First Challenge

Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
Drink 100 oz per day. I think that should be our first challenge. Try to cut out all those sugary drinks.


  • I am in! I really hope this helps get me on track! Thank you :-)
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    Glad I could help. I think a challenge each week is a good idea.
  • A challenge once a week is a great idea! :) I am in!
  • I'm game! These challenges sound fun!
    I think having a group will help me stay focused!
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    Just so you all know that is equivalent to 12.5 - 8 oz glasses, 6 - 16.9 oz bottles, or 5 - 20 oz bottles.
  • I'm in. I was so good during pregnancy and terrible now
  • Just so you all know that is equivalent to 12.5 - 8 oz glasses, 6 - 16.9 oz bottles, or 5 - 20 oz bottles.

    Or just over 3 - 32oz bottles. That's the size I use. :)

    I definitely did not meet this challenge today. We went to a community event for 3 hours, and I forgot my water bottle. :embarassed:
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    How did everyone else do?? I drank 6.5 - 16.9 oz water bottles today. So I succeeded wonderfully. Hoping I can keep the trend going. I know what it's like to forget your water bottle. I have done it several times myself. I'm getting better at it though.
  • I drank around 90oz of water. yesterday. Pretty standard for me! I also had my morning latte... trying to figure out a way to have my coffee in the mornings with out all the sugar... but I sure do LOVE my latte syrups. I tried the sugar free latte syrup and it was TERRIBLE!

    Anyone have any ideas of how to make it less sugary, but also still sweet? I don't like the taste of artificial sweeteners. :/
  • justwinkie
    justwinkie Posts: 6 Member
    Oooh I'm totally in! I love having this, because I'll know other people are going through the same thing and that just makes it so much easier for me to WANT to do this. I like the idea of a challenge a week, too.
  • This is a great challenge! I don't measure my water, but I can always tell if I'm hydrated or if I need to drink more water (hint: restroom). I keep a half gallon of water by my bed and a half gallon of water in the living room where I breastfeed.
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    I failed yesterday. only about 5 glasses worth. :/ Oh well, I'm on track so far today. half way there.
  • Karebear581
    Karebear581 Posts: 50 Member
    Didn't do so well today or yesterday. My butt is getting kicked by this challenge. I am probably drinking more than I did though, so I will take that.
  • BethlovesRene
    BethlovesRene Posts: 85 Member
    this has been working for me to keep me mindful of how much water I'm consuming. I try to drink 3, 32 oz containers each day. I've noticed I drink one throughout the day and drink the other two mostly in the evening. Wish I was better at spreading it out!