Heavy cream?

mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
Thoughts? My body tolerates it well. I am not a fan of coconut milk in my coffee. This is my stumbling block in each whole 30 I attempt. What to use in my coffee?.... There is an obvious solution to this issue which is to omit the coffee all together for a whole 30. I don't want that though. Maybe that means I should...


  • Kinger138
    Kinger138 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't really see a problem with full fat or fermented dairy, honestly. As long as you tolerate it well, enjoy it, and don't go super overboard, I say have at it. :) There's some good posts on MarksDailyApple.com regarding dairy...maybe read some of them and see where your desire for it lies afteword.

    There's also BulletProof coffe, if you've tried that. I like it, though sometimes I prefer to just go with cream cuz I'm too lazy to bust out the blender. ^_^
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    This is my problem with the Whole 30 in general. If you know for a fact you tolerate a food, then I see no reason to eliminate it. You could just do your own "30 Day Challenge" and make your own rules. It's your body, you know? We are coming up on hte MDA 30 Day Challenge time frame, aren't we? Maybe join that. Since it is "primal" dairy is "allowed" if you tolerate it.

    Well, I don't see it on his site for this year, but still. Follow those "rules".

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Based on my own experience, if one has not eliminated dairy and then reintroduced it, then one does not know if they truly have "no problem" with dairy. I used to justify my dairy consumption all the time with the "it's no problem for me". It took me a YEAR to finally give up dairy for a month and I gave it up in my coffee permanently since then (except on holiday usually). As it turned out, the dairy IS a problem and causes digestive upset and affects my metabolism. I'm ok with a bit of cheese and my butter, but it's a lie to say "dairy is no problem". For me. I think the problem I had with dairy was my refusal to recognize my addiction to it. If going without something for a short time (30 days?) creates mental discomfort that is a warning sign. For me. For instance, my fave veggie is asparagus but I have no mental reluctance with going without for month (not that I need to). That's a healthy relationship with food. My relationship with dairy is not.

    I don't like coconut milk in my coffee either, but with a few tries I LOVE butter (yup still dairy) and coconut oil. Butter is a big step up from the cream since the cream was commercial, pasteurized and had crappy ingredients suck as carrageenan. When I was in the US I saw other crazy ingredients in commercial cream. Not healthy imo, especially for something that is eaten daily.

    Strangely I have even learned to enjoy a black coffee from time to time.

    However, I totally agree that you should DO WHAT YOU WANT. I wouldn't necessarily call it a Whole30 and like Nutmeg's recommendation.

    Personally, I would still recommend to give up the dairy. Just to experiment. It's only a month.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I agree that giving it up for a month to make sure you don'thave a problem is a good point. I was dairy free for about 3 months before re-introducing it without a problem. I did coconut milk in my coffee, well just the creamy part from the canned coconut milk. I also did a month without coffee, and drank various teas instead which I can do dairy free.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Based on my own experience, if one has not eliminated dairy and then reintroduced it, then one does not know if they truly have "no problem" with dairy. I used to justify my dairy consumption all the time with the "it's no problem for me". It took me a YEAR to finally give up dairy for a month and I gave it up in my coffee permanently since then (except on holiday usually). As it turned out, the dairy IS a problem and causes digestive upset and affects my metabolism. I'm ok with a bit of cheese and my butter, but it's a lie to say "dairy is no problem". For me. I think the problem I had with dairy was my refusal to recognize my addiction to it. If going without something for a short time (30 days?) creates mental discomfort that is a warning sign. For me. For instance, my fave veggie is asparagus but I have no mental reluctance with going without for month (not that I need to). That's a healthy relationship with food. My relationship with dairy is not.

    I don't like coconut milk in my coffee either, but with a few tries I LOVE butter (yup still dairy) and coconut oil. Butter is a big step up from the cream since the cream was commercial, pasteurized and had crappy ingredients suck as carrageenan. When I was in the US I saw other crazy ingredients in commercial cream. Not healthy imo, especially for something that is eaten daily.

    Strangely I have even learned to enjoy a black coffee from time to time.

    However, I totally agree that you should DO WHAT YOU WANT. I wouldn't necessarily call it a Whole30 and like Nutmeg's recommendation.

    Personally, I would still recommend to give up the dairy. Just to experiment. It's only a month.

    You just hit one of my hot buttons. Even organic cream often has stuff added. Read labels! I have found three brands of cream in only two local stores that just say "cream" on the label and nothing else.

    Oddly enough, I've found that coconut oil blended into coffee (use a blender --stirring just results in an oil slick) tastes remarkably like a latte to me.

    Oh, and I found out by going off dairy for a month that I can tolerate butter, full cream, and occasional cheese, but the half and half I used to drink in my daily coffee was not doing me any favors.
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    That awful carrageenan! I sometimes use Half and Half. Still commercially processed/pasteurized but says the only ingredients are milk and cream. Maybe that's how they hide the nasty stuff in that too? Maybe they don't have to identify what's in the milk and cream? Oh boy..now I'm getting paranoid! :smile:

    I personally love coconut milk, or doing BP coffee with butter and coconut oil. I do not miss the dairy at all and I used to use those International Delight flavored creamers. I use 1/2 and 1/2 at work when I'm desperate for coffee. I just cannot do it black.

    There are some good recipes out there for paleo coffee creamers - there's a pumpkin spice one that I love, but I save it for the Fall. It has maple syrup in it and I really don't want the sugars.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    No, I think half and half is okay if it's pasteurized, not ultra-pasteurized. (I think the ultra might have carageenan, though I'm not sure).

    I can't do half and half because of the milk protein. The milk fat protects me from reacting to milk protein, but half and half does not have enough fat to do that. Full cream and butter are high-fat enough that the little bit of protein doesn't seem to affect my body. High fat cheese (not part-skim) and sour cream work, too, but I'm careful with those not to have them more than once or twice a week.

    When I used to have coffee with half and half every day or every other day, I didn't realize the effect it was having. It took 30 days off all dairy (and then a week of the runs after having coffee with half and half) to show me the difference. I hadn't reacted to whole cream in coffee, or butter, or sour cream, or cheese, but when I ran out of whole cream and substituted half and half, whoa, Nelly!
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    I think I will give up the coffee. I totally agree that having not eliminated dairy for 30 days that I can not be sure if it bothers me or not.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    My Husband and I have been drinking black coffee for years now. We bought a really good expresso machine and we just drink that everyday... I use to drink coffee with milk and brown sugar ( funny ) what a waste of a perfectly good stomach ache pain free morning right ? I stopped because of the calories, what i did not notice at the time was that the dairy and sugar was killing my stomach..

    so it was double good for me.....

    I tolerate a few tablespoons of Organic Heavy Cream with Berries a few times a week.. milk is out 100%...

    you get use the coffee black. i use it really just to wake up now.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Thoughts? My body tolerates it well. I am not a fan of coconut milk in my coffee. This is my stumbling block in each whole 30 I attempt. What to use in my coffee?.... There is an obvious solution to this issue which is to omit the coffee all together for a whole 30. I don't want that though. Maybe that means I should...

    I use cream as well. Just maks sure to limit the dose. I try to keep it to one tbsp.