For Today Sept 2nd

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
"Noble be man, Helpful and good! For that alone sets him apart from every other creature on earth." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“For today: I am an instrument of my Higher Power. I carry the message, but I do not interfere with it.”

I love this reading, as it reminds us of our purpose in the program. When reaching out to my fellow OAers, It’s important for me to keep my intentions in check and know that my HP is always working for me (& you). As a sponsor, I ensure that my sponsees have the tools that they need to work the program, while working alongside them. It’s not my job to tell anyone what to do, but rather show them how I do it through the tools of recovery and the 12 steps. It’s all about us leading by example.

How do you carry the message of OA to others, whether in the program or not?


  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    This feels like a good message for me today. My "default" approach to helping someone is to try to solve their problems for them. I can recognize that this approach is not usually the most helpful, but it is never-the-less that habit that I've developed over the a lifetime. I am working to change this approach so that I can show empathy and support without my own intention and desire getting in the way.

    I've not really thought much about my tactics for carrying the message, so this is a good "For Today" message for me. To this point, I've been willing to share my experience when asked and to answer questions. I may carry the message, and I may deliver it to the right audience, but the hard part is finding the right audience at the right time. I wasn't ready to learn about OA until suddenly I was. Had the message been carried to me 6 months earlier than it was, I would likely have not received it. For me, this is where the "not interfering" in the message comes in. Our good intention in helping others may really push them away if they are not ready to hear what we have to say. Tough balancing act, carrying the message without interfering with it.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Blackthrux, it can be a challenge and the last thing I would want is to inadvertently cause someone to be turned off about the program. I get excited about the program and want to share my experience with someone, anyone, but have learned (and still learning) to take a step back and provide service only when it’s asked of me.

    Thanks for your reply!