Gained 10lbs in one month on paleo diet

debou5 Posts: 42 Member

So I'm pretty desperate because I've been trying to lose weight for the last 2 years and I'm stuck at 140. I lost 20lbs when I got sick and then it slowly went back to 140 (I was on steroid which explained the rapid weight gain). Since that I try the 10 days diet detox but I only lost water weight so I gained everything back. I tried the juice diet which worked I lost 13lbs and after I reintroduce food I only gained 3-4lbs which was probably the weight of the food that I was eating + the water weight. Now it's been a couple of weeks that my weight is going up and my body fat percentage too. I usually eat pancakes made out of plantain and coconut flour for breakfast with some protein, a salad for lunch with protein, vegetables and protein for dinner I also eat 1/4 cup of nuts everyday. I tried to reduce my carbs, I'm planning on avoiding nuts. I don't know what to do, losing weight is hard for me but then when I lose weight it is hard to keep the weight off and it's even harder to not gain... I'm actually following the paleocode diet of Chris Kresser for my autoimmune disease and I'm reintroducing dairy right now ... -_- Any advice? Thanks


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    What's your height?
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'5
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    If your trying to go low carb you should probably stay away from plantains
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm kind of lost about going LC or not. I'm trying to not go over 100g of carbs and for breakfast I had 85g. I'm trying to focus on reducing my nuts intake this week and see how it goes and then I'll lower my carbs intake if it does not work. I cannot eat eggs yet so I don't really know what to eat for breakfast :/..
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    We'll if you like you could just exercise a bit more then you can have your carbs
    I went paleo for 4 months and exercised some days my carbs we're 30-75 some days I went 150 and more.
    Lost about 20lbs
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    I'm kind of lost about going LC or not. I'm trying to not go over 100g of carbs and for breakfast I had 85g. I'm trying to focus on reducing my nuts intake this week and see how it goes and then I'll lower my carbs intake if it does not work. I cannot eat eggs yet so I don't really know what to eat for breakfast :/..

    Yeah, 85 g of carbs would be more than my goal for the whole day. Some days I'm around 100 g, some days closer to 30 or 50, but I try to average 75g daily for the whole week.

    Did you say you were doing Auto-Immune? My screen isn't showing your original post as I type this. If so, you might hold off on reintroducing dairy, and also avoid nuts for at least another month.

    Also, are you sure you've been getting enough calories? I have had to start logging again because I was eating 800 calories a day or less -- eating according to hunger, but with paleo I am almost never hungry... After 18 months I still have to learn the difference between wanting to eat (almost never happens) and needing to eat (starting to recognize a certain mild hollow feeling, not distressing, not craving, not hunger or low-blood-sugar shakes, just sort of a mild reminder that fuel would be good at some point).

    If I eat below 1500 daily calories (and I'm 5'2"), I plateau, or even start to gain weight. Between 1500-1800 calories a day, I lose weight. The problem is getting that many calories in on a regular basis!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    1/4 cup nuts shouldn't be a problem at all, so that doesn't sound like your problem. The only nuts I eat regularly are Mac nuts, they're high in fat and low in carbs. If you're consuming 85g for one meal you're likely going over your 100g Mark. With that said what works for me may not work for you so my best advice is to take advantage of the literature that's available. I believe we have a literature sticky in the forum. Hang in there, there's lots of support here.

    ETA: recommended reading
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm not counting vegetables in my 100g of carbs per day so plantain in the morning is the only source of carbs I'm getting (unless I eat nuts). Ii used to workout everyday but now that I'm back to school it's gonna be hard :/..
    So should I focus on lowering my fat intake or my carb intake? I've seen articles on the fact that LC is not necessary for weight loss that carbs should be 20% of our daily calorie intake but then I see articles about the fact that LC is the way to lose weight.... Ugh Paleo is as confusing as the other diets lol.

    I'm reintroducing dairy to see if I'm intolerant but once I'm done I won't be eating that much dairy because I'm fine without it. I entered my food intake today and I ate like 1800 calories maybe.. So yes getting enough calories is not my problem I even wondered if I wasn't eating too much.. I'm going to keep track of my calories this week see how much calories I eat see if it is the problem and see how my macros are. I'm also trying to do intermittent fasting and eat in a 8 hour window (when I can).

