Surgery scheduled and on the board

sistersoe Posts: 13 Member vsg is scheduled for next Friday 9/5/14....and I didn't cry when I nearly snatched the door off my mailbox and saw the old familiar BCBS envelope. Words cannot express how I am feeling right now except, move over fat clothes, the ladies from the back are stepping up to the front of the closet :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: How bad does this procedure hurt? I'm kinda of a wuss when it comes to pain. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    Congrats and we'll prep your spot on the losers I had RNY not VSG but my pain was non existent, I stayed on my pain meds for 4 days after coming home just to be proactive but after that stopped with no issues. I attribute it to the walking, so that is my best piece of advice. Right after surgery they will have you up and walking. They had me up doing laps on the floor every 2 hours day one and by day two they didn't even need to tell me I was up every hour. I think that is why they let me sleep pretty good on night two haha
  • sistersoe
    sistersoe Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for responding, You are right about getting out of the bed ASAP. I read in several blogs about taking gas x to the hospital and chap stick. I need some cheerleaders on MFP and pray everything will be okay. Yes please save me a spot on the bench. :bigsmile:
  • DiamondRidge
    DiamondRidge Posts: 62 Member

    I had my VSG on 8/26 (this past Tuesday). I have been home since Thursday now. The only time that I have any pain is getting up and down from bed/chair... That being said, my surgeon told me that he had to work harder to get my stomach remnant out because it was bigger than most that he does (go big or go home?) - so, I think most of my tenderness comes from that struggle. I haven't had any pain meds at all since within the first 18 hours of surgery.

    We'll keep a spot warm for you on the losers' bench :)
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I found my surgery to be relatively pain free.
    I had VSG on a Tuesday (June 24/14) had my drain and pain pump removed in Thursday and went home Friday. Since being home I've had one Tylenol a few weeks ago and it was for a headache.

    The only real pain I had was pressure in my chest from the gas. It was weird because it wasn't had pain if that makes any sense. Lol
    Felt more like something was stuck in my chest. It hurt to sip water. I could feel it going all the way down. It would get stuck in my chest then go down.

    That pain is gone now. I can drink water just fine and I can take pretty big sips.

    Good luck to you!
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I sent you a friend request
  • sistersoe
    sistersoe Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Miss Diamond. you are back home and everything is good. Did you have to do the liquid pre- op? How much weight have you lost?