September Goals!

What are you focused on for September?

For me, I've been doing StrongLifts since mid-July, so my goals are:

- triple-digit squat (I'm at 70# now so this may be a stretch)
- bench 50% body weight (about 65#, I'm at 55# right now so this seems doable, but I'm starting to fail regularly on upper body)
- do yoga every day
- see the scale dip below 130. I am so close! But I'd love to have the last week of September be solidly under 130.

I'm loving StrongLifts and loving the Yoga Studio app and how it's helped me develop an at-home practice.


  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Mine is to continue losing weight/bf%. I think my lifts are about done on the upping, so hoping just to maintain my lifts on a deficit.
  • starmickey03
    starmickey03 Posts: 89 Member
    + My main goal is to make better food choices and stay within my calorie goal of 1830.
    + No juices or soda. Water ONLY.
    + Do cardio at least 5x/week.

    I'm doing pretty good with my weights progressing so I have no September goals for that. But I'd love to see some noticeable gains this month which is why I need to get my food choices in check!
  • CoadyMarie
    Go back to posting in the workout thread! I think I've forgotten for two weeks now....

    Mainly I want to work on form, especially on squats and deadlifts. I'm weirdly able to bench more than I squat now (damn cavey knees)

    Want to bump all lifts up by 10 lbs as well (well, maybe except OHP)... I want that 100 on squats!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    well, i sort of met my august set . . . some of them. didn't gain any extra weight while resting, may have gotten my knees sorted out, and . . . well. sorta-kinda followed through on the hamstring/glute idea, although not really.

    for september. i want to get riding again, consistently, use some of this extra leg strength and pick up some stamina. and i'm willing to chill out on the lifting and eat a bit more to make room for it. i'd like that 11-mile ride to be comfortably doable in just over an hour, each way. key word: comfort :tongue:

    weight: probably don't 'need' to lose any more, but i'd like it if 125 could be my new upper limit instead of being something i get within touching distance of when i'm at my lightest.

    squats: 100 pounds is probably too ambitious, but it would be nice to be squatting 80 and feeling as strong about it as i felt today doing 65. keep working on using my core instead of my legs to get out of the hole. i like that feeling.

    bench and ohp: it would just be nice to not be stalled, and to make some kind of progress from 50lb bench and 45 for ohp. i need form improvements on bench, for sure. and by the end of the month i'd like to have the ohp imbalances worked out, even if it does mean still only working with 45 lb.

    rows . . . BLEAGH. i don't really care but i'd like to stay at or above 60lbs and progress with reps/sets if not with the weight.

    deadlift: i think bodyweight should be easily achievable. i'll say i'm aiming to add 20 pounds and get it up to 135.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    I'm only two weeks in to SL5x5 so my main goal is to just keep doing it! School starts Tuesday and I have an insane semester ahead, so consistency is actually going to be a big deal.
    That said, I do have a few other little goals:

    * I will do Stronglifts 5x5 3x / week
    * I will ride my bike to and from school, and to run errands whenever possible
    * I will walk Huckleberry (my dog) daily
    * I will do my 30-Day Challenge assignment daily
    * I will track my food daily
    * I will do my best to meet my macro-nutrient targets
    * I will drink 8 glasses of water daily

    My pie-in-the-sky goal is to get my shoulders to the point where I can actually do proper squats -- I just have no idea if that's even possible in a month's time. Fingers crossed!

  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm trying not to underestimate the difference in my lifestyle between August and September and to be realistic :smile:

    Strength goal: This is going to the top of my priorities now, meaning that cardio and eating have to take supporting roles. I want to take advantage of the new calories to really push myself and see some increases in these early 5x5 days. I feel too uniformed for more specific goals. Taking it a day at a time.

    Cardio goal: Got to reduce this. I'm feeling tired too much of the time. Aim for quality over quantity in terms of Spin.

    Eating goal: I've made some real improvements to my food choices. I want to maintain this whilst working away from home a lot. I'm also traversing the tricky move from calorie deficit to finding my maintenance. Keep taking it steady and slow.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Get back to not being ridiculously sore after each workout? lol

    I've failed a lot of my august goals, and while sometimes it's okay to overshoot, I think I need a successful september to get back in the gist of things, so let me be conservative a tad:

    - Fix my squat form. My heels seem to come off the ground a bit and I have a bit of butt wink going on (although that might be the shoes and shorts I was wearing the day I last filmed, but still). That, well, will require some more hip mobility. Anyone knows of a "do the splits in 30 days" program?

    - No restaurant food for the entire month. I've had definite results with that approach in the past - when I stick to it. I'd say no junk but I do have poptarts that I brough back from the states. I'm limiting those to once a week! Also going to ease back into IF and carb cycling a bit.

    - Run a 5k on september 13th, going for sub 33 minutes.

    - Lose the vacation blubber, and then some (Hoping for 185 by the end of the month... AGAIN)

    - Strength-wise, since I'm on back on Wendler it's hard to set much of a goal since it's not very linear. Maybe just get my E1RMs up by 5lbs for upper body lifts and 10lbs for deadlift and um... I don't know what to think about squats in light of my last session, lol. Oh, and I'll get that unassisted pull-up by the end of the month. (I've been saying this for the past year, btw lol)
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    I'm trying to be more realistic this month. I met my squat goal last month, but then my knee started giving me pain. That seems to be better, but my shoulder is still twingy. I decided to do a major deload and work up more slowly.

