100 days of motivation

Who is on board with this? Going to log everyday - weight, food and exercise and aim to stick to it!


  • Me definitely!!! I have to get to my goal by Christmas!! x
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    Im in. My wedding dress comes in Dec 12th so I have to fit in it!!
    Bye bye 30pds.
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    I am! :) I weigh in on fridays! :)
  • I'm ALL in! I have to lose the weight and increase my activity to get an A in my class! Can't let my GPA fall because I couldn't eat less and increase exercise....setting myself up for success with a little extra accountability!
  • bvbana
    bvbana Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in.
    I'll stuck for weeks and I don't lose any pounds. So I need new motivation and input and I hope to lose 10 kgs till Christmas.
  • 230268
    230268 Posts: 30 Member
    Every single day until Christmas........... woo hoo go girl go
  • I am in , I want to lose at least 10 kg in 100 days:)
  • kimm1207
    kimm1207 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!
    I've avoided nice clothes for so many months now. But i have a wedding to go to on New Years Eve and plan to look nice! i dont think i will get away with a tunic, leggings and a scarf somehow so I'm on this!
  • rubyeskimo
    rubyeskimo Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in! I'm currently on day 7 of my 100 as I want to be at my target by my holiday at the start of December.
  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    I am really hopeful and motivated. I've had NSVs recently, but I'd love to see the scale start moving, too!

    Here are my goals for this challenge:

    Overall - log into MFP every day.

    September - Run a 5k (I'm registered for one at the end of the month)
    October - Come up with a useful strategy for dealing with Halloween candy & Oktoberfest/Pumpkin beers temptation
    November - Devise a strategy for a healthy Thanksgiving
    December - Hopefully celebrate my birthday and Christmas at less than 200lbs to start my next year right!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Im in
    I have lost 35 pounds so far but within the last few weeks I have lost motivation to be consistent with my logging/eating healthy

    I want to lose 30 pounds in 100 days
  • Shawman1
    Shawman1 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok I'm in, need to lose 50 pounds.
  • that's great! 35 lbs is awesome! how did you do it?
  • I started on Monday, because diets simply don't start any other day of the week LOL
  • My birthday is right before Chirstmas and I'd love to be under 200 lbs by my birthday....even if it's 199 lbs!! I'm at 234 right now, and I'd like to lose 35 lbs by middle of December.

    Extra motivation and encouragement from groups is always a welcome! This will be great! I'm super excited!
  • elliotsgirl23
    elliotsgirl23 Posts: 2 Member
    Is 2 pounds a week a good weight loss goal? Or is it unrealistic?
  • wlfsilva55
    wlfsilva55 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in… started my plant based diet on Monday and feeling good! Need to lose lots by December… going to Cuba and want to look good!
  • wlfsilva55
    wlfsilva55 Posts: 17 Member
    To Elliotsgirl23 - It's very realistic… go for it!
  • sherryat
    sherryat Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in!
  • Aryerse123
    Aryerse123 Posts: 6 Member
    2 pounds per week is a totally doable and health weight loss goal!