
Tell us who you are, and where you fit into the LGBT, Pagan, Geek, Gamer circles. :)
Feel free to include your fandoms and favorite games, links to Steam or Raptr Profiles, etc. :)

I'm Lesbian, Pagan (Discordian Odian specifically), Geek and gamer.

I love FPS, Action story games and anything survival/building oriented (Minecraft, Don't Starve, 7DTD)
I geek over: RWBY, Firefly, Sherlock, Glee, Avatar TLA/TLK, Adventure Time, Kingkiller Chronicles, Dresden Files, Frozen (and other awesome Disney stuff), Music, Musicals, Pentatonix, and so much more.

I'm on Steam and Raptr. My Steam Profile My Raptr Profile
Feel free to friend me on either!



  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Hey all, I'm Erienne

    I fall into the LGBT spectrum, I used to game but I just don't anymore, and total geek. THat's about it. I'm certainly not as gung ho as a lot of people with my fandoms, but they include:

    Star Wars
    Lost Girl
    Harry Potter

    and more.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Hey! I'm Sini :3

    I guess I fall into the geek and gamer part of this group :) I enjoy playing a lot of different games, right now playing Legend of Zelda: a link between worlds.. I also like to watch anime and scifi shows. Some favorites: Star Trek, Stargate, Farscape, Doctor Who and from animes: DBZ, Kuroko no Basket, Ah My Goddess, FMA etc. :3

    Nice to meet you all ^^
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    Hey folks! I'm JD and i'm kinda all over this spectrum lol. I'm pagan, queer/Trans identified and I have some geek in me too lol.

    I don't do video games ...mostly because I fail miserably at using the controllers :P but I love board games.
    But I like some comics like the Tank Girl series.

    I'm obsessed with anything zombie/horror related .. the walking dead & american horror story &are current favorites of mine but really, that's a wide spectrum of it's own.

    While I enjoy some super hero stuff, I tend to geek out over things like buffy, lost girl and orphan black instead.

    Of course Harry Potter & LOTR are always enjoyable too...
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Hey all. I identify as transgender, preop not post. I have not fully come out, so sometimes I will present myself as female to 'keep up appearances'. It can be uncomfortable being called 'she' and 'her', so I generally prefer to be referred to as he or him. If that's too weird for you because of my 'feminine' profile pic, go ahead and use they, their, them. I don't really like the 'xe' ones, they feel awkward. I'm FtM, if you haven't guessed. Yes, I plan on transitioning one day. I have officially decided I want to start binding and eventually even start HRT. I am 'panromantic'. I have mixed feelings about the term, but I feel it fits accurately as bisexual usually indicates an attraction to male and female. Whereas I have always been open to the possibility of settling down with a transman or transwoman one day. I say romantic, also, because I am asexual.

    Interesting and random fact - I have, at one point or another, identified with every letter in LGBTQ. Because when you are transgender, your sexuality identity is hard to explain. I can seldom explain to people "I identify as male, but am attracted to men, too. So -" At first, I assumed I was a lesbian. Until I fell for a boy. It's a tough thing to explain. Anyway. I feel my experience has helped me better understand and accept everyone in the LGBT community.

    I'm a gamer, too! I play World of Warcraft. I'm a lvl 90 Blood Elf retribution paladin. I need to pay on my account, though. So, for the moment, I just stick to playing Hearthstone. Not nearly the same, but mildly entertaining. I play Pokemon. I own at least one game from every generation. I play The Sims, and I love Left 4 Dead. Lollypop Chainsaw was pretty awesome, too.

    I get pretty obsessed with my fandoms. The usual. Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Adventure time. I'm a manga reader. I prefer manga to anime, but I watch anime, too.

    And I get pretty nerdy about psychology.

    And you can call me Benji. Nice to meet all of you. :flowerforyou:
  • arshness
    arshness Posts: 60
    Nice to meet you all.
    Hello hello!

