What are you doing to drop the weight?



  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    10,000 steps per day plus lifting and/or a spin class! eating healthfully with an eye towards hitting my micro nutrients- I feel so much better when I hit my iron and fiber and vitamins! Starting a new very busy job so packing my lunches ahead of time and avoiding stress snacking will be VERY important!
  • Jojojesse
    Jojojesse Posts: 21 Member
    12000 steps a day, 1400-1600 calories. Struggling with a sweet tooth lately so trying to get a handle on it.
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    Some friends IRL decided to do a DietBet challenge, and while I doubt I'll "win" it was a good kick in the pants to get moving. So, I'm back. How I'll lose is how I always have, here:

    *staying under calories
    *trying to move more

    I bought some packaged salads for work, as I'm heading back in for full-time craziness, soon, as well as some shake things. Not the best, but it was how I started at first last time (easier counting than cooking) and I'll transition over. I'm also TRYING to drink water. THe moving is harder since my back injury, but I'm going to try and find some things that I can do.
  • dalexandria81
    1 found that losing weight just to look good wasn't a big enough motivator for me. So, I bit the bullet and started running! On Week 2 of a C25K program (after some restarts over the summer due to interruptions) Running every other day, today will be my 5th consecutive run/walk with the program. Super motivated!

    Also, logging everything has really helped in the past and now. Otherwise, it is so easy to forget what I ate and how to stay within a calorie "budget" and not ruin all the hard work!

    To summarize:
    *Run - Competition with myself and a challenge of a race.
    *Log - Stay accountable to myself
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Always log everything, try to exercise 4-5 days per week doing something I enjoy such as bicycling or walking and don't deprive myself of things I love- just eat a smaller portion and log them!

    This is what I have started to do. I had lost 50 lbs and gained half of it back because I was "dieting" know I am focused on changing my lifestyle. I 'm tired of yo-yoing. I'm amazed at the difference weighing food has made. I just ordered a pocket size scale to take with me, as I eat a lot at family functions of in the cafeteria at work.

    And I don't deprive myself!!! If I want a drink or desert I have it. When I followed a strict diet the weight came off quick but I know I'm not going to give up eating out or Christmas cookies forever. So I don't. I just make sure I log it and try to plan ahead and prelog things.
  • kitsune1989
    kitsune1989 Posts: 93 Member
    Im logging everything, and exercising about an hour and a half a day. I alternate cardio between kickboxing and running. I just started doing the blogilates (pilates blog) calendar a week and half ago and its great! I highly recommend it. I also allow myself one day to pretty much eat whatever. Sundays are my calories dont matter days. :)
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Logging and counting is key for me. Other than that I don't have a "diet". My goal is to stay in a 1200 to 1500 calorie range. Lower end when not exercising, higher end when exercising.

    I try to exercise no less than 3 times a week, preferably every day.

    Right now I don't focus to much on "healthy" foods. I do find I can eat more when eating veggies and such so that helps if I'm hungry.. BUT.... right now, for me to lose the weight,. I have to be able to eat what I want. When I restrict to much, I obsess, and then I binge.

    Anyone looking at my food diary will probably faint because it's definitely not what a usual diet looks like. (I have chocolate days,... :blushing: )

    diary is open to friends.
  • jakelegs
    jakelegs Posts: 4 Member
    I eat a low carb, high fat (LCHF)diet. Tracking daily helps me stay focused.

    My goal is to exercise 6 times a week, but sometimes it is more like 4. For exercise I run every other day, and do Stronglifts 5x5 on the other days (3x week). Lately I have been motivated to do weightlifting, but not running, so I signed up for a 5k race in late September.
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    At least 60 minutes of cardio at the gym 5 times a week. I change up the routine. Weekend bike ride around neighborhood -- at least 8 miles per ride. Walk during my work lunch break -- I can get a mile in at about 2.5mph on the campus after 1pm. Ab machines at the gym. Adding strength training machines to tone arms and to help with frozen shoulder. Added arm weights on Tuesday. Felt great on Wed. Yowzers today! Going back for more torture after work today.

    Log in MFP. Eat healthy within my daily calorie allowance. Have accountability partners. Follow 5:2 plan.

    Much success to all!
  • lisa_darlene9
    lisa_darlene9 Posts: 54 Member
    For the past 32 days on here I have been faithfully logging every day and staying within my 1500 calories. I have been walking almost everyday , but I know I need to get a regular exercise routine on the go.
    This week I have started the 5:2 diet, where you stay within our regular calories for 5 days and the other 2 days you are limited to 500 calories. My first fast day was Monday, it went really well, I only went over by 43 cals. Today is my second fast day and I am again doing really well, I had 3 egg whites with a piece of deli ham for breakfast, I made some veggie chicken soup for my lunch, and for supper I am planning to make a red lentil chili. All of that has me at 364 cal, so that means I have room for a few low cal snacks. Drinking a lot of water, herbal tea, black coffee all help with keeping the hungry pain away. I am shooting for losing more then 20lbs by Christmas, we are having a family vacation in California for New Years so I want to weigh less then I do now that is for sure.
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    Last year I lost 18lbs for my wedding (which was still 10lbs away from my ultimate goal... I had gained 30lbs in the 3 years prior) and have now gained 10lbs back this summer! So here I am, 20lbs from my goal.

