Important stuff will go here one day.
Tell us who you are, and where you fit into the LGBT, Pagan, Geek, Gamer circles. :) Feel free to include your fandoms and favorite games, links to Steam or Raptr Profiles, etc. :) I'm Lesbian, Pagan (Discordian Odian specifically), Geek and gamer. I love FPS, Action story games and anything survival/building oriented…
What anime are you watching right now? What do you like/don't like about it? I'm coming to the end of Bleach and am looking for something new to get into. So I thought I'd turn it into a discussion/recommendation board.
What are you geeking over today?
I've been geeking out over RWBY for a solid while now. I was able to sit down with my bro and watch some of my favorite recent Disney movies since he hadn't seen them (Frozen, Tangled, The Princess and the Frog) so still geeking over that. Also geeking over nature. We've been watching David Attenborough. :) And I'm geeking…
What are you playing today?
So what are you playing today? I'm playing Sanctum 2 with my wifey and daughter, and 7DTD with the whole fam later. :) Correction: We're roleplaying tonight. :D
So I Went Keto
I am LOVING it so far. I lost 5 pounds so easily and I'm eating barely above 1200 calories without being hungry. I said for years that I could NOT do this diet because I hate meat, love veggies and fruit, couldn't give up sodas or sugar, etc... And I finally did it. I kicked caffeine, then soda, then sugar, then bread,…
Feast Days
So how do you handle Feast days? (Sabbats, Esbats, Holidays, etc) Do you give yourself the day off? Try to count anyway? Prepare special meal to avoid the feast part? Or just give yourself a day off but try to keep it sensible? I'm in the latter category. I try to enjoy the feast day because that's part of the celebration…