh! I am more energetic this week and happy about that. I don't have anything much more to share other than I am so glad you are here to keep me company. :flowerforyou:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Thanks you Wooken3 for the cheerleaders!! I love it!!
  • WOW! So many really great losses and accomplishment!

    Happy to say I'm down another pound as of this morning-
    From start -13
    Start of MFP -9

    Heading out this weekend for a week on the road with no scales. But I will stay focused, do lots of walking, and enjoy myself!