    I've been eating junk and doing a lot of entertaining/drinking because we live in a vacation town and constantly host visitors during the summer- seriously almost every single weekend was "booked". So for me it's simple- get my butt back into my regular workout routine, cut down on alcohol, and eat out less. This should be much easier now that summer is winding down. I'm going to allow myself to have Sundays to go to beach bars and watch football with my husband. I go the the gym, jog outside and do workout videos at home. I try to work out at least 5 days/week.
  • deathbyokapi
    deathbyokapi Posts: 38 Member
    I've been logging absolutely everything- even when I have a night out with my friends and drink wayyy too much. Even when I cave in at work and eat a spoonful of chocolate frosting (*cough*today*cough*)

    And I log my exercise, too!

    I also try to go to the gym 3 to 5 times a week. If I've got at least an hour, I usually do 30 minutes of cardio (elliptical, swimming, treadmill) and then I do 15-20 minutes of weightlifting. I also try to mix up my weightlifting routines so I don't get bored, and my muscles don't get used to any one exercise. Starting the week of the 8th, I'll be doing a zumba class twice a week, which I'm actually pretty excited about. Also, my gym will be starting its classes up soon, and I'm hoping to go to a few of those. I think I'd like to try a tabata-style class, as I hear it's fun and kicks your ever-loving *kitten*.

    In addition, I've cut out most of my carbs. I try to eat a relatively low carb, high fat, med. protein diet. Kind of a less strict version of keto. I don't eat much sugar, I don't eat pasta, rice, bread, corn, etc. I try to stick to high fiber, dark leafy green veggies like spinach, kale, etc. In contrast however, I eat a lot of eggs, bacon, avocados, chicken, fish, cheese, etc. You know, the good stuff in life.

    Very recently, I've actually cut way down on my drinking, mostly because the calories just aren't worth it. Neither are the hangovers. Since quitting drinking, I've dropped another 6lbs.

    And I drink a metric butt-ton of water every day.
  • jessicayockey
    jessicayockey Posts: 7 Member
    Hi MFP Friends!

    Does anyone on this Forum use the Tony Little Gazelle Supreme?

    I recently canceled my gym membership because I literally do not have the time to make it to the gym everyday. I have 3 jobs and I volunteer some weekends. It was just costing me way to much money when I could really only make it 2 maybe if I was lucky 3 times a week.

    I am now looking at buying the Gazelle Supreme. I have time at home during the later part of the evenings, making it convenient to have right here in my apartment. That being said I do live in a apartment so space is limited, hence going with something that I can break down and slide under my bed.

    I've looked into it and the Supreme has the resistance pistons. It's also the heaviest duty of all the Gazelles which is a huge plus being I like to get a good work out in. I'm just hoping its not TOO easy. Are there any of you out there that use this or a similar model and have gotten good results?

    I am not in horrible shape, I ride my bicycle to work everyday. I am a coffee roaster so I am on my feet all day lifting buckets and bags of coffee often. I need to get in better shape and loose 20-30 pounds. Let me know if you give the big YAY or NAY to this item!

    Thanks :)))
  • kb9222
    kb9222 Posts: 42
    I've been logging everything I eat and been eating a lot better. I avoid sweets and greasy foods. If I really crave them then I have the tiniest bit. I've been working out 6 days a weeks, alternating between Bob Harper's beginners weightloss transformation and totally ripped core workouts in the morning and then doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred in the evening.
  • kimondo666
    kimondo666 Posts: 194 Member
    Eating properly and lifting stuff. Lifting like in crossfit. So you lift properly and the fastest you can. 3 days exercising 1 day off
  • wlfsilva55
    wlfsilva55 Posts: 17 Member
    September 1st, I started the 'end of dieting' diet, basically a vegan diet; plant based. I'm committed to logging every day and exercising everyday. I'm down 3 pounds and feeling good, the logging and this site will keep me on track. I've been doing Yoga everyday and will work up to harder workouts as I lose more weight, I started at 227 pounds. Sharing here should help as well. Good Luck all!
  • sandrac152
    I have just started so I am cutting out chocolate sweets cake and trying to cut down on portions size x
  • Vic8893
    Vic8893 Posts: 57 Member
    I am logging absolutely everything I eat. Also for the next month I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD! It is a great workout so far!
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    Hello! I am logging in absolutely everything. It helps a lot to be able to see how different foods affect my weight/mood/general well-being. I am on the Paleo "diet" and absolutely loving it. Since going gluten/dairy/sugar free, I feel more alive than I ever have. Being here on MFP is of such value to my journey. I love the friends I am making. If you anyone who reads this would like to become friends, I would love to. It makes the weight-loss walk so much more fun.

    ~Skye :flowerforyou:
  • PlantGrrrl
    PlantGrrrl Posts: 2 Member
    I am very consistent with weighing my food, logging and PRE-PLANNING! I don't have "cheat days" or cheat meals". I think my success has come from knowing what I'm going to eat the next day and then I can have more room to add a treat if I have the calories to spare. I work out 4 days/week doing group fitness. I take two classes: Les Mill BodyPump and Les Mills BodyCombat. When I'm at work, I walk at least 10 minutes at lunch and take the stairs when possible. I've recently invested in a fitbit and love it! It's kind of a simple formula: Eat better; move more. This community have been such a wealth of support too. I'm so happy to have you all!