August 31, 2014

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy birthday Sherry!!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Redid my playlist so tomorrow's run should be fun just to see if I like it. When I first made my playlist I tried to focus on the beat and tempo of the songs...but some of them I just don't enjoy running to. So I've cleaned it up a bit.

    It's a rest day today, so looking forward to taking it easy.

    Happy birthday Sherry! It's your birthday so you enjoy that cake guilt free! As you pointed out, you can start fresh tomorrow!

    Not much going on today. just finishing my laundry. :). My appetite the day after a long run usually spikes, so my focus today is to make good choices and eat healthy and very filling foods! :)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Nice threadstarter! Feels like my entire Summer has been littered with obstacles (good obstacles, like travel, family parties, etc...but still). To me, all it means is it's going to take me a little longer--but I'm still pointed forward. No quitting.

    Thanks for the wishes. DH of course knows me well and picked a cake so "me" that it's almost TOO much (think: death-by-chocolate). BUT, to balance, he's cooking a favorite dinner which also happens to be very healthy--home roasted turkey breast with corn on the side.

    Earlier I took a walk through Plaka and back. It's a lovely day and Athens was jam-packed with tourists and Athenians returning from vacation. Fam may or may not take a neighborhood walk after dinner.

    Have a great one!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Birthday, Sherry! And enjoy that chocolate cake, mmm.

    I almost skipped out on exercise today, but honestly knowing that I had to come and log here helped remind me that I should. I borrowed some running shoes and workout clothes (purple leopard print!) from my sister and ran a great 5k on the trails beside the river that are right beside my mom's house. It's SO much nicer than running in the city.

    My take it easy strategy actually worked out for the best as I was able to hold my pace for the whole time and ended up dropping over three minutes from my previous time. Who knew?

    Enjoy the rest day Velma... and the new playlist. What kind of music do you like to run to?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Enjoy your rest day Valma! I always get hungry the day after a long run, and I also get hungry on my rest days, so I can't combine those two. Typically my rest days are Fridays and my long runs are Saturdays, followed by some kind of non or low impact cardio on Sundays.

    I just went for a 15 mile bike ride - new longest distance, and my first ride over an hour. Hilly route so my average speed was lower than yesterday, but my legs got a good workout. I still have some low back exercises to do.

    I did laundry as soon as I got up this morning & hung that on the line, washed dishes, emptied out the front entry room of my house and put one coat of paint on (it's going to need at least 1 more coat), took a nap after lunch, then went for my bike ride. Took most of my clothes off the line when I got back and just as I finished putting that away noticed it was starting to rain so had to dart out to get the rest. I had left out the things that weren't totally dry so now I've got them hung up inside the house. Am going to tackle the second coat of paint soon so I can start putting my house back together -- everything from the entry is currently piled on the kitchen floor.

    Purple leopard print just sounds speedy. No wonder you were 3 minutes faster!

    And now I want chocolate cake!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey everyone! Taking the evening off. I was really burnt out. Between all the fridge drama, getting the Sunday school curriculum at church ready (as well as making sure everything was covered), PTO board stuff (entering in all new PTO members and all the volunteering), swim lessons, piano lessons, homework, bible studies, meetings, and everything in between as well as getting my workouts in...I was a zombie! I love being a stay at home mom, but it seems a lot gets dumped on me to do because I "don't work". My hubby yelled at me and told me to have a movie night and a little splurge treat and put my feet up. I intend to do that!
    5 mile run tomorrow! I seem to have finally past the worst of it. When I take a few weeks off for whatever reason, there is always those first two weeks you have to endure where each run feels harder and nastier than the first. then I hit my stride. I'm almost there! :). Actually looking forward to my run tomorrow!

    Laura - I did not overeat today! I was about 90 calories over...which is not bad considering my big run yesterday and no workout today. I kept busy so I didn't eat out of habit. I'll have to remember this...when I sit and do stuff online, or watch a movie, or read a book, I just want to munch. When I'm up and about, I forget about it and don't "graze". (What my mom called just poking around the kitchen, eating up whatever looked good.

    Jane - I listen to all kinds of stuff. Right now it's a lot of needtobreathe, Beckah Shae, and Toby Mac. But I have random stuff like some songs from Wreck it Ralph, "Everything is Awesome" from the Lego movie, "Roar" from Katy Pery, and even that new Taylor Swift song. Anything that's fun. I've also realized that I don't even need it to have a fast beat...if I enjoy it I will run to it.

    Have a great night!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Writing late, wasn't allergies have cold, been resting until work and after.

    No exercise for a few days.

    Hope you had good bday Sherry....