To exercise or not to exercise???

Hi, I am in my 4th day of Keto, almost moderate ketosis. I know when I was on HCG drug an in ketosis if I exercised at all it slowed my weight loss a lot. I am not on that drug now, but hear posts saying exercise still slows weight loss down. :( In general I wouldn't worry about it an just continue to workout knowing I eventually get the best results from both.

But I have a short term weight loss goal I am trying to reach quick! My son is coming to visit in a month and I really want to loose 15 lbs fast!

To exercise or not to exercise for faster results?


  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    I don't believe that you need to exercise to lose weight. I began to exercise because I want to be in good cardiovascular health, so that I can pay soccer and run road races. I do notice slow down or increase in weight when I change my exercise routine. This is cause by inflammation in the body from the stress caused by the exercise. It usually resolves itself in a week or so.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    If the number on the scale is most important, then don't start exercise now as you can stall if you start a new fitness routine and then eventually you'll get back to losing again.

    However, exercise and strength training is what shapes your body. You don't have a lot more weight left to lose, so exercising can help your body look better at whatever weight you may be.
  • stayc13
    stayc13 Posts: 11
    Thanks for the reply's. I normally would love an excuse not to workout, but right now I'm motivated to go, don't figure! I really think I will better like my results in a month if I dont exercise an try to focus on perfecting my keto diet. After my son's visit then I will pick up going to the gym again.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    I slowed my exercise down as my body was getting use to keto and I didn't have the energy during my runs. I halved my exercise and tried not to push myself too hard for a couple of weeks. I kept exercising though because I didn't want to lose routine.
    I am back to running, weight training and playing netball as I have been on keto WOE for about 6 weeks now. I don't feel sluggish during exercise anymore but I am having to build my endurance again after slowing up for a few weeks.

    Now that I have got back into exercise I have noticed an increase in weight (not back to where I was but a kg up on the weeks before). It is discouraging for me but I have fitness goals too so I will keep exercising and hope that I start seeing a drop again.

    So in answer to your question, if your major goal right now is weight loss I wouldn't worry about exercise too much.

    Exercise for fitness health and mental well being and that could probably wait until after your son's visit.

    Good luck to you!
  • MikeEnRegalia
    MikeEnRegalia Posts: 110 Member
    Resistance training twice a week (one warmup set and one heavy set of 5-8 reps until "form failure" of vertical push/pull on one day, horizontal push/pull the other day, done in 10 minutes), one session of tabata sprinting per week (done in 4 minutes).

    For the remaining time - just stay on your feet, walk, don't use elevators!

  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    I followed keto for about 4 months before incorporating exercise 4-5 days a week. I've noticed no change, no stalling and no weight gain. I do a combination of cardio (stationary bike) and strength training.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    If you feel up to it then I vote exercise. I was too exhausted first few weeks to do anything much but if you feel good then go for it. Exercise may temporarily stall numbers on scale going down due to some fluid retention in muscles I believe but it will tone body and make you feel good. I have found that when numbers are not going down on scales the inches are still going and that matters more to me really.

    I have not been well enough to do much activity recently but am still losing well so if only interested in losing then exercise is not essential but will keep body in better condition so if can do it , I would do it.