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What are you doing to drop the weight?



  • I have been logging on MFP for 160 days straight so it is beyond a habit now. I wear a Body Media Link band that links with mfp to calculate my deficit and also tells me my burn, activity, steps, and sleep. I currently on a 90 Day Challenge with Turbo Fire that ends this week and starting another Beachbody program next week Les Mills Combat!! I eat very well and drink lots of water to stay hydrated!!
  • Ebonessa
    Ebonessa Posts: 21 Member
    I don't know why yet, but I wake up in the middle of the night, at around 3-4 in the morning, and before I even have time to register that I am awake, I charge to my desk and devour the first thing I find on there. Anything from the rest of the tea I didn't finish, to maltesers, to left-over pizza. And because my body isn't quite up and running again in those 3 seconds, I end up with terrible stomach ache in the morning.

    Well, no more. I now take extra care to have nothing eatable in my room. I woke up today again, jumped out of bed without knowing why, and rushed to the desk... and had some water. Because that was the only thing available to me. And whatever crazy craving desire I dreamed of seemed satisfied with that, and I was able to sleep again.

    I know it's not much, but it is a start.
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, i mentioned this in my previous intro post, but thought I'd share here too: I'm on a program called JumpstartMD, where I eat very low carb, moderate protein, and low calories. I go,in once a week for a weigh on, a check in with a counselor, and they take my blood pressure and offer an injection of some amino acids that are supposed to help with burning fat. I'm also taking phentermine, which is a appetite suppressant. For a while I was shy about telling people about that because I didn't want to get judged, but now I'm like, "ah, f$&@ it!" It's working right now and this is the first time I've had this much success with weight loss. I'm basically eating Paleo and feeling great! I don't think it will be hard to maintain my lifestyle after I hit my goal weight because I feel so awesome. Feel free to friend me if you want to see my food diary. I also work out 5x/week, alternating strength training and cardio days. I also drink over 150 oz of water a day. I use a fitbit to track my activity and I get really anxious if I don't get those 10,000 steps!

    This weekend I was off program because we were on vacation, but I only gained a pound (shocking considering the amount of alcohol imbibed). As of today, back on the wagon and back on program!
  • joepayer
    joepayer Posts: 59 Member
    Eating less and logging more. The more I log the more I lose;)
  • stjean5
    stjean5 Posts: 16 Member
    I really try to log everything. I also bought a food scale and was surprised at how off my guessing was. As far as food goes, I have stopped eating processed foods for the most part. I also eat more protein and less carbs than the MFP defaults. Started out walking, both at the gym and around my neighborhood. I gradually built up to strength training and hiking. I use a Garmin HRM to calculate my calories burned as I really wasn't sure how accurate the calories were on MFP. I have a Fitbit just to keep track of steps and flights of stairs climbed (this comes in handy on my hikes). We have some beautiful trails close to my house so try to hit one at least once a week.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Eating smaller meals, smaller portions.
    More fiber (i love you oatmeal) and fibrous veggies (broccoli forever)

    Less alcohol!!! (tough)

    Don't keep sweets/alcohol in the house so I am not tempted.
    Always stock some fresh fruits/veggies for snack attacks.

    Limit restaurant trips to one meal per week.

    Sleep at least 7 hours a night.
    Drink exorbitant amounts of water.

    Diet coke and chewing gum are acceptable for moments of weakness/cravings.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Logging everything. Eating protein dense foods, more fruits and vegetables and started walking has been working for me.

    Trying to stop drinking pop. I'm drinking unsweetened Red Rose brand Decaffeinated Ice Tea instead. Today is my 3rd day without pop, which leaves even more room for FOOD! :flowerforyou:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm aggressively getting back to into my cardio. I was doing an insane amount of cardio before while doing some lifting. I also have been logging everything that goes in my mouth. I did this before and was able to drop 80 lbs. I gained 20-25 of it back, so now I'm working on losing what I had already lost lol SUCKS :grumble:
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    First of all, I'm getting weighed in by the Health and Fitness person at work. Although I've always been honest about weigh-ins, being accountable to an outside party keeps me on the straight and narrow. I'm also in a weight loss competition with one of the professors at school, but that ends on Sept. 1st. I also got added to some crazy group that plans to lose 20lbs by Xmas. :flowerforyou:

    I like to joke that I'm on the heart doctor diet, "If it tastes good, spit it out." However, I mostly follow a South Beach type of diet. Good carbs and lean meat is the focus. A bowl of oatmeal (low or no sugar) and a piece of fruit is a typical breakfast. Oven roasted chicken breast (no skin or bones) and two veggies would be a typical lunch. The wife and I have been eating a dinner salad with grilled sirlion as a typical dinner. I'm mostly eating nuts and whole fruit for snacks. I am not being strict about the diet. Last night I had some excellent pizza. My wife and I are excellent cooks and bakers. Therefore, most of the food I eat is home made.

    My goal is to do cardio 8 times a week for 45 minutes. I started by going to the gym and walking the treadmill. However, lately I've been getting on my bike and riding. There is a quiet country lane behind the house and you can find me there most mornings around 5am zipping along on my bike. When I get home from work, I like to get another 45 minute ride in, but the last couple weeks have been terrible. I also go on slow bike rides with a friend and my wife on the weekends. Another favorite for the wife is our bridge walk. 4 miles up hill both ways. On my to do list is adding approximately 120 minutes of weight lifting a week. I have not gotten to that yet, but I really need to focus this fall on adding muscle mass.