    Thanks for your answers it is much more helpful that on the other groups where people barely read my post and thought I was trying to lose 10lbs in one month and then told me that all I needed to do was eating less calories that I was burning.... >_<'. I
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    There's a lot of contradicting information out there. You also mentioned that you're doing IF? It sounds like you have several things going on at once, so maybe transition one step at a time until you figure out the right eating plan for you. I actually had to up my fat intake (over 100g) in order to lose weight. Dairy is an issue for me, but some ppl can have it with no problem. Since you don't have much to lose it'll be a lot slower. I'm 5'5" and my goal weight is where you're at now.
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    I would suggest less carbs. more fat and limit protein to around 60 grams.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    How long have you been following the AIP plan?
    I would think your body may still be healing and if you have been doing a lot of yo-yo dieting,your body could be clinging onto the weight,especially when you don't have much to lose..your body could also be happy where it is at 140..
    If you are following AIP,why are you eating nuts?Nuts are inflammatory and are a big no no on an anti inflammatory diet.
    It would be good to be able to see your actual food diary for people to be able to give you a better idea about what might be going wrong for you.
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    It's been 6 weeks. I'm on an autoimmune disease diet so I had to remove dairy, eggs, sweeteners, nightshades vegetables, grains, legumes, alcool, and caffeine but I can have nuts. It is only since february that my weight has been going up and down so it was when I got sick so my weight went back up when I start eating again and when I did the juuce diet. Beside those I stayed at 140 for 1,5.. But I heard that inflammation can make it harder to lose weight.. I hope my body is not trying to stay at 140 like you said.. :/. I'm going to try to add my food on my dairy bc there is not much to see right now.. I enter my food like 1-2 a week and sometimes I forget to put everything.
    I set up my macro on MFP: 76g carbs, 56g protein, 110g fat.
    I try IF but sometimes I'm not hungry before the 8h period ends so I don't stress about it and eat later. It is true that I might focus on several things at once but what I should really focus on is entering my food and see how much I eat. Thanks everybody!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Okay, stop. You're over thinking things. Paleo isn't that hard, but you're treating it like all the other fad diets you've tried.

    Paleo is not a fad diet. It is a lifestyle change. Remember that.

    Now, what does that mean?

    - Eat real food -- meats, vegetables, some fruits, some nuts, fats that are primarily monounsaturated or saturated fats (butter, avocado, coconut, etc)
    - Eat the right amount of food -- don't try to starve yourself. Weight loss happens on Paleo, if you need it, because you're adequately nourished and you have healthy habits and a healthy relationship with food.
    - Get enough of the right exercise -- Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint) puts it well, I think: "move frequently at a slow pace, sprint and lift heavy things once in a while." In other words, maintain a good fitness foundation through walking a lot, and when you have the extra energy, do a short, high-intensity workout. Don't try to run marathons in an effort to be healthy and lose weight, because long endurance cardio routines are actually counterproductive.
    - Focus on things other than the scale -- The point is to get healthy. So focus on that. When you're healthy (actually healthy, not some arbitrary number on the scale), your body will naturally regulate weight itself, just like it regulates body temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc when healthy.

    Throughout the posts, you said you were 140lb and 5'5". That height and weight puts your BMI at about 23.3, which is in the "normal" range of the scale (the 120 number puts you at a BMI of 20, which is one the lower end of "normal"). This suggests that you probably don't have much weight to lose, per se, and you're probably going to be better off changing your focus.

    Why are you trying so much to lose weight? Let me guess, you want a bikini body, right? You want to get rid of the "flab" you have or think you have around your belly? You don't want to be "skinny fat"?

    Starving yourself down to an arbitrary weight is the wrong way to achieve any of these goals.

    That's right. It's not possible to get the body that just about every woman dreams of having through diet (and dieting) alone, and starving yourself to that point is even worse and counter to being healthy.

    You want the bikini body? You want a flat belly and maybe some hint of abs? You want to look good naked?

    Then stop worrying so much about the number on the scale, start eating real food to heal your body, and start a strength training routine.

    Don't believe me? Then meet Staci --

    Read that. Then read it again to make sure it sinks in. Then go find and read the followup for good measure.

    Why does that work? Because when you starve yourself down to a given weight, you are also losing muscle. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so when you lose muscle, your metabolism takes a bigger hit. This makes it harder to maintain a weight and harder to lose weight after you gain any back.

    You fix that by maintaining and building muscle. You maintain and build muscle by maintaining a progressive strength training routine.

    No, you will not turn into she-hulk.

    No, you will not look like a man.

    You will, if done right, turn into a lean, compact, powerhouse with the kind of body most women only dream about (because they don't know how to actually achieve it, or they are aware, but still have it in their heads that they will turn into she-hulk to actually do it). (And no, that won't happen even if "done wrong." If done wrong, you just won't get nearly the results you could get if you were doing it right.)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    What Dragonwolf said X 1000.

    I know there are new people here but lately there's been an increase in posts about calorie and scale obsession and "omg I'm not losing weight". Frankly, it's driving me crazy.

    A healthy lifestyle needs to be permanent. Not a temporary measure just for weight loss. Besides, I lost a lot of weight, which included lean body mass and that was a complete FAIL. The recovery from that is going to take a long long time. Don't do what I did!

