First Weigh In

Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
FTM, 5'10", 33
Pre pregnancy: 193
At birth: 245
Current: 213
Goal: 170

So excited about this. I have my 6 week OB dr appt on Wednesday. I should be cleared for exercise then.


  • bcs806
    bcs806 Posts: 14 Member
    FTM, 5'2, 29
    Pre-preg: 136
    At birth: 179
    Current: 153
    Goal: 136

    I started working out Tuesday and for mastitis Thursday so I was out of commission. Going to start over next week. I can't wait to shed these last pounds and tone this c/s tummy up.
  • 2nd baby, 5'9" … 26
    Pre-preg: 200
    At Birth: 250
    Current: 230
    Goal: 175
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    Hope you feel better.
  • Second baby 5'3'' 28
    Pre preg 166
    At birth 193
    Current 186
    Goal 145
  • 2nd baby, 32 years old, 5'10"
    Pre preg: 160
    At birth: 220
    Current: 196
    Goal: 155

    Almost 5 weeks post c-section! I've been walking a lot. Ready to start jogging.
  • FTM 5"1, 27
    Pre-pregnancy 150lbs
    At birth 170lbs
    Current 140lbs
    Goal 120lbs
  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
    3rd baby
    height: 5'4"
    prepreg: 140
    right before birth: 176
    current (almost 5 wks pp): 162
    goal: 135-140

    I'm EBF so trying to figure out my calorie needs....I tracked following delivery and don't seem to be losing at 1800-2000 cals so I may have to drop a bit to see a difference. Will be playing around with total amounts to figure it out; not released for exercise yet but doing short walks. I've been stuck at 162 for over 2 weeks now :( Before pregnancy I needed to net about 1200/day to lose weight so I'm thinking about dropping to 1600/day to see if this makes a difference
  • HeyNikkita
    HeyNikkita Posts: 147 Member
    2ND BABY -26, 5'5"
    Pre: 190
    Birth: 214
    Current: 175
    Goal: 135-140

    Trying to eat 1500 cals/day. No exercise or BF calories back.
    Finished Day 6 of 30 Day Shred today.
  • FTM, 5'2", 26
    Pre pregnancy: 142
    At birth: 184
    Current: 151
    Goal: 135
  • 4th time Mom 5"1" 34 years old
    Pre pregnancy: 125
    At birth: 162
    Current: 141
    Goal: 115

    I had 10 pounds to lose from my 3rd pregnancy when I found out I was pregnant with Elliana! It's always been an uphill battle for me to lose the weight. I am excited for some accountability!
  • 2nd time momma ..I'm not sure my pre-preg weight so I'll go with my last weigh in haha

    March 6 weight - 352lbs
    Current weight - 332lbs
    Current Goal - 300 lbs
  • justwinkie
    justwinkie Posts: 6 Member
    FTM, 5'3" 23 years old

    Pre-pregnancy: 145
    At Birth: 152
    Current: 138
    Goal: 115-120

    I had really bad morning sickness and ended up losing about 15 pounds. So in the end I only technically gained 7 pounds. I really want to use this opportunity to get back to my weight when I was 18. I'm going to start off with some pilates tomorrow, and once the days aren't 105 I'm going to go running with LO in the jogging stroller which I'm excited about.
  • Ftm 30 years old
    Pre peg. 154
    At birth 182
    Current. 157
    Goal 130
  • 4th time mom (yikes!)

    Height: 5' 4"

    Pre-pregnancy weight: 115
    Weight before delivery: 145
    Current weight: 134 (my weight is NOT coming off quickly!) at 7 weeks pp
    Goal weight: 115 by New Year's, but I'll take 120

    Current measurements (more important to me):

    Waist: 30
    Hips: 39
    Thighs (each): 20.75
  • FTM

    I don't focuse on weight - just how my pants fit. My size 14 jeans are tiiiiight. Would like to be comfortably back in 10's.
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    I totally understand. I think that is an excellent way to gauge things. That is more important to me as well. Before being pregnant, I was in a size 12 for pants and shorts and size 10 for dresses. Would love to get back down to that. I know I can because I've lost 80lbs before. I just do the scale so I can see the small victories inbetween.
  • FTM, 5'3", 26
    Pre pregnancy: 125
    At birth: 149
    Current: 133
    Goal: 120

    I gained 5 pounds on vacation before I got pregnant. I gained another 29 pounds during my pregnancy. I've got 13 pounds to go! My baby is 8 weeks and I'd like to meet my goal by his first birthday.

    I have a bit of an incentive: I want to be at my goal weight before I get pregnant again. I want to start trying again in July. I have fertility issues so I know it might take awhile.

    Operation Big Brother!
  • Averitia
    Averitia Posts: 1 Member
    2nd pregnancy
    At delivery-202
    Goal-130-this is my first pregnancy beginning weight. I'm 5'3 and would like to be back to size 8
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    raphireed - My hope is to be at my goal weight before next pregnancy as well. Is there discussion of when you would like to be prego again? I'm hoping to start trying after my current LO is 1 yr old. gives me 10.6 months.
  • I want this baby to be at least 2 but preferably 3 when he becomes a big brother. One baby in diapers at a time! However, I have PCOS (I don't ovulate without pills and a shot typically) and one blocked Fallopian tube. It took me almost a year to get pregnant this time and it was a miracle it didn't take longer. I plan to go off the mini pill when this baby is a year old and take it from there.

    It sounds like we have similar goals! Is your baby a boy or a girl?