Weekly weigh in for Wednesday August 27th

jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
Kicking this off for us....

Guess what! I have stayed the same Haha......becoming a habit but quite a good one in view of all the weekends away I have had recently..........

One day in Devon I chose a glass of wine over a cream tea ( scone, jam and clotted cream) then I had diet coke instead of another wine...I didn't have the ice cream I had planned to have and I declined cream and marshmallows on my hot chocolate...... and I felt so good! :bigsmile:

Now I have a few weeks of staying at home hoping to manage to drop a couple of pounds....so watch this space! :tongue:



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jean, congrats on maintaining while away. Those victories are what keeps us motivated, don't they?

    Me: I'm still up from last week. Last Wednesday 171. This Wednesday 174. But since I saw 179.5 in between, I'm not complaining. Just hate losing those same pounds over again.

    I am feeling better so I'm back to my exercise routine. I have been doing my resistance bands (thanks, Marian!) and lower body workouts. I alternate most of the time. Won't hit the 170 mark by Sunday, I'm afraid, which was my goal.

    See the cardiologist tomorrow. He will be happy for me since he was urging me to have bariatric this time last year at 238 pounds and BMI of 45. Now with 174 and a BMI of 32.9, I don't even qualify for the surgery. Really hope he can cut some meds.

    Next week I'll use my Tuesday weight as I will be leaving for vacation that day! I will be careful, but I do plan on enjoying that Québecois food!
  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Well, I'm down 1.5 pounds today which is 1 pound below my goal weight so I opted to set another goal weight -5 more pounds. That will mean I have 4 pounds more to go. That's my final goal. Then will come the problem of maintaining. As this is an extra 4 more pounds to go, I'm not in a great hurry to lose it.
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all...I am happy to report that I am down 1 lb this week. I always wish it was more, but try to remember the journey is long :wink:

    As always, thank you to everyone for their feedback and support, it definitely helps me to keep focused. I am glad to see that everyone is doing well and continues to make progress towards their goals. I have some high level goals for the year, particularly for my annual visit to the cardiologist in late October. I am sure with the encouragement from this group, I will be able to, hopefully hit those goals.

    I hope everyone has a great long weekend!

    - JB
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Good Day Everyone, Happy Wednesday! :flowerforyou:

    Jean, brilliant day in Devon, quite the accomplishment to say no to many of our favourite things, but you managed to enjoy your glass of wine still!

    Charlie, so happy those 'mystery' phantom pounds are going away! I bet your cardiologist won't recognize you! Hopefully you will be able to reduce some meds, I will be thinking of you!

    Computershateme, well done on your loss and good luck going forward to your new goal! Good stuff indeed!

    Happy to report I lost 1 pound this week. This was a very pleasant surprise as out the 7 day period I had 2 days well over goal - those dastardly cookie and ice cream attacks ! :sad: Another 2 days were at the top range of my goal and I didn't walk as much as I had hoped! So, I get on the scales , eyes closed and holding my breath and fully expected no change or maybe an increase! Low and behold I was down a pound! I didn't believe it, so stepped on the scales again and I got the same reading - hey I'm not proud, I will take it! :wink:

    I plan to be extra careful these next few days so it will stay off!

    Good luck on this week, all the best in your efforts, keep trying as it much better than giving up and going down that slippery slope! Cheers, Marian
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hey JB, our paths crossed, really glad to hear of your loss, they ALL add up, you are doing great, always downward you go, really, really positive results!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Great job of reporting-in Everyone!smileys-happy-751965.gif

    Checking in for Aug 20th — Aug 27th

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Maintained weight
    -- Wore swimsuit on public beach and felt good about how I looked
    -- Did not eat junk food at Tall Ship Festival even though it smelled so good!!pirates5B15D_th.gif

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Do "real" exercise and don't rely on de-cluttering the house for calorie burn
    -- Start to watch sodium — even though I'm in a desert, I need to be aware
    -- Don't overdo the comfort food due to dental work this week.krank_0036.gif

  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Inspirational reading how everyone is doing!

    Zigzagged this week, 2lbs up, 2lbs down, ending up same as a week ago.

    Better news, had six months physical and statins were able to be cut down again -- They were cut in half six months ago and my cholesterol still dropped (from 150s to 135) -- so now on 25% of last years dose. Blood work numbers looking goods, with sugar, A1C both coming in a bit lower than last year. Doctor wanted to see MFP on my phone, and liked it a lot, think he will recommend it to patients. Spreading the word!
  • Happy Wed to all-
    I'm on the road til Monday - a week in the motorhome with no scales. Scarey!

    I've been mostly good, only a little bad. Hardest part has been keeping up with my walking. I have my fingers crossed I will at least be the same next week :wink:
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    hello all, Everyone sounds like they had a very positive, productive week. Great going !: happy:

    . Wooken, It took me a couple of readings, but then my eyes opened and I got the quote: How true - I hate to sweat and work out but I hate even more trying to cover myself up and not wanting to go to the beach while I'm visiting the kids because of the way I look :embarassed:

    - Down 2 lbs. this week so I'm happy - I would love to be in the place that many of you are with having weight loss in the double digits but hey, I keep reminding myself - I'm in for a loonngg haul and it isn't going to happen overnight (or in a few weeks ::ohwell: )
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Beginning to realize what giving support and getting support looks like. And realized YOU ARE MY SUPPORT! Thanks for being here and I am happy you are such positive minded people about losing weight.

    My progress is amazing because I have NOT been losing weight for years, but rather gaining. I have lost 7 lbs now since July 1st. Started at 155 and weigh 148 today.

    Good luck to everybody in this upcoming week!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Very happy to read your success stories. My weight stays between 148 and 150. Since it just doesn't want to budge, I still bulge.

    Happy Trails,

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi there all of my dear MFP friends!! :flowerforyou:

    Congrats to everybody!! :happy: This is such a rock'n group!!

    Here are my stats:

    wed 8/6 248.4
    Mon 8/11 246.2 - 2.2
    Wed 8/20 247.8 +1.6
    Wed 8/27 244.6 - 3.2

    My goal for August was to weigh 243 lb. If I try real hard I might make that by Sunday (if I don't count those tenths that are part of the number LOL) - we will see! :bigsmile:

    I will be in Colorado next week - will check in if I can, but will catch up when I get home.
    I am taking both my scale for weighing me, and my food scale with me. Larry will probably have a fit, but OH, Well!!

    Hope each of you have a great evening/day!!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    I am a day late but at least not a dollar short. Last night, I was just to sleepy to do anything on my iPad. The advantage is that my day starts off by reading all your positive posts.

    First of all, congratulations to all you weight losers out there. Reba, smilesback, computershate, JB, Marian, cloeyeddie. t2027.gif That makes you winners not losers.

    Jean. I think your post highlighted a big part of the learning process with MFP and that is how to make choices. I'm not sure I could give up cream tea if it was in front of me though. :love:

    Claudine. Good luck breaking out of your plateau. Just keep doing the right things for you and it will happen.

    Charlie. I hope all goes well at the cardiologist today and you feel better for your vacation. Great food in La belle province but beware of that poutine. :laugh:

    W3. What an awesome NSV to feel good in a bathing suit!

    Vespertide. Congratulations on getting the statins lowered.

    I'm very happy with my weight loss this week especially as the last month was so slow. I now only have 1 pound to get to the bottom of my "goal range" of 137-140. Then I will start playing with the numbers and start the next phase.

    To my American and Canadian friends have a fun and safe Labor/Labour Day weekend.

    Wanda t4437.gif
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    YAY WANDA! I want to be you someday soon :happy: love your emoticons btw.