September 4, 2014

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    ^Such a good quote. It's nice to remind ourselves that we've already accomplished so much...just by making our health...ourselves...a priority. :smile:

    Marla, hope you feel better soon. Rest is a good thing when getting well.

    Val, sorry about all those troubles. I hope there might be some sort of solution besides hysterectomy (and that long recovery), so that you can have some relief.

    Laura, you passed the sleeping bug to me!

    I slept all day today, as if I'd been drugged (bless my kids heart for taking care of themselves between breakfast and lunch). Usually (and looking at the calendar), this kind of sleepiness is hormonal, so I've got THAT to look forward to (NOT!). Anyway, just now eating (lightly), then hopefully will let my food digest, walk to gym, do glutes/legs, walk home before dinnertime. Will check in later.

    Have a good one!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    I hope you get better soon Marla!

    Laura - I always have a better run pace off the bike at the start...mainly I think because my body has warmed up by then. How' sour foot doing?

    Sherry - Unfortunately, we've been working on this problem ever since I had my son...who is two and a half. We've tried about 3-4 types of birth control, an Mirena IUD and now the ablation. The hysterectomy is the last option here. It's a long recovery, but at this point I'm pretty desperate to be done with this. I've been struggling with anemia for a couple years now because of the excessive bleeding and so I'm often tired and downtrodden and unable to get workouts in. So that recovery doesn't seem so bad in light of 2 years of this.

    Was on jet skis all day yesterday, as well as a good amount of kayaking. I'm completely done in this morning, so I skipped my morning run and am opting for a rest day. I think I'll let my body recover from the heat and activity before I start beating it up some more. ;) I didn't count my calories completely, but made decent health choices. My hubby brough cookies and I ate half of one and left the rest. even after being offered more multiple times. I ate fruit and a trail mix instead which filled me up so I didn't even eat that much. I did splurge on coffee cake at the end of the day though. ;)

    Goals for today:
    Meet my calorie goals today
    not eat any snack two hours before bed (when I really get the munchies!)
    Go to bed on time!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Not much to report this week. Didn't feel well Monday, didn't exercise. Ran to and from trainer workout on Tuesday. Planned rest day yesterday. Tonight I'm going to do some strength training, mainly core and arms, not too much. Then I'll run a bit tomorrow morning.

    Been staying within my calories for the last 3 or 4 days, even with the less exercise. Haven't been as hungry as I've been lately. So, of course, my weight seems to be rising.

    I'm going to miss not going to strength training class tonight, but don't think that it would be a good idea.

    Hope you feel better, Marla, and Varma, and Laura's foot and less tired, Sherry.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Will this never go away? I am eating healthy, resting, getting some sun, etc ugh....

    Better but not gone...

    Working a few hours later then have 4 days off, finally back on my part time schedule, that helps.
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Hi All-

    I hope that everyone who is feeling ill is feeling better soon.

    And Valma- I'm sorry to hear about that long process, hopefully you can begin getting it resolved soon.

    Not much to report on my end- a bit of a rocky start to the week (holidays are always hard) but I'm back on track. I've got some soft tissue damage in my shoulders which was really hurting me during my run last night- I need to go to physio but I can't afford it until my contract becomes permanent (i.e. I get benefits), so it just is what it is at the moment.

    I have to go and buy some new fall work clothes this afternoon. I feel so good about myself when I exercise and eat healthy then I get into the change room and seem myself in the mirror looking so pudgy... it's kind of upsetting sometimes!

    Goals for today:

    Do some yoga for flexibility tonight
    Stay within calorie goals
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Got all my walking and the gym done today exactly as planned. Calories looking good.

    Was right about the hormones, so not quite sure about running tomorrow. Might switch it with the gym. Not sure. depends how vicious t.o.m. ends up.

    See y'all tomorrow!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member

    I've been off the radar but (thankfully) not off the rails. I also haven't really been feeling very enthusiastic about fitness/booty moving/eating vegetables lately.

    Read in bed this morning instead of exercising and then went for a nice---if grossly humid---walk at lunch with a work pal.

    Logged all my cals this am from the comfort of my cozy covers and have been doing well on food so far.

    Tomorrow am I see my trainer and I'm hoping I'll get psyched.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    We need to get healthy! Sounds like a rough week for just about everybody!

    I am over my flu from earlier in the week. Truthfully wasn't feeling great when I went out for my workout last night but maybe I sweat out the last of the sick germs on my run because I felt better afterward.

    Went swimming this morning. Took me forever to talk myself out of the house. It's dark so late now in the mornings! It wasn't a great swim. The pool was more crowded than I'm used to, and for the first time I wasn't able to get an outside lane (I was wedged between the people in lanes 1 & 2) and not sure if it was my nerves from that or what but I was getting winded even faster than usual and it took me longer to catch my breath between laps. Then my trainer showed up (he usually doesn't swim Thursdays but they're heading out of town today), so I was glad I was there. At one point there were 8 of us in a 5 lane pool, although by the end I had the pool to myself. After work I stopped at the gym & did my strength workout. Wasn't too long. Did 10 minutes of cardio to warm up, 3 different supersets (push-ups with lateral lunges; inverted rows with weighted bridges; lat pull-down with Roman Chair), a core workout (2 sets of 20 reps of any 5 core exercises of my choice), and a quick stretch.

    ETA: My foot is doing great! Thanks for asking!