    Benji, good luck with your transition. I've been close friends with several transgendered individuals in the past. I know a lot about it, and am always here to talk if you need an ear. :)

    I've ironically also identified as almost everything in the LGBTQ spectrum before. I went through a time when I thought I was Trans (FTM) but I got so far with it and realized I was really more "Genderqueer" and that made me much happier than trying to be a man which felt as awkward to me as being a woman did at the time. I eventually embraced my femininity (doesn't happen for everyone, but it did for me) and now I'm finally comfortable in my own skin. I think for me, the journey was the important thing. It taught me to accept the flexibility of the scale of gender and not feel confined by the label or the body. :)

    I thus considered myself once female and bi, once male and gay, genderqueer and pansexual/panromantic, and now I identify as lesbian because I accept my femininity and I'm with my wifey of 14 years. I am still technically pansexual, but eh. :) Also poly-open or poly-curious I suppose we should say, but wifey and I have never found the right addition to our family for that.

    I used to play WoW but I don't really do MMOs anymore. I got into ESO most recently and it was okay but we quit after a month for reasons. I may go back to it eventually if they fix the inventory system.

    Also I'm in the next ArcheAge Beta >_< OMG I DONT NEED TO GET INTERESTED IN ANOTHER MMO! SAVE ME!
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    I'm poly-esque myself, it's just not something that's currently active.

    It's nice to meet you all! Benji, I get where you're coming from and i find that things fluctuate as my hormone levels shift too :) Any of you feel free to add me on here.
  • Theotherkels
    Hi guys!

    I fall into the geek gamer portion of the group - but I'm a big supporter of people doing whatever it is that makes them happy so I love the idea of this little community. I grew up with church pretty much shoved down my throat, and I guess I skew agnostic/atheist these days. Huge fan of games/gaming in general. I tend to play things like WoW/Diablo/Portal/Dragon Age on the PC - I've tried other MMOs and argh, I just don't have time to sink into the lore and learn a new game like I had when I started WoW so it's pretty much my MMO of choice. I'm also a long-time lover of console games (Mario was totally my gateway drug into geekdom and I haven't looked back), I love things like pokemon and final fantasy too.

    We occasionally get some tabletop gaming in, lately it's been Pathfinder - but it's gotten harder now that most of our local group have kids (and they aren't old enough yet to have their own game going!)

    I love Lord of the Rings and Star Wars (don't ask me to choose between the two...I'm not sure I could) and I've been watching Doctor Who since I was about 3 years old (Tom Baker era) so I'm an old school Whovian. I'm an artist by trade (sculptor) and a stay-at-home mom to one geekling.

    Always looking for good like-minded folks to chit-chat with on here while I huff and puff towards a healthier me, so feel free to add me :)
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi All.
    I identify with the Pagan aspect (Wiccan), but I married Geek, so by association I know a bit about Fandom - we do the ComicCon thing, and we LOVE board games, having fairly regular game nights at our house. I am hetero, but am a staunch supporter of people's rights and you'll find me right along side my LGBTQ peers and friends helping pave the way to a more loving world.

    I am happy to find an open, accepting group that appears pretty active, too.
  • MisspelledMe
    MisspelledMe Posts: 33 Member
    Hullo everybody! I'm a lesbian, an atheist, and an aspiring geek. And when my brain is actually being nice to me, I'm a writer and an occasional artist (and also a Weird Creative Person, lol). Fannishly, Welcome to Night Vale is my big Thing right now, but I also like Harry Potter, Monty Python, Hitchhiker's Guide, music, medical dramas (except Grey's Anatomy), science (especially if it's space, dinosaur, earth, or medicine related), Using Capital Letters to Show Emphasis or Importance, fandom in general, baking, weird stuff, paranormal stuff, creepy stuff, words and language, and, er...stuff.

    Nice to meet everyone! :)
  • arshness
    arshness Posts: 60
    Welcome everyone! nice to meet you all!

