Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
We are seeing the close of August and also the close of the summer time - but we can rejoice that we have September on the horizon which means cooler weather, the starting of fall foliage, FOOTBALL, and many other activities that the autumn season brings. :smile:

As we are reading ourselves to embrace this season, let us not forget our journey to find a healthier person within each of us. :happy:

As we ponder our SEPTEMBER GOALS & CHALLENGES! let each of us work toward that healthier person!!

My SEPTEMBER GOALS & CHALLENGES are these 5. I do want a healthier me!! :love:

1. I will NOT eat when I am stressed!! I must learn to deal with stress -
give it to the Lord where it belongs 

2. Stay within my calorie allowance + 100 - using the rest of exercise calories only rarely if at all

3. Commit to walk at least 3.5 miles a day

4. I WILL start body training with weights!

5. Go for loss of 1.5 lb / week = 237 lb

I wish each of us much success during the month of September!!


  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Stay the course.
    Don't give up.
    Do the plan.
    Love yourself for trying :)
  • charrisonwms
    charrisonwms Posts: 22 Member

    Stay focused!
    Stay Motivated!
    Experience THE RESULTS of daily disipline
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    Well said all of you! I won't put a number to the lbs. loss goal cause I'm a Chicken :bigsmile: but I will say:

    Track every day even when I know I'm going to be over:grumble:
    Get on the scale only twice a week (my own quirk, I get too discouraged with the ups and downs)
    Do some form of exercise at least five days per week
    Tell myself every time I think 'Diet': No, Not' Diet', Choices for Life
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Rebamae and Smilesback: you've said it all for me. But I'll add a couple

    Healthier eating
    Cook more, eat out less
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    My goal are to up my protein in September. I'm setting a 5 pound loss goal now for September, too. 165 lbs. (Starting weight: 170)

    Also, need to be very careful while on vacation. 1. Watch my pocketbook, because Québec restaurants look expensive. 2. Log my food everyday to MFP. 3. Walk, Walk, Walk! 4. Take and use my resistance band. 5. Look up restaurant menus in advance of my day so I can plan meals accordingly. 6. Try a new food. (It probably won't be poutine as I am not a huge french fry or gravy lover. Although the last time I was in Montreal, I went with my son and he loved it!)

    Make this vacation more about losing stress than losing weight. :smile:

    Stay in touch with all of you for the encouragement that helps so much!

    Happy and successful September, everyone!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hello Everyone!! Yes it is late but I did not want to miss logging in. Which brings me to my goals for September :glasses:

    Walk every day for no less than 30 minutes
    Track all my food, that is whatever I put in my mouth :embarassed:
    Weigh and Measure Foods :huh:
    Try and stick to fruits, vegetables and protein ( Cut back on Carbs ) :noway:
    Ask the Lord to give me strength each and every day :heart:

    I wish success for all of us :drinker:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    September is going to be all about moving!!

    smiley_dance07s.gif No weight gain in August!

    t31134.gif Exercise:
    Begin early morning bike rides before the heat of the day sets in
    Continue using Hand Bike while reading or watching videos on computer

    Eating back no more than 1/4 of exercise calories
    Continue to verify all nutrition values taken from the MFP database so menu totals are correct.

    bump2.gifProgress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead. ~Kara Goucher

    c0409.gifHave a Great September Everyone!c0409.gif
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    I love the Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness ... (Keats) :flowerforyou:

    Goals for September ...... continue the Zumba and Aquafit I have recently got into, get back to running which I have neglected in the summer months, keep steps over 10,000 every day even if it means driving my husband crazy by jogging on the spot every evening! :love:

    Not too specific with the food side of things...I just want to be sensible without being too specific.......... weight loss will follow if I can stick to these goals.......:tongue:

    I also want to get back to playing the guitar which I have not done much for the last few months....... won't make me lose weight but will make me very happy! :bigsmile:

    Bet wishes to everyone for the new month of September

  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for getting us off to such a great start, Rebamae. Great thoughts to begin a new month.

    For me, August started off with frustration at my weight being stuck for so long, and no real goals. But it ended on a more positive note because the scale got unstuck! :wink: my loss was definitely because I ramped up my exercise and stayed to my food plan. So in September, my goal is to do the same.

