
Hey Everyone,
Hope everyone is having a great evening, and had a fantastic day wherever you happen to be. I wanted to let you in on something. So last week, I was very embarrassed, because I stepped on the scales and had not only gained what I lost, but also a pound extra. I was so mad at myself, I even checked throughout the day. Which I know can be wrong, as we all change weight throughout the day. Or at least I do. Anyway, this morning I stepped on the scales and I have lost. I do not want to jinx myself, and I will not spoil it, but I not only lost what I had seemed to gain, but I also lost a little extra. So, at the end of the week I shall reveal what I am at. I know that we can gain muscle, and my hubby kept telling me that is what it was. But I am not like a lot of people, I do not get lean muscle, I get bulky muscle, always have. So the fact that I could be getting more muscle terrifies me to no end. It never, ever, works out for me. For some people it might be great, but I just am weird I guess. I have been cutting back the sweet tea that I consume this week too. So I am making progress and it might be slower than some of the other great people in our group. But, I wanted to let you know I was a little terrified to post, because I was embarrassed I was not making the numbers that I felt I should be making.

On other news, please pray(if you pray, or however you think of someone in need) for my husband or keep him in your prayers, in about 6 weeks he will be going in for a outpatient surgery for his legs. The doctor said today that there is no other option, we went to a civilian doctor, now we are waiting on insurance, and then we will know whether or not he can get it. But we have to wait for 6 weeks. Until then he has to keep dealing with the ulcers on his leg, and the stabbing pain because the blood is pooling and deteriorating his leg from inside out.

Good news, I looked at good walking shoes tonight, and some insoles that work for people with high arches like mine. So next week I might get them, or at least the soles.

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!! Keep it up, give yourself a pat on the back because your doing great!!



  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh huni I sooo get ur pain. I was the same last week on weigh day. I had gain an extra pound plus a bit more. The. 2 days later I weighed less than I have in ages. I think im gunna stary weighing fortnightly. Maybe it wjll turn into lean muscle? Hmmm u should try measurments too. I find they dont.lie but scales do. Scales can even be super liars but measurments. .. totally diff.

    Sending hubby all my thoughts of healing and health. Insurance better f**king come thru!!!! Im gunna be so mad if it doesnt... I will fly over there, scream and protest til they do. Go public if u have too! Local paper, news, talk shows, whatever u have too.!!!! Or local positions

    Yes! Go good shoes! U need them! U can do it!!!

    Hope u get them! Shoes r so important!
    Sending u and hubs all my thoughts. ..
  • amjmom
    amjmom Posts: 32
    I notice that I am usually a tad bit heavier right at the beginning of my monthly friend. So depending on when that is. It could be some extra water weight that you had as well. I agree with checking your measurements. Good luck with your husband. I hope all goes well with him.
  • 3athlt
    3athlt Posts: 131 Member

    Bad weigh-ins happen, don't sweat it! One weigh-in (whether good or bad) does not make us successful or unsuccessful on this lifestyle change. We are all going to have good weeks and bad weeks along the way, it's just the way that the human body behaves.

    Personally, I'm not having a good weigh weight-wise. After my weigh-in on Sunday, I gained two pounds on Monday and I've been playing catch-up ever since. Thankfully I've lost 1.3 of the 2 pounds so at least I have the scale moving in the right direction again. While this is discouraging, it's not really getting me down. I have a long journey ahead of me and this week (so far) is just an aberration. Fortunately there's still time for me to turn it around this week, but if it doesn't happen I'll just beat the scale next week! :smile:

    As far as answering the question of "is this water weight" or not, call me insecure but I do not like to guess about these things. Because of my insecurity (or whatever it is) that's why I bought a bodyfat measuring scale (most bodyfat measuring scales also calculate waterweight). It wasn't that much more expensive than a regular bathroom scale and for me it was money well spent. Now when I see my weight on the scale, I immediately know if I'm carrying extra water or not. Also, it's been nice to see my bodyfat percentage drop. I suppose what I'm saying is that if you can afford a new bathroom scale - spend a little bit more and get a bodyfat measuring scale. I can't imagine fighting this battle without it!

    I'll keep praying for your husband's health, hang in there!

    As far as shoes go, obviously good shoes are a great investment. And some people (like myself) need extra support for high arches and insoles are one way to get that extra support. I have orthotics that my podiatrist made for me, they've been a blessing. I've wore orthotics since before my first of seven foot/ankle surgeries.

    I don't know when everyone's weekly weigh-in is, but I would like to with everyone good luck on your weigh-ins!
  • kspenglermoore
    kspenglermoore Posts: 58 Member
    First off all my heart goes out to your hubby……(I am married d to a soldier and the mom of a Marine….) I hope, most of all that he gets better, but also that someone kicks the VA somewhat fierce!!!!! … your congressman/woman….especially since you are in Texas and this is one of the most pro-military/veterans states….. do not take the crap laying down……another tip contact a veterans organization like the DAV, the American legion etc…they are there to help veterans!
    As for the weight gain…..Hell yes, I have been there!!!!!....My biggest weight gain in one week was a little over 11 lbs….I do have a water retention (edema) problem in my legs and am pretty sure that it was that, but it was sooooo frustrating to watch the scale go the wrong way! I was never sure if any loss or gain was water or the real thing……. It took them from April to July to get my meds right. I got frustrated very frequently, but my hubby kept encouraging me. Plus I started to take measurements and as long as they are gradually going down I know, I am good.:-)
    Also when you weigh yourself is important: same time of day (fresh out of bed, but after the first visit to the bathroom), same amount of clothing (I do it in my sleep t- shirt and undies) plus make sure you had a good night’s sleep (I noticed fluctuation when I do not get enough rest)…..
    No matter what you do: Keep going!!!!!....You are doing this for your family and yourself and in the long run you will come out ahead, if you keep at it!.....There will be high points and lows on our journeys…..and if this was easy none of us would be in the shape we are in now……
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!