August Challenge plus some Sept. Sat Aug 30 to Friday Sept 5



  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Good morning and congratulations everyone on a great month. You guys really helped me to be mindful of what I was eating even if I did flub it up enough to not lose much. It's a win for everyone when you use a group like this for support. I hope everyone has a great holiday. I know I will, I'm heading out to the range with two of my best friends. Nothing says it's a holiday like throwing hot lead down range. :-)

    Here is a list of those who made it all 31 days. Congrats!

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Good morning and congratulations everyone on a great month. You guys really helped me to be mindful of what I was eating even if I did flub it up enough to not lose much. It's a win for everyone when you use a group like this for support. I hope everyone has a great holiday. I know I will, I'm heading out to the range with two of my best friends. Nothing says it's a holiday like throwing hot lead down range. :-)

    Here is a list of those who made it all 31 days. Congrats!


    Have Fun Lad!
    And Congrats all you groovy guys and groovy gals! (yep I'm that old) :) See ya Wed Night!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    September 1. Time to get serious. I've invested so much time (nearly a year) and effort into this just get healthy, set habits, repair the yo-yo damage process that I've been afraid to begin any kind of formal plan or process towards losing fat. I think I've proven to myself I can make the right choices and live this lifestyle easily while maintaining.

    The Dexa scan was the first step and a huge slap in side of head on how far I still have to go. Taking measurements and photos today. Starting Carb nite. For September I'll just focus on following the program will worry about calories if no progress. A bit worried about being able to be that low carb. 50-75 grams a day is easy for me. Under 30, will take some effort.
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Well happy labor day everyone. Stuck in the house instead of canoeing. Looked @ the forcast night and they were showing 30% chance of rain over the next couple of days. Woke up this morning to a down pour and now they are saying 60-80% chance of rain and thunderstorms through Wednesday...:cry:
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Monday!! Dang near got run over by an inattentive driver this morning. The best part was seeing a Pine Martin and watching it play peek a boo with the dogs. :D
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    John- good job on moving that 1RM up! Deadlifting is one of my favorite movements and, in my opinion, one of the most useful ones. Keep it up!

    Back home. One note about vacation that always seems to get me...I never drink enough water. When I'm home I drink around 150-200oz a day but away I am lucky if I get 50. I think it's something to do with always being on the move. Maybe I will invest in a better water carrying system for days like that.

    Happy labor day!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    I got tomato sauce from my garden simmering and low carb cheesecake chilling in the fridge. Tonight is gonna be a good night.
    Happy labor day!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Tuesday Folks! I hope all is well with all of you. ay 2 of de load week fightin the urge to lift.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Tuesday. 1st day of school here...which means I officially have a high schooler. Kiddo just left for his freshman year. Damn time flies.
  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Don't give in John! Just day dream about how hard you're going to hit it next week and let your muscles/joints/hormones recover! What are you doing for your deload? Dropping to 40% effort? Or are you just checking out and not doing the gym at all? I've heard all different kinds of deloading before. I usually drop to 40% and concentrate on nailing my form.

    Planning a hiking trip today for Wheeler Peak, NM. It's the tallest mountain in NM right by Taos. A friend of mine did the ascent and descent in 5 hours. It takes most people 5 hours to get to the top! He's the one taking me so it's going to be an interesting experience... Have a great Tuesday folks!
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Tuesday morning to ya'll!! Tinder, that sounds like a fantastic hike!! Low carb Cheesecake sounds good too. The dogs yanked me good with the leashes yesterday going after a Pine Martin. Now I have pulled muscles on one side.. I have to get these healed up as I have a match on Saturday.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Any kind of cheese cake sounds good. LOL I didn't do so well last night at least food wise. Me and the wife had a date night and ended up getting pizza and watching the sunset. We had an awesome sky last night!
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    Fresh tomato sauce from your garden sounds amazing, heron! Howie, I'm jealous of your zucchini too (and PIZZA lol).

    Tinder, your hike sounds crazy and awesome! I'm planning for a few days off coming up. It definitely will involve some good hikes and deep woods! Maybe the UP of Michigan.

    I am also going to "get serious" in the words of beerbikegirl! I've decided to do a Halloween challenge! 8 weeks away... hoping for 5 lbs or at least a notch in my belt. One of my co-workers has already busted out the candy pumpkin on her desk! Nooooooooooooo
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Tinder, that sounds like a great hike!

    Mark, I feel ya. One of my dogs leaped into some tall grass yanked my arm, then came out with with a dead squirrel in her mouth. I shrieked, that startled her to dropped the squirrel. There were times when I pull stuff from her mouth that I don't want to know what that was.

    The tomato sauce came out good and we had meatballs and zucchini with the sauce.

    Howie, awwww date nights are the best.

    My boyfriend and I just had our first consultation with Jef Fry, it was very informative and he is just what we need! so we've decided use his services. My boyfriend was laughing in the other room when I was trying to explain to him that I do like to drink without sounding like a lush :laugh: He said its fine for me to drink twice a month.
    He also said that he thinks that my metabolism is suppress because of my increase in activities. I do Muay Thai 4-6X a week, 60-90min per session. Plus I walk my dogs 45min-90min a day. On top of that I spend a good amount of time gardening every week. He wants me to start off by doing 2 small carb nites a week instead of one big carb nite a week to start and maybe in the future carb backloading. I am VERY excited to see progress since Ive been stuck (again) for a month now.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    I just realized I put Stacy's name down as one who had posted all 31 days I got copy and paste happy sorry Stacy.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Tinder - Body Weight movements and walking is deload week for me. Squats,, planks, pushups, leglifts dynamic warmup and static cool downs. probably a couple of total rest days in there too. Saturday have a 15 mile ruck walks Probably won;t have a lot in it since I haven't done more than 5 or 6 miles in quite a while. Its to raise awareness for Carry the Fallen a non profit committed to reduce veteran and military suicides. We lose 22 a DAY to this, thats over 8,000 a year and we think its actually UNDER reported. (My guess is probably half again as much). Found out today it has been moved back to This Saturday. So gonna roll with it. Not the elevation you're doing but hey gotta go with what you got. Have fun with it lad.

    Heron the tomato sauce and meatballs sounds great. Have fun with the Jeff Frye stuff. I've heard nothing but good stuff about him.

    Howie - Have no regrets, Date Nite with your Huney is always a winner. You are a fortunate man to have someone to share the sunsets with.

    Get plenty of rest for the pulled muscles, only time and rest can heal em lad.

    I know I've missed some folks but I've got a quick turn around tonight and have to toddle off to bed, C ya tomorrow night and keep on Jammin'!

    Hmrjmr1 out.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Hey all... ac is busted bad so that's kind of my only focus right now... anyone got an extra 4 ton unit?
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Tuesday. 1st day of school here...which means I officially have a high schooler. Kiddo just left for his freshman year. Damn time flies.

    Kim - Believe it or not you're only just starting to feel the acceleration of time flies.... Strap life on like a seat belt cause time is about to take off....! Enjoy the ride.

    Happy Wednesday Everybody.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Hey all... ac is busted bad so that's kind of my only focus right now... anyone got an extra 4 ton unit?

    Bummer. Went though that a few years ago. $6K later had a good unit in and my power bills fell off a cliff. So there is a silver lining. It took about 2.5 years for it to pay for itself with the savings. My elec bill went from $350-400 per month to $65-80. (all elec house).
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Wednesday morning folks! They were talking snow again for today, but I don't think it will quite reach us. Bummer!! Dogs were moving a bit slow this morning. I think I wore them out a bit yesterday with the longer hike. High energy dogs my keester :D