Nutrition and Calories

queenierz Posts: 210 Member
Do you guys count how many calories you eat per day? And what do you do when you have to eat out almost everyday? It's quite hard to control like what Kayla suggested and she didn't specify how many calories we should eat :(


  • meg2013jeffries
    I usually keep a mental note of how many calories I'm taking in a day. If I am feeling really ambitious, I'll log it into myfitnesspal. HOWEVER, I eat a lot of food and meals that I cannot and do not have the ability to pick apart every ingredient. SO, I just make sure I'm eating clean. Every person's definition of eating "clean" is different. My boundaries include; all natural, no preservatives, whole grains, non-fat dairy, no added sugars. It's very simple, and allows me to eat a variety of yummy foods!

    When I keep track of my calories & try to find a limit, I used my BMR. Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is an estimate of how many calories you'd burn if you were to do nothing but rest for 24 hours. It represents the minimum amount of energy needed to keep your body functioning, including breathing and keeping your heart beating.
    Your BMR does not include the calories you burn from normal daily activities or exercise. So I looked and my own BMR is 1,266. Therefore, I need to either eat that many calories to maintain the same body weight, or I need to have a deficit of calories. I try to burn 500 calories a day (which is really really easy with Kayla's BBG) so that I have that deficit, so I can lose weight.

    Here's a link to find you BMR!

    When I go out to eat, I usually just get a salad, steak, or some sort of chicken entre.
    Good Luck Girl!

    XOXO Meg
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    I use MFP to track my foods. I eat approx. 1600 calories a day, sometimes more on exercise days, sometimes less on rest day. I use the BMR vs TDEE method (BMR = base metabolic rate, which is the number of calories your body burns just functioning to stay alive i.e. breathing, circulating blood if you were lying completely still etc...TDEE = total daily energy expenditure, which is the number of calories your body burns by living and moving each day i.e. all functions of the body including exercise)

    I never go below my BMR (1371) and endeavour to keep below my TDEE (I have a fitbit so that's pretty easy to calculate). You should never go below your BMR as it's unhealthy.

    If you want to lose weight, you should eat below TDEE but above BMR.
    If you want to maintain weight, you should eat the same amount as your TDEE.
    If you want to gain weight, you should eat above your TDEE.

    There are a heap of TDEE calculators online if you don't have a fitbit.