    The OP is already at a healthy weight and if there is body composition issues, more weight loss is NOT the answer. MUSCLE building is. Which means one needs to EAT MORE and lift heavy things.
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    Dragonwolf I totally agree with what you said I just want to say that no I'm not trying to be skinny fat, no I don't do fad diet the juice diet was actually an easier way to go through my elimination diet and also to lose some weight. But beside that I haven't done any crazy diets. I used to think that starving myself was the solution until I found out it wasn't so I am NOT starving myself anymore and yes I know paleo diet is a lifestyle since I have a disease and it is the only way to not take treatment that f*cks up my body.I know I have some issues with the scale and I need to focus on losing body fat by lifting and stuff. I am not scared to lift bc I will turn into a man, I see tons of example of women lifting and they are still looking like women ^^. I was just worried that I was gaining weight so fast I just cannot stop overthinking about that because when a month ago my body fat was lower and my abs were finally showing so understand me that it is kinda depressing to see fat coming back no matter what the scale says...
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Dragonwolf I totally agree with what you said I just want to say that no I'm not trying to be skinny fat, no I don't do fad diet the juice diet was actually an easier way to go through my elimination diet and also to lose some weight. But beside that I haven't done any crazy diets. I used to think that starving myself was the solution until I found out it wasn't so I am NOT starving myself anymore and yes I know paleo diet is a lifestyle since I have a disease and it is the only way to not take treatment that f*cks up my body.I know I have some issues with the scale and I need to focus on losing body fat by lifting and stuff. I am not scared to lift bc I will turn into a man, I see tons of example of women lifting and they are still looking like women ^^. I was just worried that I was gaining weight so fast I just cannot stop overthinking about that because when a month ago my body fat was lower and my abs were finally showing so understand me that it is kinda depressing to see fat coming back no matter what the scale says...

    Here's what gave the impression that you're running after fad diets:
    Since that I try the 10 days diet detox but I only lost water weight so I gained everything back. I tried the juice diet which worked I lost 13lbs and after I reintroduce food I only gained 3-4lbs which was probably the weight of the food that I was eating + the water weigh

    That's two fad diets, and your stated measure for "worked" was scale weight. It wasn't until the end that you even mentioned autoimmune disease, and from the way it was worded, Kresser's guidelines were the first you were doing it for health and not weight.

    Now, one thing to keep in mind is that body fat is not necessarily a bad thing, and if you keep eating healthily, it will come off eventually. From the sounds of it, your body is coming off of a period of time that it has perceived as being a prolonged period of starvation or famine (being sick + 10 day detox + juice diet), in addition to whatever stress your autoimmune disease is causing your body, especially if it interferes with its ability to absorb nutrients.

    So, if you've removed the things that are exacerbating your autoimmune disease, your body can suddenly absorb the nutrients it needs and make use of them. On top of that, you've started the Paleo diet, which means you're probably eating more than even when you were just doing calorie restriction in order to lose weight. It takes a little time for your body to get the signals that "hey, we've got plenty of food, we've got good nutrition, there's no need to hold on to it all for a rainy day." Additionally, the extra fat storage can be used to help repair the damage caused by the autoimmune disease and help you heal.
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    The 10 days diet detox was the first diet I did in order to heal my body it was a diet that removed every inflammatory foods like gluten, coffee, sugar... It was basically like the paleo diet with a few more food allowed. I was not starving myself at all. I was still taking my treatment at that time so I did not know if it has any effect on my health but yes the juice diet bc I lost weight which I could see but also because I was feeling good, I had a lot of energy and I did not have any health issues, and I was not taking any treatment so it was easier to see the effect it had on my body. I know I'm focusing a lot of my weight and I'm judging diets depending on how the scale goes but it does not mean I do fad diets. I still drink juices during the day when I can because I know the effect it has on my health no matter what the scale says. You're right my body might still be inflamed and my disease actually causes the malabsorption of nutrients since it is an inflammation of the colon. I need to be patient and give time to my body to heal itself.. Thanks for your advices.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    "Judging diets depending on how the scale goes"… Read your own words. You are not focused on long term health. Judging a lifestyle merely on short term rate of weight loss and not health will ultimately be a fail. I would recommend above all else, get rid of your scale and eat healthy food and heal your body. Obsession with scales, calorie restriction et al. is not healthy. I know it takes time to figure that out and trust the body but the sooner you work on that, the better. Toss the scale if you can't stay off of it except for once a month or so. And still if you gain muscle, get smaller but weigh more, Paleo will be a fail? I don't get it.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    The juices that you drink may be your culprit, especially if the juices are high in sugar. You’ve gotten lots of useful information, and people here really want to help and have the best intentions, so I hope that it helps you gain a better understanding of this lifestyle.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    85g of carbs for breakfast would make me crazy-hangry by lunchtime.

    Nuts and cheese are just about the BEST thing on your menu.

    Sugared juices are going to undermine your progress with hunger. Nothing paleo about that.