Wednesday weigh in.

Well despite having a treat night (twice this week) , I'm happy to report another weight loss of 1.5 pounds. This will mean I only have 2.5 pounds left to go to hit my goal weight. I've been so successful since joining My Fitness Pal, that I was able to reset my target weight loss for this new goal. I only hope I can be just as successful at maintaining. ????


  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning all; :smile:

    Computer, congrats on your loss, great to see you are almost to your new goal!

    I am happy to report I am down 1.8 lbs despite spending the long weekend in Chicago visiting my eldest son and his family. I did not expect to have any loss this week, however apparently all the walking we did in Chicago paid off! :happy:

    Thanks to everyone for your continued support and encouragement on this journey!

    - JB
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Good Morning All:

    Computer that is great news and JB truly outstanding results, particularly when visiting, well done to you both.

    Thought I better get in early as unfortunately, I had a melt and burn week, I put on 2 pounds :grumble: . I had an enjoyable long weekend, at the beginning, but then had a carb attack x 2! :sad: Pasta, artisan bread and large servings! Didn't really want to weigh this morning, but had to because I didn't weigh on my normal Tuesday weigh in!

    So, positive self talk like crazy and happy to report that my menu was back to normal yesterday and I went out for a walk this morning, even though it is getting really hot and humid!:glasses:

    Good luck Everyone for this upcoming week, I know I will do better than last week as I got 'that' out of my system :explode: It's all good and looking forward to hearing all your good news! Cheers, Marian

    Ps thanks Computer for getting us started!
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Good Morning!
    Computer and JB, congratulations on your losses. Great work! :flowerforyou:

    Marian, no worries, you'll be seeing that little jump slipping off again before you know it. :smile:

    As for me, no loss to report this week. But no gain either, so I'm okay with that. I'm just happy to have moved closer to my goal in the last couple of weeks. No excuses from me, I'm just going to "keep moving forward" onto next week.

    Have a great week all! :happy:

  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Almost Good afternoon (by the time I get done posting, it will be) - Congrats to the 'losers', the maintainers' and "Marian", A Special congrats to you :bigsmile: cause it's much harder to get on that scale when we think it's going to be not what we want to see, report it and cheerfully go right back to tracking - I'm only in the beginning of the journey this time around so I know that at some point in the next few weeks, I'm either going to not lose or gain and I'm going to try to follow your example to make sure I don't get all depressed :sad: and use that for an excuse not to continue. Way to Go!

    Down two lbs. so I'm pleased - I'm going to keep trying to follow in the footsteps of you all and keep tracking, posting and smiling:happy:
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Despite see sawing like the ****ens all week, happy to end up with a 2.2 loss (and 7.4 for August) . Nice to experience size 18s getting loose. Carbs have been a constant temptation all week. Need to stock up on some yummy noncarbs. Good luck to all in new week!

    Edited to say -- I can't believe that MFD edited my post to remove name equivalent to well known author Charles ****ens. Ridiculous
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member

    Computer- good loss especially getting close to your goal, not easy to get off the last little bit for most.
    JB - congrats as you have been struggling - bet you are happier with the effort than not trying?
    Marian - carbs will come right off, they put on like 3 lbs with the water retention, you've got this!
    Rose - sometimes the scale will not show small losses, and that's the truth - keep up the good work :)
    Cloey - happy for you too on your loss and sounds like you will go the distance.
    Vespy - congrats on your loss, and kick most of those carbs to the curb, why doncha?

    Thanks for explaining Vespy about the ****ens. I didn't realize that MFP does deletions! HAHAHA! Funny how that happened and didn't need to :)

    LOSS THIS WEEK :) I am happy to report that I am at 145.0 and have 20 lbs to go. Hope springs eternal :)
  • Is this a new group, or the Wednesday check in I started a while back? I am so confused! LOL I confuse easily though.

    Well, I am not doing a weigh in, but will report on my week.

    I was wishy washy this week AGAIN! Ok some days, no so others, but I really am getting my right frame of mind back slowly and hope to report happy news next time.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I am smiling here loss no gain......all good!

