Favourite & least favourite CrossFit moves?



  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    we haven't done handstand push-ups yet but I am terrified of falling on my face!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    we haven't done handstand push-ups yet but I am terrified of falling on my face!

    Probably one of the last things I will try. I'm not dropping 280lbs on my head. I won't really feel comfortable doing it until I'm 40-50lbs lighter, if then.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    Favorites- any heavy Oly lifting (C+J is my favorite), pull ups, t2b, and double unders

    Least Favorites- Rowing (I would rather run anyday), wall balls, and I also have a love/hate relationship with HSPUs and ring dips since they are two things I'm focusing on right now since I can only do a couple RX at time of each
  • chelsfelt
    chelsfelt Posts: 39 Member
    Favorites: Squats, Cleans, Jerks, Handstands (against the wall lol), Box jumps, Ring Rows (I haven't tried banded pull-ups yet but I've gotten very good at ring rows).

    Favorite thing to work on: Running. I hated and i mean HATED seeing any running on the board when I got to WODs the first few weeks, but now I love it because it's such an easy thing to work on

    Least favorite: Wall balls and thrusters, I can't breathe when I'm doing them and burn out after like 8 reps. T2B only because I don't have grip strength and I slip off the bar every other rep. Anything with an overhead bar (Snatches, OH squats) makes me extremely nervous so I still use only the 33lb bar and don't try to put weight on. I'm afraid I'll tweak my shoulders or back if I move the wrong way while that bar is up there. Plus I've smacked my head on the bar a few times and that sucks.
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    Love lifting, favorite WOD is Pick your Posion
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I love long WODS - 20 to 30 mins with lots of different movements to keep me motivated. Love O/H squats, deadlifts, box jumps & handstand PU.

    Used to love pull ups until I blew my shoulder out - their off the menu for the next forseeable future.

    Hate running & thrusters .. with ... a ... passion....
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    recently had to do burpee box jumps... add that to the list of things I hate.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Those are on the board for us tonight.

    The WOD is performed in 2 parts:

    Part 1, starting at minute 0:
    Run 800m for time

    (rest the balance)

    Part 2, starting at minute 6:
    AMRAP 8
    8 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
    8 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • sayhitostephz
    sayhitostephz Posts: 124 Member
    Favorite: anything involving heavy weight (including thrusters)

    least favorite: anything slightly gymnastic related (pull-ups, t2b, muscle ups, etc.) and/or extremely endurance related (running, rowing, burpees etc.)

  • sayhitostephz
    sayhitostephz Posts: 124 Member
    Maybe I shouldn't comment. I'm still very new to CrossFit and can't really say I've found any move that I like. That is mostly because I'm still quite a bit overweight and out of shape. BUT, that's kind of the point isn't it. What I can tell you is that I feel pretty damn good at the end of a workout because I know that I'm improving each and every time. Also the people I work out with have been very encouraging Joe

    Bravo! I'm also quite a bit overweight and love CF. You'll find stuff you like!
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    Love: Snatches, Clean & Jerks, Heavy Squats (front/back/overhead)

    Love-Hate: Thursters, Burpees, T2B
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Those are on the board for us tonight.

    The WOD is performed in 2 parts:

    Part 1, starting at minute 0:
    Run 800m for time

    (rest the balance)

    Part 2, starting at minute 6:
    AMRAP 8
    8 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
    8 Wall Balls (20/14)

    that is awful!!!! burpee box jumps AND wall balls!!
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I love anything where we are lifting heavy specifically: deadlifts (all variations), bench. Also love sled pulls and farmers carry and rowing, slam balls
    Hate - running, box jumps, burpees
    Just not strong at - snatches and OHS

    Yesterday we did a partner WOD of 30 power cleans (95/65#), 30 Pull ups and then an 800m run for 3 rounds. It sucked. I switched out ring rows for pull ups and rowing for running since i am just under 12 weeks out from a broken foot and still modifying things.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    we had to do something last week called 2fer wall balls. i have a new least favorite exercise haha
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Favorite is wall balls
    Least favorite is thrusters or maybe lunges.
  • sayhitostephz
    sayhitostephz Posts: 124 Member
    Favorite is wall balls
    Least favorite is thrusters or maybe lunges.

    This is interesting because I feel like wall balls and thrusters are essentially the same movement lol I hate both! :)
  • FWMagicMike
    FWMagicMike Posts: 113 Member
    Favorite is wall balls
    Least favorite is thrusters or maybe lunges.

    This is interesting because I feel like wall balls and thrusters are essentially the same movement lol I hate both! :)

    True that!

    Favorite is anything bodyweight (muscle ups, HSPU, burpees, rope climbs)
    Least Favorite is box jumps
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    I don't really 'hate' any Crossfit moves although there are several I'm terrible at and some I can't do at all (muscle-ups, pistols and others).

    There are others I simply refuse to do and choose to adapt to protect myself from injury. For example, I haven't bothered to learn kipping pulls-ups because I think the risk of injury outweighs the benefit. I also swing KB's to eye level instead of overhead for the same reason.

    My goal when working out is to push the intensity to the max while preventing injuries.
  • FWMagicMike
    FWMagicMike Posts: 113 Member
    I don't really 'hate' any Crossfit moves although there are several I'm terrible at and some I can't do at all (muscle-ups, pistols and others).

    There are others I simply refuse to do and choose to adapt to protect myself from injury. For example, I haven't bothered to learn kipping pulls-ups because I think the risk of injury outweighs the benefit. I also swing KB's to eye level instead of overhead for the same reason.

    My goal when working out is to push the intensity to the max while preventing injuries.

    I am curious, and I ask because I had the same thoughts regarding kipping until I read an article on the breakdown of kipping and butterflying. What injuries do you foresee on doing proper kipping?
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I don't really 'hate' any Crossfit moves although there are several I'm terrible at and some I can't do at all (muscle-ups, pistols and others).

    There are others I simply refuse to do and choose to adapt to protect myself from injury. For example, I haven't bothered to learn kipping pulls-ups because I think the risk of injury outweighs the benefit. I also swing KB's to eye level instead of overhead for the same reason.

    My goal when working out is to push the intensity to the max while preventing injuries.

    I am curious, and I ask because I had the same thoughts regarding kipping until I read an article on the breakdown of kipping and butterflying. What injuries do you foresee on doing proper kipping?
    I somewhat agree on the kipping coment. I graduated from doing strict pull ups to kipping and after a few months of kipping I got bursitis in my shoulder and can only put it down to kipping. Now whether I didn't quite have the correct movement or due to a few weeks of doing them all the time I don't know - but now I have decided to forego kipping and sticking to strict. Not worth the down time although in WODs it sure is quicker.