    Of COURSE we love allies and all straight allies are more than welcome. :)

    I should add that to the front page along with my disclaimer welcoming friendly Christians and Atheists. :)

    I totally forgot to mention that I'm an artist as well... I majored in Illustration at Academy of Art University but my art career was cut short by unfortunate health issues punctuated by De Quervain's syndrome in both wrists which makes it really hard for me to hold a pen anymore. Hopefully treatment will cure that and I can get back to doing what I love. In the mean time, I rarely sketch due to the pain, so I'm a bit out of practice and looking to express my creativity in other ways. It's okay tho. I've been doing sculpting and crafty projects that help keep me sane. :) Made a goddess statue for my coven mates last month. I suppose I can share: 16.21.25.jpg
    (To explain her, she is a whole-universe deity figure. From the void at the hem of her skirt, into the deep ocean, to the spray curling at the top, to the land masses, to the sky with clouds, then into the void of space with the sun at her bosom, and then the moon is her face, and her arms encircling above make up the cosmos (stars and nebula are painted onto them).
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Staci. I fall into the LGBT (I am Bisexual but more pink than purple/blue. Basically if I did not meet my husband I would identify as lesbian and I would not be with a man), gamer, and geek categories. As for religion, well, I'm christian but I don't force my beliefs on anybody and I highly respect all you wiccan/pagans etc's out there. Some of the most spiritual people I know are wiccan/pagan.

    I love all sorts of T.V. shows. Some of my favorites are Supernatural, Lost girl, True Blood, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Star Trek, Grimm, Once upon a time, Defiance, Dominion (so far), The Walking Dead, and Dexter. Also I am getting into Anime.

    I also like to read. I love love love fantasy, historical fiction (the non romancy type), horror and comedy. As someone already said, I love the Dresden files. Also the Iron Druid Chronicles and of course A Song of Fire and Ice.

    I love all types of games (except FPS because I just suck at them). Currently I am working on Divinity: Original Sin, Torchlight 2, and LOZ: Twilight Princess, and Dragon Age: Origins. I used to play MMO's but I don't have anybody to play them with so I just don't play them.

    Also, music. I love all types of Classic rock, Hard rock, and Metal. Some blues and jazz thrown into the mix too.
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    To those of you who I haven't met, hello!

    Seriously loving the group we have going on here :)

    I thought I'd share my breakthrough in finally watching Doctor Who the other night. Day of the doctor and Time of the doctor, while slightly confused I really really enjoyed it. I guess I can add that to my growing list of geekgasms.
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hello Humans!

    Ayla here, I fall into the LGBT spectrum as I identify as Pansexual and yeah I'm a total nerd/geek! For me it's mostly TV, Movies and books that I nerd out over but I also love a good Call of Cthulhu RPG or board game and while I'm horrible at them I LOVE playing video the moment I'm stuck on Mass Effect. I limped my way through all 3 earlier this year and can bring myself to leave that world so I'm gonna go through again. The TV & Movies that I love would take way too long to list but the tops at the moment are:

    Supernatural - Been watching since the beginning and will be a loyal fan for life, no matter how many times they break my heart.:sad: :brokenheart: :cry: :brokenheart: :sad:
    Doctor Who- I'm still trying to get into the older Doctow Who episodes but I LOVE all the newer stuff
    Teen Wolf- I know, I know but but but STEREK.....
    Firefly- Browncoat for life!
    Stargate SG1 & Atlantis - I pretend that Universe one never happened
    Sherlock :heart:

    I read mostly LGBT romance & Sci-Fi/Fantasy- My go to authors are Nalini Singh, Jim Butcher, Gini Koch, Amy Lane, Rhys Ford, Megan Derr....seriously there are so many it's room is overrun by books and my iPad is full of them.

    I like going to conventions and hanging out with others who love the same things as me. This year I'm going to GRL & ChiCon since they are back to back in Chicago....where my favorite book series The Dresden Files takes place....

    When it comes to religion I respect everyone's right to believe what they want, I identify as agnostic with my own ideas on spirituality & energy. Always willing to listen and discuss but I'm very firm on my beliefs.

