need some clean eating mfp friends!

xMillyLouisex Posts: 171 Member
would love some more clean eating friends, im really trying to clean eat as much as i possibly can and doing well (except for battling my diet coke addiction which is completely ruining it!! :noway: ) but do feel so much more healthier but getting bored of my food choices and still getting my head round it so would love some other mfp friends to swap some recipes and tips etc :)


  • chrise2
    chrise2 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey you can add me for a friend. I am always trying new recipes and need the motivation.
  • lnxjenn
    lnxjenn Posts: 64 Member
    I also try my best to eat clean but i'm not very successful! You are welcome to add me. Today's journal is not a good example of my usual eating habits! (more like old habits). I could use support as well!

    If you want some awesome recipe ideas, I have several. WOuld it be worth posting them in the forum?
  • twiggysunshine
    twiggysunshine Posts: 18 Member
    Clean eating is new to me also. I try to eat clean as much as I can. Would like to swap some ideas. Feel free to add me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I eat pretty "clean" (but rarely use the word). But, I don't log my food. I do mention my meals, and sometimes post recipes on my profile and in my group "the perimeter shoppers". Feel free to add me.
  • mustangEvie
    mustangEvie Posts: 39 Member
    You can add me!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi guys, im getting abck into MFP after a little hiatus and have been clean eating for last 3 months. loving it and would like some more clean eating friends, Feel free to add me and just tell me you are a clean eater if you can at the same time. :)
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    Feel free to add me! I cook about 95% clean (but I don't limit myself as much at restaurants haha).
  • Stacy_of_Oregon
    Stacy_of_Oregon Posts: 28 Member
    Hi...this makes my 2nd week on MFP and also my 2nd try at clean eating. Like the original poster said, I have a soft drink addiction (only mine is caffeine free Diet Pepsi).

    My first attempt at clean eating was about a year ago, by reading Tosca Reno's books. The recipes either a.) tasted awful or b) required ingredients not available in my rural community.

    I'm looking to be 80/20 clean because...
    1.) Eating clean when those around you aren't is isolating (there's no way my husband is going to clean eating)
    2.) My in-laws invite us over ALL THE TIME for BBQs and their menu is far from clean. I've tried bringing healthy side dishes, but I end up being the only one eating them while my brother-in-law smells them.
    3.) I believe in moderation

    I do, though, want to get rid of the soft-drink addiction and the designer coffee addiction. The Mocha Freezes I drink are 444 calories each, and sometimes I have 2-3 a day. No wonder I need to lose 50 pounds.

    I'm not just wanting to eat clean for weight loss, but also for health. There's a saying that if you can't pronounce one of the ingredients in your food (or you don't know what it is), then you shouldn't be eating it.
  • robinc527
    robinc527 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I have been a quite sometime. In the past I would mostly just exersise alot and count calories but not really pay attention too much to what I eat. Over the last year or so I've gained 30 pounds and I just can't seem to make my weight budge! It used to be so much easier! lol. anyways, I just started this clean eating thing. It's only been a couple of days but all ready a little frustrated with it. I just feel hungry all the time and my food that I am eating is boring and not very flavorable. I would love some help and ideas. :) oh, and I also struggle with not wanting to give up my creamer in my coffee. I'm trying to cut down but I really enjoy that!
  • mn3stevens
    mn3stevens Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on day 26 of eating clean. I dove in and gave things up cold turkey. It was a dramatic shift. I chose to do it to rid my body from all the garbage it's been fed for so long. Eating clean is a part of my new meal plan and workout plan to achieve lean and toned results in my physique. And I also need new friends that have similar eating habits in mind. Yes, it can get boring sometimes but then you have these A-HA days which are awesome. Please add me to your friends list. :)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi my name is Joy I eat clean most of the time and have an open diary. I love running and lifting weights.
  • GoThinGirl
    GoThinGirl Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I am also try to eat clean every day. Lately I've been reading up on JJ Virgin's plan, but haven't tried it yet. Please add me. I have an open diary. I love working out. I normally average about 6 workout days each week.
  • Sugar addiction is the worse! I used to be addicted to dare/ice coffee milk drinks! I miss them too.
    Anyway I'm striving hard to really have the healthiest diet possible at the moment so feel free to add me if you want to chat! :)
  • SCW250
    SCW250 Posts: 21 Member
    I usually see good ideas in magazines or google a meat to build a meal around for lean meals. You can find good stuff on the web
  • What I found sustainable for me really is only the 80/20 rule, 80% of the time healthy, 20% healthy or not, depending on the Situation. It makes it easier for me to eat over 80% o.t. time healthy because I always tell myself that his meal is far from the last one I'll ever get to eat and I won't miss out on anything. Takes away the stress :) If that makes sense
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I'm working on eating clean, at least by my definition. - it's definitely the destination I'm heading towards. I am eating mostly home cooked food, but I do eat a lot of processed meats (sausage) and some packaged starches like quinoa cakes.
  • I guess it's probably an 80/20 thing!!! If you can eat clean 80% of the time that's really good I think!!! Really want to eat clean as much as possible!!!
  • I just posted pretty much what you said and had not even read yours!!! Was going to delete my post but will leave to show I totally agree!!!
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member

    I'm on day 8 of Whole 30 and am pretty much eating clean....apart from my 1 mug of good strong black filter coffee in the morning!!!! Pretty much everything else I've been having is home made meals from fresh ingredients....not 100%.....but doing as well as I can. Lots of water (obvs), veg, fruit, fish, poultry, meat, eggs, nuts, healthy occasionally having bacon/ham/sausages but these are all very good quality, high % of meat varieties not the cheapo nasty types. As per whole 30 rules; no booze, no dairy, no legumes, no grains, no sugar. Weirdly, I'm not really missing sugar/dairy/booze much but I'm looking forward to reintroducing legumes & brown rice once my 30 days are up. They are considered clean, right?

  • hi...i'm somewhat new to mfp. i am on my first week! trying to figure out how to post and all that.....i try to eat clean as well. since i have been on mfp for a week, i do feel so much better....trying to take it one day at a time. i am also walking 4-5 days a week, and also trying to additionally swim twice a week.

    the challenging time of the day for me is night time....after supper....any suggestions?????
  • hi...what is whole 30?
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member

    Check this out:

    Might not be everyone's idea of 'clean eating' but it's working for me so far.

  • hi....thanks..i did check it out...
    do you find it difficult???
  • jjulliee
    jjulliee Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm probably doing something between clean and Mediterranean, trying to become vegetarian, but close enough. I've found lots of good recipes for homemade salad dressings, packaged seasoning replacements, and quinoa. I'll look for some to share.
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Lori - the first week was pretty tough as I had cravings and was a bit moody & tired....once I got through the weekend, I felt more in on Day 10 and feeling fantastic - loads of energy, positive & happy. And the weight is dropping off and my body is changing.....also my skin is better, my eyes are clearer, my hair is shinier and my nails are stronger. I'm a much nicer person to be around....even my kids told me that I'm being a better mummy!!!! So, takes a bit of work but the results are SO worth it!
  • ashley_144000
    ashley_144000 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm always lookin for mfp friends who eat clean, it's very motivating to me! :) I try and eat clean most of the time, except when I go out to eat or around thanksgiving/Christmas etc. or if it's Saturday. But I love eating clean! It makes me feel great & makes my skin clear, hair shine & all that good stuff!
  • just wanted to share this link as i was browsing the web one day.
    any one is welcome to add me as a friend.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    You can friend me, but I haven't been tracking my food lately.... I've tracked in one form or another for the past 10 years and I'm finding it liberating to NOT track for a bit. I'm sure I will get back to it, but for now I just eat clean and avoid the processed foods. I find I don't need to worry about the calories in/calories out when I do that. :smile:
  • anjol35
    anjol35 Posts: 15 Member
    You can add me as a friend!
  • I can share recipes with you. I'm still personally confused by the clean eating movement. To me it is just how you eat, that's the way we were brought up. Honestly I get a little disgusted with how complicated some of the recipes get. It seems like magazines are having a contest as to who can put the most inconvenient ingredients to find into their recipes. It is about getting back to the basics and doing it well. Here is a personal favorite:


    Put broccoli into pot. Just barely covering with water. Add some salt.
    When broccoli is cooked run it, liquid and all through your blender or use an immersion blender.

    I know it doesn't sound like much, but if you like broccoli soup, it's really good.

    Make it as thick or thin as you want simply by draining or adding water.
    Add cream if you want cream of broccoli.
    I've even dumped leftover soup into the crock pot as part of a venison stew.

    Recipe for soup was courtesy of Chef Gordon Ramsey.