8/25. Last Monday for August!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
We were missing people this weekend. Hope all is Well!

Another month is nearly past us, but it was a good month for us for sure!

Check In.
How was last week and your goals?
What are you wanting to achieve this week?
How's today going??



  • liferunner259
    Checking in. Eating was lame. I started my two week goal of eating lean meats, fruits, veggies and NO junk food or alcohol (we'll see how that goes).
    Goals last week were not achieved. Made poor choices and . . . honestly, I didn't care.This week, I am determined to succeed at this two week goal. This week, I'm going to eat better, I've started doing P90X3 and Sunday my hubby and I are going for a long hike with our son, his girlfriend, and her parents. I'm looking forward to the hike but concerned for my husband. His back tends to go out when he least expects it. So . . .
  • GMStb10
    GMStb10 Posts: 158 Member
    I have been MIA, did not wont to be accountable for my poor choices.

    I'm finding best guesses for foods are not helpful, and suffering a bit from the oh well I'm over mayas well eat more. Grrrr so silly, behaving like a child, any ideas how to listen to the adult self to meet my goals.

    Last week was great could see me moving forward and the sat night blew it, sunday so bad and today just sad. One step forward and two back.
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    Last week was rough for me - lots of unexpected health issues came up for my daughter as we were getting her ready to go away to college. Add stress, travel and high emotion and I had a few WTF moments. I did continue to track my eating even during those times which kept me oddly on-track for the most part. Very glad I didn't gain weight - small accomplishment but yay!

    Goals for this week (given also traveling):

    Monday and Thursday meet with trainer, Wednesday Orange theory and 30 min + walk with hubby while we are out of town.

    Eating - continue tracking and staying within 1,300 net calories/day. Honestly, I'm not going to be picky about protein/carb/fat composition this week.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    I have been having a rough time y'all. Like many of you my eating choices have been poor. I ate bad all weekend and today. You would think I was trying out for a hot dog eating contest. I binged today on pizza. I have a business trip to go on tomorrow until Friday and will use that time to reconnect with not only my goals but also myself. I think being away from home and being alone will help me get back on track. I went and bought tuna, apples, multigrain crackers, and 3 gallon jugs of water to take with me. The hotel I'll be staying in does have a gym so I will continue to workout.

    This week goal is to simply get back on track, for real. I am so upset that I can do so good then completely fall off the truck. We can all do this....
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I had a pretty good week last week. I lightened up on my exercise a bit , so this week I'm going back at it! I'm going on a trip next weekend, so another short week for me.

    Today I was off work... I am still doing the vegetarian thing and will be continuing till Friday. I went for a run today and then to the gym tonight. I took a 30 min class called buts n guts. It was tough, but good for strengthening . I mostly felt it in my legs. Then I did 20 min on treadmill.

    Breakfast was a smoothie, lunch a portobello mushroom sandwich with roasted red pepper and havarti cheese. Dinner was a flatbread mushroom pizza, I guess it was a mushroom day!

    I ordered naturebox snacks and got them over the weekend. They are excellent snacks! You get 5 different snacks and the 1st month was $10 off but you have to sign up for a monthly subscription. It's all healthy and stuff so I figure I'd try it.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    LifeRunner - Sorry to hear about the bad week. Let me know how you like P90X3, though. I have P90X but no longer have time for it and have been eyeing P90X3. Good luck on the new eating plan!

    GMstb10 - I know how you feel, I was there this week too. Seems like a number of us were, lol. Don't give up, today's a new day. I blew yesterday, Sunday, Saturday, and Friday - but I have today! We can do this and get back on track!!!

    Mere144 - Hope your daughter is ok and hopefully she likes college. It can be rough. Great job tracking even so, I need to get back to doing that.

    Texas - lol. Sorry, your hot dog eating contest comment made me laugh. I'm in the same boat though. However, honestly, I'm glad I can fall off track and get back because then I know even if I have something happen where I'm forced off track, I know I can come back even then. I don't like easy changes, just not my thing. :) Good luck for this week. I'm sure you'll do a 180!

    Kashaas - I hope you have a good upcoming trip!!!. How do you like the vegetarian thing? I eat way too much meat to swtich over anytime soon, but it sounds interesting.

    My Monday - sucked food and water wise. Food was binge eating as (Again) I ate my way too late. Water was only 23oz, horrible, I know. And exercise was thanks to work again. I had to roll my calves out using a ball on the floor with my leg on them, trying to massage out the muscle. It feels like I'm just setting myself up to get a Charlie Horse if I can't get them to relax and stretch out. :(

    Anyway. that was my Monday. I know I'm a day late, but going to keep trying!
  • HurricaneSadie
    Checking in. Sorry I haven't posted, works been busy and you can't access groups from the app :(
    I had an ok week. I allowed myself my weekend treat of my favourite pizza takeaway which cheered me up, though a friend visited on the Sunday and persuaded me to have another takeaway :( but gpt myself back on track. Struggling this week as I'm in that week where I just want to eat everything and sleep (being female sucks sometimes lol) but I am getting through it. On Saturday I am at an all day and night hen do which I was asked to organise by my friend so I know that will be a bad day for eating and drinking but im determined to make up for it before and after so I can enjoy the day. I'm just dome day 7 of my 30 day shred and im doing really well with that :)