    Umm...I'm sure there is so much more that I could say but I don't want this post to be ginormous! I can always use new friends so feel free to send me a request just reference this group :smile:
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    Hello Humans!

    Ayla here, I fall into the LGBT spectrum as I identify as Pansexual and yeah I'm a total nerd/geek! For me it's mostly TV, Movies and books that I nerd out over but I also love a good Call of Cthulhu RPG or board game and while I'm horrible at them I LOVE playing video the moment I'm stuck on Mass Effect. I limped my way through all 3 earlier this year and can bring myself to leave that world so I'm gonna go through again. The TV & Movies that I love would take way too long to list but the tops at the moment are:

    Supernatural - Been watching since the beginning and will be a loyal fan for life, no matter how many times they break my heart.:sad: :brokenheart: :cry: :brokenheart: :sad:
    Doctor Who- I'm still trying to get into the older Doctow Who episodes but I LOVE all the newer stuff
    Teen Wolf- I know, I know but but but STEREK.....
    Firefly- Browncoat for life!
    Stargate SG1 & Atlantis - I pretend that Universe one never happened
    Sherlock :heart:

    I read mostly LGBT romance & Sci-Fi/Fantasy- My go to authors are Nalini Singh, Jim Butcher, Gini Koch, Amy Lane, Rhys Ford, Megan Derr....seriously there are so many it's room is overrun by books and my iPad is full of them.

    I like going to conventions and hanging out with others who love the same things as me. This year I'm going to GRL & ChiCon since they are back to back in Chicago....where my favorite book series The Dresden Files takes place....

    When it comes to religion I respect everyone's right to believe what they want, I identify as agnostic with my own ideas on spirituality & energy. Always willing to listen and discuss but I'm very firm on my beliefs.

    Umm...I'm sure there is so much more that I could say but I don't want this post to be ginormous! I can always use new friends so feel free to send me a request just reference this group :smile:
    I love stargate!
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    Hi, I'm Hayley. :) I don't have as much time for geekery as I used to, but I'm still about. I grew up on a steady diet of Star Trek and Xena: Warrior Princess, and just went on from there. ;)

    Am pagan, running my local moot, and also a Kemeticist
    Am asexual
    Love fantasy RPGs, particularly anything Elder Scrolls
    Read and write fanfiction - fandoms: Elder Scrolls, Star Trek, Stargate: Atlantis, Grimm, Suits, Baldurs Gate, Firefly, Zoids
    Read original fantasy, classics, crime novels
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    My name is Maelyn. I am bisexual, just not really done much with women. I don't date, mostly because I tend to have awkward silences. The other reason is trying to find someone I can have a real conversation with that goes beyond the weather or that I sound like a multi-dactyl squeeze ball (I scream by a rapid inhalation instead of exhalation making the sound of mouse being stepped on. When I am startled, usually when I lose my balance, instead of an 'eek' it's an 'eeboo') I am like my cat and ravens; I am attracted to shiny things and will swat at shimmering dust knowing it is really just dead skin, dirt, and mites. As for other identifiers I am a tabletop gamer and still MUSH. I am also pagan/eclectic wiccan (Faery/Celtic/Green/Kitchen).

    Geeking Out Over:
    Sheltering Sky. (MUSH), currently not playing as I lost my connection too long. I will probably be making a new character there. The game is original World of Darkness Revised. port 2601.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    My name is Maelyn. I am bisexual, just not really done much with women. I don't date, mostly because I tend to have awkward silences. The other reason is trying to find someone I can have a real conversation with that goes beyond the weather or that I sound like a multi-dactyl squeeze ball (I scream by a rapid inhalation instead of exhalation making the sound of mouse being stepped on. When I am startled, usually when I lose my balance, instead of an 'eek' it's an 'eeboo') I am like my cat and ravens; I am attracted to shiny things and will swat at shimmering dust knowing it is really just dead skin, dirt, and mites. As for other identifiers I am a tabletop gamer and still MUSH. I am also pagan/eclectic wiccan (Faery/Celtic/Green/Kitchen).

