Day 3

Morning Everyone!!! Day 3 here we go!!! Who's stuck to it? What's your motivation for today? You guys are my motivation!!! I'm so happy so many of you are taking part and I am determined to get to my goal by Christmas!!!

Thank you

A x


  • catarinadev
    catarinadev Posts: 61 Member
    Good morning!! This group is definitely one of my motivations- thank you so much alexrichaa for starting it! :)

    I've stuck to it, and also determined to get to my goal my Christmas! Very happy by how this week has gone, and looking forward to week 2 and getting even further along in our countdown to Christmas.

    I've already noticed differences (been doing this since Monday, so 5 days), but I imagine this is mostly do to with water loss rather than weight. Am going to only weigh myself on Monday 15 September, so some of the fluctuation will have settled down. Hate the ups and downs of looking at a scale, both literally and figuratively!

    In any case my mini-goals for today are to not eat any chocolate and to rest/sleep. Also keep within my calorie count and drink my water as usual.


  • Officially day 1 for me today!! Gone well - tonight out with friends for dinner and drinks so let's see how it goes - all the best to all for the weekend as they are the hardest :smile:
  • GeekMeg
    Hello All,

    Its going well.

  • littlefury
    littlefury Posts: 25 Member
    Yesterday's Goals Revisited:

    Take at least 15,000 steps - FAIL!!! I made it to 11,000 and I could have pushed myself at the end of the day. :mad:
    Stay within my daily calorie goal - ACCOMPLISHED!
    Drink 64oz of water - ACCOMPLISHED!
    Log food and exercise - ACCOMPLISHED!

    Day 2 Mini-Goal: Carefully plan ahead before I go out to eat tonight and STICK TO THE PLAN! - ACCOMPLISHED!

    TODAY'S MINI GOAL: Really take the time to pack healthy food for my weekend trip.
  • wriggles95
    wriggles95 Posts: 15 Member
    So far so good :) This group is great motivation :smile:

    Today's mini goals:

    -Stay within my calorie limit
    -Drink at least 2 litres of water
    -Enjoy rest day :happy:
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    just had my weigh in for the week!

    I gained 0.2 lbs! :( I just gotta drink 8 cups of water each day, eat as healthy as I can each day, make sure that I walk my dog 2x a day and do the treadmill or the stationary bike. I can do this! :) I hope for next weeks weigh in I lose weight!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    my mini goals for day 3:

    drink 8 cups of water

    walk my dog 2x

    do the treadmill or stationary bike today

    eat healthy
  • S_of_Montreal
    S_of_Montreal Posts: 37 Member
    On this nice and sunny Friday, I wish to maintain my diet and to maintain my 30 shred!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm doing great so far today!
    Last night I used the scale to measure how much I was eating. Some things I was low on, like what I thought was 4oz of chicken was actually only 3oz. But when I spooned pasta on my plate...oh serving was not what I thought it was, I had to cut it in half. But I had some baked zuchini and summer squash and chopped tomatoes with a bit of feta. And I weighed everything so the calories were accurate. The main problem I had was finding entries that were listed by I had to look up the calories and pick the best ones, but I'll fix it today to make it more accurate, maybe make my own entries.

    Plus, I actually got up at 4am and did a 20 minute workout! wasn't as bad as I thought it was :) I'm working late tonight so won't be able to work out in the evening like usual, so that was a great way to start the day.

    The only downside so I'm already hungry from eating breakfast so early....I may have to get a snack before lunch, but at least I'll have the calories to play with now.

    Dinner is also going to be a challenge. I'm likely to pick up some fast food for myself, so I'm going to have to research my options so I don't go over calorie wise.

    Other than that, keep on keeping on...
  • joshuaratliff
    joshuaratliff Posts: 49 Member
    I did pretty well yesterday. I bit over on carbs, and a bit under on Protein. Today will be tough. No workout today, and no lunch due to meetings. I will be under on the right areas, but under on protein too. I'll need to find a nice carb free protein source.

    The workout yesterday went well, but I have a nagging injury in my lower shin that is getting worse as my miles ramp up in preparation for the Half Marathon. I'll do a light run and weights tomorrow, and take today off to rest a bit. I have a session set up with a personal trainer Monday, my first. Excited about that.

    Good luck today everyone. Focus, determination, and success!
  • Mooly22
    Good morning!!! So far doing great and I did great on my goals yesterday. Today I already worked out and am working at staying positive and within my calorie limit.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • 230268
    230268 Posts: 30 Member
    1. Loads of water
    2. Long dog walk
    3. Paracetamol for aching thighs

    note to myself don't go too mad with the weights :laugh:
  • PineappleMacaroon
    This is Day one for me; my goals are to (1) abide by my calorie limit; (2) no processed sugar!
  • richandmarieb
    richandmarieb Posts: 17 Member
    Day 3. I can't wait for this heat wave to break! :glasses: We all know the first week of a new weight loss program is the hardest. But we can do it. Life is good. :smile: Diet and exercise, stay the course :tongue:

    Start Wt: 172.2
    Todays Wt: 170.9
  • thepandapost
    thepandapost Posts: 117 Member
    Already got my workout in today - Pure Barre. I started a 30 day fitness challenge, move with purpose everyday this month. Calling it SeptemBEAR since I'm a panda, get it?!? :laugh: Yeah, no one thinks I am cool but myself...but that's okay :drinker:
  • 00sky00
    Gm / ge
    Third day and im still survive ????

    Today in planning to burn +1500 cal by exercise

    Any one want make challenge with me ?
  • nancy_bou20
    nancy_bou20 Posts: 11 Member
    Great job everyone so far!!!! We Rock

    I stuck to it and i'm feeling pretty confident coming into the weekend. I already have a workout and long walk planned with a friend.

    My mini goal for the day is to stick to my FASTING day. I fast one day per week (no food for 24 hours). I am already at 15 hours and feeling great so far.

    Have a great Healthy day everyone!
  • nancy_bou20
    nancy_bou20 Posts: 11 Member
    *** What do you plan to do to burn that many calories? I can barely burn 500 in a day hehe I need to know what you do! :) ***
    Gm / ge
    Third day and im still survive ????

    Today in planning to burn +1500 cal by exercise

    Any one want make challenge with me ?
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I did really great yesterday and had an earlier than normal dinner, then snacked late in the evening. Ugh! On ice cream, which of course, is a no-no since my goal yesterday was no added sugar.

    I still had a calorie deficit, but that's doesn't mean it's ok. I am determined to succeed today.

    Today's mini goals:
    - Drink a minimum of 64 oz of fluids
    - Stick to today's meal plans
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    It's pizza tonight so I have to watch the snacks - only fruit and one skinny cow fudgcicle!
    Woke up late but got my power walk in!