    I think a life time of dieting may finally pay off. I'm actually losing weight at a fairly steady pace. If I can keep up the good work and add the weight lifting, I should be in a good place by my 54th birthday next May.
  • kaniob
    kaniob Posts: 363 Member
    Logging. When I log, I eat smaller portions, so that's good.

    Back in the states, I swam 2 miles every couple of days. Here, I'm doing C25K to get cardio in since I have nowhere to swim - all the lakes/rivers have crocs, and the closest lap pool is 800km away in the capital. Now that I don't carry my water from the well anymore (great workout!!), I lift free weights.

    A lot of the food I eat here in Zambia is "clean." Lots of fresh veggies from the market, though the selection is limited. Chicken is super free-range, though not antibiotic free because Newcastle disease is bad here, and eggs are fresh. The more processed something is here, the more expensive is. I make a lot of things from scratch, so eating "unhealthy" things is more work. Sometimes it's really frustrating, but it's been good to learn how to make all sorts of things. I have so much control over everything that goes into what I eat, and it's refreshing. When I was back in the states for vacation, I felt awful the first few days and I think it was because of the change in food.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Always log everything, try to exercise 4-5 days per week doing something I enjoy such as bicycling or walking and don't deprive myself of things I love- just eat a smaller portion and log them!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    calorie deficit and exercise
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Log everything
    weigh my food
    make exercise fun...I like c25k, dancing, and im attempting to learn how to lift. In the meantime im doing situps, pushups, jumping jacks and squats
    using technology ... fitbit, hrm, and now I got a chromecast so I can do youtube fitness videos
    chatting with friends here to keep me fitness and health minded, multiple times a day
    eating little meals and snacking more times during the day
  • Ansin529
    Ansin529 Posts: 47
    1. I try to run/walk twice per day (morning/evening).
    2. I do my best to log everything I eat during a day (which a scale being purchase here soon).
    3. I drink at least 6-8 bottles of water per day.
    4. I have cleaned up my diet. I am hungry only on the days that I have truly worked out hard.
    5. I incorporate 1-2 treat days per week. I noticed that a spike in my calories almost always creates a deficit in my weight days later.
    My treat day is typically mid week and my new recipes (healthy recipes) are attempted on the weekends.
    6. I read about nutrition every day/weekend.
    7. I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin d3 softgel and omega 3 softgel twice per day.

    Happy to share my meals and ideas with anyone who is interested...
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    I am on a mission this year to finally lose these last 20 lbs for good! Everyone in this challenge sounds focused. Please add me if you need motivation or like to keep others motivated. I have started the C25K, Fitbit, the Biggest Loser Challenge (work), & 60 days to lose 20 lbs (you tube). I jog 3x a week with the C25K (9 wk training). I walk 1 mile a day at work 5x a week. I am also eating 65-85 grams of protein and drinking 80 oz of water everyday. Best wishes all!
  • I'm logging EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth. I find that keeps me accountable. I previously lost a lot of weight low carbing, but kept coming off it and cheating, then once I had cheated, I would stay off for a while because it was so hard to get back on it. I'm finding with counting calories, it's much easier because I can have fruit, whole wheat bread and brown rice, basically anything as long as it fits in with my calories for that day. I'm diabetic, so sugar is something I stay away from altogether. I'm a fried chickenaholic, so once in a blue moon, I will not eat for the day and save all my calories for a nice chicken dinner. For me, it's all about the calories.
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    I'm with Jenn on this one. I'm still using the South Beach diet type guidance to manage my eating. My actual plan comes from comic strip Bloom County: "Eat less and exercise more."
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    I am loosely following South Beach, at present no carbs (had a bit of a fail yesterday with a pizza but I paid for it with an upset stomach). I am also starting Hip Hop Abs this week and will be continuing with the 20 minutes of weights 3x a week. I also have a 25 minute cycle and 20 minute walk every day as a normal part of my commute (the former is getting harder as the wind picks up), so I manage (I guess) at minimum a 45 minute cardio workout 5 times a week and want to increase this with the HHA workout for the next four weeks and the weights.

    I am keeping to 1200 kcals (which is actually hard when you are not eating carb-heavy foods) as I am just (literally JUST) 5ft, and have a total of 93lbs (maybe more depends on how I feel when I get to 130) left to lose...would like to ultimately lose more than 20 over the next 17/18 weeks between now and Christmas, but this challenge will keep me accountable.
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    I am following a basic Paleo diet ...lots of water . I miss my oatmeal though so once a week I have a bowl.
    Weekends are hardest for me as my hubby and I are only together on weekends and he likes to drink and munch out of chips and stuff ( love those chips) So I am trying to curb the munchies and limit the wine intake.
    I exercise with my total gym and kettle bells every day.
    We can do this, it will feel so great to be 15-20 lbs lighter at Christmas . I need to loose 15 but 20 would be great!!
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I can't say enough about the George foreman grill and chicken breast..... PROTEIN, low calories and SOOOO delicious....
    other than that, I am working towards running a 1/2 marathon and I LOG everything and make sure I stay near my plotted calories to loose 1 lb a week.
    I work out every day doing a little strength training, and lots of cardio.