    Geeking Out Over:
    Sheltering Sky. (MUSH), currently not playing as I lost my connection too long. I will probably be making a new character there. The game is original World of Darkness Revised. port 2601.
    Star Trek - Voyager was my favorite, but I own Enterprise and TNG, and all but 1 movie. Xena - I have all the episodes and have read all the little things that came through in the credits saying "such and such was/was not harmed," like the one that says, "No criminals were redeemed in the making of this film." The Sims, Mordeheim (I still have my skaven and fighting nuns with their war hammers. Search and find games as well. I also geek out over Stephen Hawking's material, do calculus and trig identities to help calm me down. I like logic word puzzles. Oh, and Halo.
  • Shirotora88
    Hello, I'm Jen. I am bisexual but prefer women, I live in Ottawa, Ontario. I am a solitary eclectic witch, whom happens to be an anime lover and a world of warcraft player
  • spookyhandle
    spookyhandle Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! My name is Willow, and I'm crazy excited to have found this group!

    I'm a cis woman and generally identify as bisexual or heteroflexible. However, pansexual with heavy hetero leanings might be more accurate. My husband and I are poly-ish, and kinky. I'm also an initiate of Blue Star Wicca, and run a small grove in my adopted home town of Richmond, VA.

    Right now my geek is focused largely on the Addams Family, and Thor / Marvel. Other things that I tend to get obsessed over include: Tim Burton's earlier films, The Venture Brothers, Batman / Catwoman / anything set in Gotham City, Wonder Woman, Girl Genius, Rat Queens, Welcome to Night Vale, Fairy Tales, Star Trek, Farscape, and all things Whedon (Firefly/Serenity, Buffy, Angel, Cabin in the Woods, Dollhouse). Probably there are other things I'm not thinking of, but that list is already stupidly long.

    I've never been much of a video gamer, but I love playing The Sims, and have very much enjoyed various console RPGs over the years. I am, however, a big board game nerd and my current favorites are Sentinels of the Multiverse and Gloom. I also really enjoy table top rpgs, but no one I know locally has been interested in running a campaign for a couple of years now.

    I'm a certified personal trainer (, a part time cheesemonger-in-training, a professional storyteller and burlesque dancer (, an improvisor (, a goth (, and a feminist (
  • byakkokun
    Oh hai everyone!

    My name's Jess and it's a pleasure to meet you all! As for what I fall under, I'm a pre-op transguy, who's also pansexual, polyamorous, a geek, anime enthusiast, and huge video gamer!

    What I geek about: Cosplay, RPGs & MMORPGs, furry fandom (I have 4 fursonas :-O), all anime & animation in general, art, movies, music, food & booze, science & mathematics, weapon replicas, sports cars, robotics, and much more!

    My Never Ending Anime List: Psycho Pass, Attack on Titan, Hetalia (all of it), Soul Eater, Ouran Host Club, Blood+, Rosario + Vampire,FMA & FMA Brotherhood, Sailormoon, Zoids, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, .hack// Series (especially Sign <3!), Clannad & The After Story, Broken Blade, Kill La Kill, Modoka Magica, Elfen Lied, Pokemon, Digimon, Sword Art Online 1 & 2, Naruto, Bleach, B Gate H Kei - Yamada's First Time, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Wing, G Gundam, Princess Jellyfish, Demon King Daimao, Blue Exorcist, Blue Gender, Special A, etc, etc, etc.

    Fave Movies: Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Wolf Children, V for Vendetta, Pan's Labyrinth, Tangled, Frozen, Wall-E, Fight Club, Gladiator, 300, Drive, etc.

    Fave Video Games: The Legend of Zelda (all series and the biggest fan ever, in life, hahah!), Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Persona, Phantasy Star, Soul Caliber, Mortal Kombat, Dance Central, Need for Speed, Megaman, Mario, etc.

    AnnnnNnNNd, I'll shush up now, hahah xD!