    Goals -
    Lose 5 pounds. I was doing well last month, but then I went crazy and ate all the things and ended the month losing nothing.
    Get to Week 5 of C25K.
    Work my weights on all lifts back to where they were before I fizzled out:
    Squats - 100
    Bench - 80
    OHP - 60
    Rows - 80

    I think I'm going to try some SLDL, but I'm not sure yet.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    My only goal for September is to be a more active member of this group and post daily. That is all.

    If I can to that consistently, I will add some other goals for October.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Be consistent and get a routine going that works well with my kids and their school.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    September Goals: GAINZ.

    195lb Squats
    110lb Bench Press
    90lb OHP
    210lb Deadlifts

    I have thoroughly enjoyed not caring about what the scale says for the past few weeks and I'm going to continue to enjoy ignoring it. My body looks great and I feel great. Food = squat fuel. I need that on a t-shirt...
  • laceynwilliams
    laceynwilliams Posts: 27 Member
    squats: 100 pounds is probably too ambitious, but it would be nice to be squatting 80 and feeling as strong about it as i felt today doing 65. keep working on using my core instead of my legs to get out of the hole. i like that feeling.

    I think I need to keep this in mind. 70# is SO HARD for me, so I think I need to deload to 55#, work on form, and make my goal feeling as strong squatting 70# as I do squatting 55#.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Well my August goals didn't really happen. Running just isn't floating my boat the way it used to. I enjoy my short runs (25-30 minutes) but any more than that is just blah.

    I think that September just needs to be a consistency month for me. Log consistently (everyday), lift consistently (4x a week), and run short runs consistently (4x a week).
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Met some of my August goals-completed every scheduled SLs workout. Posted in forums and interacted with mfp members daily, logged consistently. Almost met my cardio and flexibility goals-the last 2 weeks got screwed up because of some family medical stuff. Overall, I'm pleased with my month. Particularly with my lifting. I still love it!

    September I'm on a mission to annihilate fat. The last 2 weeks of august I was eating everything and not adhering to my deficit. The payoff-moving a good amount of weight (for me anyway). I feel puffy and bloated though. I don't like this feeling. This month, I want to ramp up the cardio/conditioning/fat killing. And adhere to my deficit. Last weigh in was 8/22. I was 166.8. I would love to get to 160 by the end of September. It's possible, as I still have a lot of fat on my frame.

    Anyway, 9/14 goals:
    1. Eat at deficit
    2. 5 dedicated cardio sessions/wk. easy conditioning like walking counts
    3. Continue with SLs
    4. PiYo once per week
    5. Continue to post and interact with mfp community
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    I am still new so I didn't post any August goals...I will start fresh with September

    1.) Log daily! (currently on a 68 day streak)
    2.) Continue SL 5x5, 3x a week
    3.) Complete 1 cardio session a week for at least an hour
    4.) Have no more than 4 pumpkin spice latte's all month long (this could be a real toughie :laugh: )
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    My September goals aren't too lofty.

    1) Keep progressing with Madcow 5x5

    2) Finish my last 2 days of C25K
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    Just looked ahead and if I keep going as I have been, I'll be really close to my previous 1RM for squat and bench press by the end of September (165# and 110#, respectively). As such, my goals:

    Keep progressing linearly for: Rows, Deadlift, OHP
    Get to 5x5@150# in squats
    Get to 5x5@95# in bench press

    That would put me at:

    At the end of September.
  • moniker_74
    moniker_74 Posts: 16 Member

    1) Log daily
    2) 5x5 3x/week
    3) Train properly for Avengers 5K and Half Marathon (11/15 and 11/16)

    I did the Disneyland 10K and Half Marathon this past weekend, so have taken about a week off from 5x5. I last lifted the Wednesday before, then ran Sat/Sun and was at Disneyland still on Monday. Should have gotten up to lift this morning but did not make it! So, I'll be coming back to 5x5 probably Friday. Should I still try to increase my weights or repeat my last workout(s) before trying to go up again?

    I started about a month ago and still feel strong on squats, may be able to add a bit more to bench, but really close (if not already) to max for overhead press...
  • rageginger
    rageginger Posts: 74 Member
    super new! *waves*

    My goals have to be few and simple, or I burn myself out. So:

    1) Begin SL 3x/week on Sept 8 (race this weekend, so waiting till that's over before starting a new program)
    2) Try harder to hit my macros
    3) STOP FIDDLING WITH MY MACRO REQUIREMENTS (in caps to yell at myself, I know better.)
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member

    - Fix my squat form. My heels seem to come off the ground a bit and I have a bit of butt wink going on (although that might be the shoes and shorts I was wearing the day I last filmed, but still). That, well, will require some more hip mobility. Anyone knows of a "do the splits in 30 days" program?

    My heels starting coming off the ground last night on squats but I took my shoes off(socks on) and it fixed the problem. I don't think I'm suppose to take my shoes off at the gym but I'm going to keep doing it until someone says something.

    Not sure what a butt wink is...... but it sounds funny.