Starting Monday!

Hi Everyone!
I am planning on beginning T25 on Monday, I am going to try some of the workouts this weekend but start following the plan on Monday. Does anyone have any tips on staying motivated and on track? I think I can do it, I was previously doing high intensity intervals with a personal trainer, but then she had to close her studio about 3 months after we started. I had lost a little over 10 pounds and had nocticeably more strength and stamina. But then I tried to go to the gym on my own and I just lose motivation there by myself for an hour! Are you all following the meal plan as well? Any tips are appreciated !


  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    My tip would be to to just keep at it, it's only 25 mins and it gos by fast. Also just think of how accomplished you're going to feel after you did your work out for the day and how good you're going to feel at the end of the program knowing you did it! I have days where I don't want to do it but then I guilt myself (lol) and realize that it's a short work out and it's something I should do for me. Hope this helps, feel free to add me :)
  • bpm417
    bpm417 Posts: 2
    I started Monday, 7/21 also. Hoping this group will keep me focused and motivated! I did all 5 days and I felt the lower focus cardio (today) was the toughest. goal is to lose 20 lbs.
  • npratt35
    npratt35 Posts: 4
    If you can I would recommend doing your T-25 in your garage if you have one and to also do it early in the morning if you can. If you don't have a garage, I would say to I am a mom of two and for me this helps with any distractions. I just finished my first week of T-25 Alpha and I'm excited about starting the second week. So grateful today is rest day after double Friday yesterday :). Just remind yourself that if you dont do it, You are not gonna see any changes. You need to just do it and keep telling yourself that.
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    I do my workout in the basement, helps with the distractions and it's cooler down there too!

    I just started Alpha on Wednesday... my sister and I are sharing the set so I did cardio wednesday and speed on thursday, skipped Friday (due to lack of having a disc, lol) and did total body circuit today which was CRAZY compared to the other 2... had to do the modifications a lot.

    I haven't really looked at the nutritional guide, but I followed the one from Insanity pretty closely. I really just like the different recipe ideas it provides.

    For me, personally, I have been here before. Overweight and needing to lose it yet again. There are no secrets and no quick fixes... just work hard and stay focused. I'm in it for the long haul this time, I really do not want to be here again, not in this deep anyway (I'd like to lose 40+lbs). As far as nutrition goes, I know the intake I need in order to lose. My main thing is several meals (5-6) a day. It entails a lot of time doing meal prep and such, but I know that is what works for me. The nutritional guide really helped me when I went through Insanity (2 years ago I think...) because I was so tired of eating the same thing over and over again. I have now reached a point I am comfortable eating things that are not traditionally "healthy"... just small portions...sometimes very small depending on what it is.

    Also, just in my experience with MFP.... deep down we all wish for the "2 lb loss per week" but honestly, that is a bit much, and borderline not healthy. With people like myself, 2 lbs a week for the first month--especially doing such high intensity workouts--that will probably happen because I have so much to lose. Bottom line---when doing T25 I do not think that 1200 cals/day is healthy. You need to eat to lose weight... just the way it is. I'm not one to tell people how to do their thing... do whatever works FOR YOUR BODY. Just telling my experience...

    OK... I think I'm done now, ha!! Feel free to add me... I just got back on MFP 5 days ago after being on haitus for over a year... like I said, been here before and hoping this time it's long term... (probably for me to just get pregnant again, honestly.... lol!!)
  • cynpin34
    cynpin34 Posts: 41 Member
    I just finished week 1 today, I plan to do stretching and day 1 of week 2 tomorrow...I'm trying to get on a Mon-Mon schedule but didn't want to wait until today to start...I'm at an isolated camp working nights for 2 weeks straight so I'm really good at getting up to work out when I'm here, so I don't mind. I did my workout in an air conditioned (its cool when I get in there at least) room and was dripping wet when I finished the 2 workouts for the double day...LOVE a good sweat!!

    I'm a runner (at least I try to be lol) so on single days I've been starting out on the treadmill. NOT on total Body days though...I dread those haha. BUT I'm excited to see results for that one...:) I've started T25 before but always sort of 'half-assed' if my head said I was done I would stop and kinda wait it out for a bit. I know I'm capable of more so this time I'm making a concentrated effort to 'dig deeper'...even i that means following Tanya for a bit then getting back with the rest of them. My advice would be to just know that you are capable of more...its only 25 min and you're done! Also, cover the counter if you find you want to'll seem to go by faster if you're not counting down each second until its over....also I noticed I'd stop earlier when I knew that exercise was coming to end (by the dial above the counter) if it was a hard one...that stopped that :)

    Jessie544 I completely agree with having to eat more! seriously 1200 calories is not enough like they suggest, and infact MFP says I should be eating that much too...before the workout of course...deskjob problems. I honestly think if you are eating healthy food that you should be somewhere around 1600 at least. The key is healthy fuel your workouts and your body. You may not see the 'infomercial' results completely but you're less likely to keep at it, just my opinion.

    I'm kind of all over the place, but I'm just happy to have people doing the program around the same time I am :)
  • dancerchica94
    Thanks for the advice!!! I just finished Week 1 Day 2, which was Speed 1.0! I really liked that one, I found it was easier to keep up with than the alpha cardio! I totally agree with eating more I tend to stay around 1600, which is a lot of food if you eat healthy. I am really trying to stick with it this time, I always end up starting these things and then quitting about 2 weeks in. So hopefully this group, keeping track of eating, and how quick it is will keep me motivated! Thanks for all your help everyone! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to keep each other motivated even more!
  • Chink17
    Chink17 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm I too late to start?
  • kristanvdub
    kristanvdub Posts: 50 Member
    Nope :) just start on the first day of the calender and follow along on it. And if ya need any help or support just come here :)
  • Tilincuta
    Hi Everyone
    I am starting on Monday. I have to say that I am excited and really looking forward to it. :0
  • crybabyfancy
    crybabyfancy Posts: 19 Member
    completed FOCUS T25® - Beta Core Cardio by 4:16 pm 8/30/2014
  • cardozojoann
    cardozojoann Posts: 85 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I started T25 July 21st and lost 13lbs so far. I'm on week 2 beta starting tomorrow. How are you doing so far with T25? I also drink chocolate shakeology every morning:)