September 2, 2014

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Val, adorable picture!

    Marla, sorry you've got a bug. Hope you're 100% soon.

    Jane, you might consider looking at your week as a whole. There might be a day where you exercised big and left some calories hanging. I was introduced to weekly calorie averaging when I did a challenge group and the calorie portion of the challenge was set for meeting your goal in a weekly fashion (originally, it was to accommodate intermittent fasters of the group), and for me it worked GREAT. Before the challenge began, I'd been doing TDEE-?%, so I knew what my single number was that was my daily allowance and I just "smoothed" the numbers throughout the week. Typically during that challenge, I loaded my workouts and ate less in the early part of the week (idk about you, but it's easier for me to eat less on days when I'm active all day--no time to eat, lol) and then I got to relax and splurge a little in the later part of the week (usu. Fri & Sun). I ended up losing 10lbs in about 6wks during that challenge (of course there were other factors).

    Marking my place, Wanting to hit the gym this afternoon, if DH will stay with the kids. Will check back in.
    (Also, legs and glutes sore from yesterday!! Hope that means that either the jog or the walking/running errands I did in the afternoon helped pump up my butt! Don't want pancake butt.)
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Sherry - glad the cake was delicious! :) Also, when you did weekly instead of daily, how did you track that? Did you just keep a running tally of the week?

    I didn't count my calories yesterday. I ended up being invited to a friends house last minute and they had all kinds of homemade salads and foods and it was pretty much impossible to figure out the calorie intake. but I didn't engorge, steered clear of the desserts and drinks, so I think I did okay. Add that to my five mile run and I'm not too worried. Today we're back on schedule so that should help. :)

    We kick off our bible study tonight and we're eating together. Luckily I'm making the main meal, but others will be bringing sides and desserts. This will be my first real challenge at eating right in the face of adversity since spring. Hopefully I can stand strong and make wise choices!
    Still triple digit temps here in Phoenix. 105 or so the rest of the week. But Saturday it's supposed to rain and cause a massive temperature drop! I'm so excited! Winter here is wonderful and I'm looking forward to being able to escape the house without feeling like I may die of heat stroke. :)

    Not to engorge myself on whatever desserts people bring tonight!
    get my sprints in this morning.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Happy Birthday, Sherry! Glad that you enjoyed the cake!

    Had a rough weekend. Flyball tournament on Saturday and Sunday. I really don't know how to judge the calories for it. I'm up and down, standing, then running short sprints, and hauling the flyball box in and out of the lane. Although the tournament is done indoors, it was so hot this weekend! Actually it was normal for this area at this time of year, in the mid to high 90's F with 80+% humidity, but we've been having such a cool summer, with 80s most days, that we're not used to this! So, due to the heat, my dogs were not walked other than out to relieve themselves and then back in. My pedometer said only 8000-9000 steps each day, but it felt like much more. I think that a lot of it was just standing and waiting, ready, with the quick sprints. That can get tiring, but it doesn't show in steps.

    So I came back on Sunday evening starving and feeling just basically yukky and crampy. I way over ate Sunday night and on into Monday. Didn't run or go to the Monday morning class I had planned to attend. Just sat, groomed the dogs, played on the computer, and ate.

    Now I'm back to real life! Ate a decent breakfast and plan to stay within my calories today and attend my trainer workout tonight. It's still supposed to be hot and humid tonight, but I'm planning to run there and back. They were predicting a 50% chance of showers. I want the rain! I want the overcast skies and water coming down to cool me off!

    I'm not cutting my calories this week, before my half, but plan to eat correctly; not too much but enough, and exercise some, but not too much.

    At least since I'm getting Friday off it's only a three day week!! That doesn't happen very often and won't again until Thanksgiving.

    Hope all of you had a better weekend than I did and that you all have a great week!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Day off yeh! Going to rest and hopefully back to nia tomorrow. I feel better today but not gone yet.

    Might do a short walk to get some sun.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Val, yeah, I was doing TDEE, so I had one number to shoot for and logged all my exercise as 1cal, so as not to throw it off. Then I just kept track of the +/- from one day to the next. But the phone/tablet app pretty much shows weekly, making it really easy. You can even tell it which day of the week to make the start of the week (so Sun-Sat or Mon-Sun, etc). I'm back to weekly averaging again now but not doing TDEE (my activity level is too inconsistent), so I'm just using that function of the app.

    Today, walked to gym, upper body workout, walked home. I'm pretty sore after just 2 days back!

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lots of struggles with food right now, myself included the past few days. I was doing so well too! Maybe we need some kind of extra accountability thing just to get us back on track again?

    I stayed home sick today. Slept most of the day and am feeling a lot better. It was a beautiful day here and I spent it in indoors sleeping, but what can you do. Missed my swim this morning, work, stopping by my aunt's birthday party after work, and a 90 minute massage tonight. Hopefully tomorrow the weather is just as nice because my trainer has me scheduled for both a bike ride & run after work. It's supposed to start raining sometime in the evening - just need it to hold off until 7:00 or so.
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Super quick (and late) check in today- I skipped off my exercise today to go visit with my friend whose aunt just died. But this is about lifestyle change, right? There's no way I could make a long term commitment to a life that DIDN'T let me do that.

    See you guys tomorrow!