    Well done everyone on weight loss, maintaining and getting on the scales even when you know it may not be good......:love:

    A great start to a new month....... we are so good! :bigsmile:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I am smiling here loss no gain......all good!

    Well done everyone on weight loss, maintaining and getting on the scales even when you know it may not be good......:love:

    A great start to a new month....... we are so good! :bigsmile:

    Californiagirl....we have a new one each week.......:smile:

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    t2037.gif Excellent job everyone!!

    Checking in for Aug 27th — September 2nd

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Maintained weight
    -- Completed first of the dental procedures, 2nd one on Tuesday
    -- Didn’t pig-out too bad on comfort food after dental surgeryt19132.gif

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Start early morning biking again before the day heats up
    -- Start the de-cluttering and getting the house fixed-up again
    -- Stay away from junk food as beginning Sunday, I’ll be living with the Grandson for 2-weeks while DD & SIL are in Europe.

  • Hi to all - lots of good news and steady progress!
    I'm back after 10 days on an RV trip. Did well, did not gain! So no loss, no gain for the last 2 weeks.

    Back to focus mode and hope to see some progress soon!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    Good evening everyone.

    It is wonderful to hear how all of you have done for this past week with you usual positive outlook.

    Computershate. Congratulations on your loss and getting close to goal. My last few pounds seemed to take forever but some people recommend that as a transitional time.
    JB. Well done on your loss after the long w/e. You must be getting into the swing of things.
    Marian. Don't be too discouraged this is a long trip and sometime in the future that will seem like a small bump.....the kind we all have.
    Rose....I love your great attitude.
    Cloeyeddie. Well done on your lose and keep smiling.
    Vespertide. The loose pants are even better than the lower number. did really well this week.
    CA girl. Yup. This is still from your idea months ago. It has gone on every single week since. I told you that you had good ideas for this group.
    Jean. Good on you for maintaining.
    Wooken. No comfort food after dental surgery? You are a Wonder Woman. Thank you for the cartoon laugh.
    ustillcan. Yay a 10 day trip and no gain. That is an accomplishment.

    Now Ladies and Gentlemen. I have an announcement.

    Yesterday I officially started on maintenance. 9 months to the day that I started with MFP. I am proud, excited and nervous as I think this will be more challenging than losing weight. After all, diets .... there have been many but maintenance...... nada.

    I sincerely hope that all my posts to the this weekly group will be as boring as dishwater from now on. :laugh:

    I wish everyone a wonderful week. s0108.gif[/url]

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    To all who lost - congratulations! To those who gained - this is a two-steps forward and one-step back journey much of the time. Hang in there. Those who stayed the same: well done!

    Wanda: special congrats! I agree it will be difficult, but I have faith in you. Look what you have done so far.

    Me: between last Wednesday and yesterday, I gained 8.5 lbs. of water and lost it, too. I weighed on Tuesday and was at the same 170. But I really haven't been trying my first two days of vacation and i won't be able to weigh next Wednesday. I will have two weeks to gain and lose. This is my vacation and I'm going to enjoy it. Probably the wrong attitude, but I don't really care.
  • I just want to say I am excited to be part of this group. I joined yesterday and have a long way to go. I have my Fitbit Flex and joined it with MFP looking forward to both programs helping me stay on track. Going to be a grandma for the first time in December and I really want to be around for a long time to enjoy this blessing. Have gain and lost several times but have not been at a healthy weight since my thirties and it needs to be a priority to me first and hopefully influence some of my family members. Looking forward to reading everyone's updates and insights. Now I have to go for my walk and getting ready for a garage sale. Best to all have a good day and a great week.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    ditto bvifun for kudos to all.
    bvifun - keep posting please to get support and give because just knowing you are thrilled and happy about your work here inspires!

    Grandmotherch - I was surprised at the big weight swings in 24 hrs for you. You got this vacation to enjoy though so just do it!

    Cabfjb- Welcome.

    Just want to say to anyone maintaining you are bringing hope to me because then I can believe that more likely my weight loss is not a fluke. THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS!
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Bevifun - I just had to post again to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!:flowerforyou: