August Challenge Sat Aug 23rd to Fri Aug 29th

Getting down to the home stretch here ladies and gents. Yes, a Montana guy checking in at 0400h.. just one of those I can't sleep nights. We survived our match yesterday, today we get to staff/work the match with all the other shooters coming in. Yesterday was a blast, even if it was a long day.


  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    This month sure has gone quick. And I sure am not where I wanted to be. LOL Still plugging along though.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    happy Saturday Folks!

    Mark a day at the range is a good day indeed. Have fun

    Carol please let us know if its 9:30 am or pm. Thanks

    Great Work Howie.

    Heron - Bummer sort of day, hope you're doing better with a new dawn.

    Stacy - Great work with the Pet Therapy, our little buddies do some great things with folks, especially those in long term care. My team mate James T (Therapy) Dogg is a certified Alzheimer Facility Dog, What a lad. I tell folks all the time that he's got more medical credentials than most the people that work in the hospital do.

    If I forgot any follow ups count it to a Senior moment and have a blessed day everybody.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Sounds like it was a stressful week for a few of us. I hope you all had your beer last night and found a happy place. lol

    Mark what's the temps like out there? Sounds like your still having fun regardless of the weather.

    We had a fun week, we traded in our Ford Focus that had the wonderful transmission problems that Ford will not recall. Stay away from the new Focus's until they get that worked out, 2012 - 2014 not sure if they fixed it for this year or not. Anyway we got a Kia Soul and I can not believe the room they give you in those things. No wonder those fat hamsters on the commercial are happy with there car.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are getting ready to go to a memorial service for a friend we lost this week. He was a good man and we know he is getting many rewards in Heaven. RIP Bud St Clair.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Whoops. Re post from other thread

    Saturday. Ended up doing a rest day yesterday started doing squats and by rep 3 or 4 could not control my knee from doing a valgus collapse. Even BW.

    In other news....discovered a great meditation app. Headspace. Free download. I suspect after the first 10 sessions it may cost to continue. I try to do some form of meditation most days, helps both with stress but I think focus too. Which helps me professionally. This app is a great way to try meditation if it's new to you.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Just a quick Saturday check-in. Out of town and having fun!
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Saturday, Doing yard work today, butchering rabbits and cleaning up the shop. Not officially a work out but definitely lot of work. 3-gun match tomorrow...
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Happy Saturday!! Hey, for those of you still in it: I meant 9:30 PM Central Time. I'll repost date and all. Have a great weekend! Check back soon.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Quick check in taking a short break from the garden. No loss thus week but I can fit into my smaller clothes although my measurements are the same. I'll take it!
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry for the confusion. The recording has to be at 9:30pm after the kids are asleep. Here is the info reposted:

    *** Recording of the "Challenge Winners" show.**
    Info for those that think they will be among the few, the proud:
    9:30pm CST Wednesday Sept 3rd.
    Google Hangout (please create a Google+ account - see below)
    Headset mic or some type of headphones and external mic is recommended

    To participate in a google hangout, you need to just go to Google and create an account if you don't already have one. You would then go to the Google+ page and search for Firearms Radio Network. Please "follow" that page (add it to your circles). I am still not sure you have to do this but it seems to make it easier.
    Also - please test out the "Hangouts" if you can find that tab from the google+ page. Just click on it and start a hangout so the software downloads to your device ahead of time.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    OH! And remember how John called us out on his ice bucket challenge?? How many of you have done it yet??

    Here's mine. Thanks John!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Been fishing all day, caught a nice batch of cats and fried them up on the side of the lake!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Sunday Folks.

    Big Congrats to Carol for her Ice Bucket Challenge. Spreading the love is a great thing. BTW I up my donation to ALS by $10 for every one I challenged who follows up and does it. My donation is up to $40, and still growing. I didn't put a 24 hr time limit like some do but there is a limit. So If you do it in the next week and post a url I'll match your completion as stated earlier. Go for it.

    Well its Dead lift Day for me Whoo hoot! this is the last week of my current periodization so next Sunday will be checking my 1RM. Then a deload week. and see where I go from there. Looking hard at doing 6-9 weeks of P 90X3. coupled with a bit of Ex bike Cardio.

    I got the Transformation Recipe Books off of Kiefers site yesterday. Some great Ultra low carb recipes looking forward to exploring those.

    Not a lot else for now. Keep on Jammin' Folks!!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Sunday checking.. moving a bit slow today. Yesterday was a long day at the range at 12 hours. The temps were in the 50's, and it rained the entire day. We are very happy that we shot on Friday, and while it was cool, at least it was not rain. My boots soaked through, my jacket soaked through. I am sure that was worth a TON of calories :D It was still fun, the boys held up as Staff members. Our stage looked like a Louisiana Bayou.. Up here at the house in the mountains it is still raining. They did talk about there being a possibility of snow, but we have not seen any. My wife did fire up the wood stove though.. :)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Sunday morning!

    I swear yesterday all I did was eat and sit on my butt. Ugh. My brother up from TN visiting my mom. Drove the hour and half to her house and back. Was rainy all day so couldn't get out and do much. So sat on couch talking, going through old pictures etc. plus ate three big meals where is usually only eat twice. Ugh. Ugh ugh. I think I had sub 4000 steps for day.

    Ironically the day after I was bragging about hitting 1 million steps in first 90 days of our corporate wellness challenge
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Sunday! And I am tired. ...
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Well its Sunday, A good breakfast, church then a few hours at the range shooting a multi gun course. 100+ at the range my sun and I are wiped out.
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    Yep tired here too. Got a lot done this weekend though. Thought I'd better do a quick check in before I fall asleep and forget.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Sunday its carb nite.