    1) Keep up the increased exercise with fast walking, some jogging, and pool exercise.
    2) Concentrate on making better food choices like less fat and carbs while I stay within my calorie goal.
    3) My most important goal, don't get frustrated if I don't see a loss every week. Just try to stay on the path and "keep moving forward".

    Happy September to all!

    Rose :happy:
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    I have not been here in several months due to MANY things that have happened, including moving to a new state, quitting my job, getting married, and being diagnosed with asthma! Many changes and some health challenges! But I am finally getting settled and ready to work on getting healthy.

    My goals for September include:

    1) getting officially back on track by checking in every day

    2) exercising daily, regardless at this point of the amount

    3) getting back to truly healthy eating. I never did get away from that - its old habit at this point. But I do need to be careful with portion control

    Good to be back! I see both old and new faces
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Dreamon - welcome, and are you going to log your food and exercise?

    I am getting more specific with my September goals because I tried on clothes yesterday.

    1. Fit looser into my current jeans and shorts.
    2. Lose 2 lbs each week for a total of 8#.
    3. Swim everyday.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    My aim is to continue with my nutrition and training the way it is now.
    Watch that my sneaky glass of wine does not become a regular glass again.
    Start de-cluttering the house of "things" I don't need so that I have more space and room for the things I want, and have an easier house to redecorate. Have hardly done any of the jobs I planned to do when we moved in 4 years ago.
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good to see so many people with motivation to set all these great goals...:smile:

    Mine for September are the following;

    - Walk 80 miles
    - Continue to log my diary daily and make sure it is accurate
    - Find a new exercise to add to walking, need something for the winter as I am not a big fan of the treadmill :wink:
    - Lose 6 lbs by the end of the month.

    Happy September all!

    - JB :drinker:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I don't set monthly goals, just weekly and daily. I want to wish all of you good luck and hope that you all meet your goals.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    My "declutter" goal is a bit open-ended as well! Just something I need to do - I might still be saying it in four years time.
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    September goals:

    9/1 to 9-14 lose 4 lbs
    9-14 to 9 30 lose 2 lbs (vacay during that period)

    Amp up the exercise, am averaging 3K steps per day plus 15 min bike. Aiming for 5K steps and 20 min bike, oh and might dig out resistance bands.

    Journal sources of stress and remember to enjoy September.
  • September goals -
    Enjoy something each day! Sometimes the most enjoyable thing I do all day is take my walk.
    Walk 120 miles! I walked 105 in August, one day at a time.
    Lose 4 lbs! Each one is getting harder.
    Embrace my daily habits as a life long plan for health, not a short term diet plan.
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I entered my 60's and I discovered the MFP website last week. So this seems like the right group for me.:flowerforyou:

    Goals for Sept.
    1.) Not to break my daily diary streak 2.) continue treadmill 1 hr. per day 3.) start lifting light bar bells 4.) add an exercise routine.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Welcome Aug31 :flowerforyou: Sorry I am bit late to the party, AGAIN, sounds like everyone has some good goals, good luck!

    I made my 16 walk goal for August :drinker:
    I got our local recreation guide from our town office (too annoying trying to browse the website, I still find it quicker to go through the hard copy - does anyone else still experience this?). I will now visit a couple of sites over the next week or so to see what exercise I can try. Some also just have a daily drop in fee, so that you can try rather than commit to a full session. This may be an option for me, because I am still not too thrilled with this whole exercise idea! :grumble:
    As I met the above goals in August, I am now half way to graduating from the Sloth Academy of Exercise!

    So my goals for September:
    - Walk 16 times (each walk must be a minimum of 20 minutes)
    - View 2 exercise sites and find out more details of the exercise offered
    - try I drop in activity
    - Cut back on the ice cream this month - had a tough August for craving ice cream and it really mucked up my daily caloric goals more often than I would like!

    If I make my walking 16 times this month, then that will be 2 months in a row, so Your Resident Sloth will be eligible to graduate from the Sloth Academy of Exercise!

    The weather has been cooling down these last few days, and that oppressive humidity is finally leaving, so there will be no excuse for me not to get out walking - no, I do not have any exercise equipment in my house :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Take care everyone and good luck with all your goals and challenges and if you have time, remember to check in occasionally and let us know how you are doing, cheers, Marian
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you Mariang'. (Sloth Academy of Exercise : ) , i love that! )