Reaching a crisis point

Hiya, this is my first post here, so let's just get all the embarrassing stuff out there.

I'm trying to regain normal eating patterns and lose weight, but every day turns into a binge for me. I'm currently unemployed due to depression which doesn't help, and being around the house all day sure makes food easy to find.
I'm becoming so distressed by my behaviour (which causes physical as well as mental pain) that I have been looking for any way to solve it.

Here are the options I have considered so far:
- Not buying junk. This results in me binging on 'healthy' foods instead.
- Buying a monthly delivery of diet food and living off that....well, for 1) it's too expensive, and 2) I think I'd still go and buy other food as well.
- Going inpatient/residential for binge eating disorder. Again. Too expensive. Like £5000 too expensive!
-Asking friends to help me limit my intake. I just either ignore their advice completely or it makes me feel controlled and I binge anyway.

I feel like I am going insane. I think, beyond my depression, this is the main thing holding me back in life. I don't socialise when I feel like binging/am binging/have recently binged and am massively withdrawing from others, just so I can hurt myself like this. I always feel disgusted after - and generally during, but I can't seem to stop myself. Even when it makes me feel ill and bloated :(

Does anyone have any advice? I feel like I am at a crisis point.


  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    My recommendation: You admit you are at a crisis point, seek some professional help - a doctor or eating disorder specialist. That is a great 1st step. I sought help, got into cognitive behavioral therapy and it helped greatly. My physician also prescribed medication (prozac is often prescribed for bulimia) which also helped.

    I truly understand the anguish and shame of binging. I would encourage you to consider a few ideas: do not weigh yourself and stop all dieting and restricting activities (and purging if applicable). A majority of professionals will advise the same. I dont know of anyone who beat the binge until they stopped dieting and restricting.

    There are a couple great books I have read on this subject. I found that "Brain Over Binge," "Ditching Diets," (Gillian Riley) and "Normal Eating," (Karen Koenig) were all very helpful to me.
  • Thanks for the advice. I need to book a doctors appointment really... I don't feel that motivated at the moment though, haven't had much success with them in the past. I'll look up those books though, it's always good to read a new perspective on things :)
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    When you are ready to make a change (and usually that is when you are at a crisis point), you may find working with a doctor much more helpful than in the past. Working on the depression and binge eating at once will be helpful and aspects of CBT and antidepressants will both be a good fit.

    Good luck!
  • Thanks Girlveirnes. I haven't started off today too good....started binging after breakfast. My willpower is lacking today...
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Well posting here is a positive step. Is there another positive step you could take today, such as going for a walk, stretching, calling a friend, sitting out in the sun, getting a doctor's number? Maybe you can pair the binge with something good.

    I'm sorry that it is a tough day. It is really hard to be facing depression and binge eating together. One foot in front of another.
  • Agh, thanks. I'm too ashamed to log any of my binge though :(
    I'm going to try and think of something good to do. I have a bit of an all or nothing approach which I need to work on. How are you doing today?
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Doing OK. I stayed up too late last night so I'm pretty tired. I have been having trouble focusing and getting work done, so I want to get some less thinking intensive things done today. My first goal is to make some returns I need to do.
  • Sorry I haven't replied. Have been having a bad time with food. Not sure how to get out of this rut...My insides are hating me :(
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I know the feeling of frustration when you want to change but feel overwhelmed by starting to take action! However, I think just by posting here and thinking things through you are actually starting to move towards change. Sometimes the pain and frustration needs to build up before we start to take steps.
  • Summerfit321
    Summerfit321 Posts: 142 Member
    I reached this point too. I had to call in sick one day at work because I had eaten so much that. I had extreme abdominal pain and could hardly breathe because of the bloating. I was so scared I thought I would die.
    When I recovered the next day, I overate for a week. No binge was as bad, but I steadily ate too much.
    I find that if I don't restrict, I overeat and become overweight.
    Need to do something too and feel for you.
  • I'm sorry to hear you're struggling Summer :( It sucks.

    Just an update...this week has been up and down. Currently WAY down. I've been trying to eat keto to stabilise my blood sugar and hopefully reduce my cravings and binges. Unfortunately I've had the most awful day today. Non stop eating all day, and I feel physically and mentally awful. I feel like any restriction I place on myself, I bounce back with a binge twice as bad as usual. It's a losing battle. I'm considering trying Prozac again even though I've been on it before and would rather stay clear of anti-depressants because of the side effects. Just feeling low and a bit hopeless...didn't know where to go but here...