September 5, 2014

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning, and Happy September!

    Its been a busy few weeks here. Got both boys packed up and each traveled to their schools. One on Monday and the other on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I got a 6am wake-up call to go in to work. As much as I love summer and never want August to end, there is something awesome about September. I do love early fall.

    Finally got out for a run yesterday, had almost been a week. I did great this Spring and early summer, then kind of stalled in August. So now I am ready to get this going again, and maybe set a goal for christmas. 135 would be awesome but I'd settle for 140. Very doable I think, this morning I was 150.

    Anyway welcome to any new members I may have missed. I hope to get more regular on here!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Maureen, great to hear from you! I love early fall too, except for the hours of daylight disappearing. I miss the long days of summer.

    I hit a new low weight this morning so I want to keep momentum going over the weekend. Even though I did this thread starter it was a week ago -- and it turns out to be a perfect reminder for me today.

    Typically Friday is my rest day but since I was sick on Tuesday I'm going to swim today to make up for missing that workout. I'm also getting a massage tonight. I'm going to someone new and she's at a fitness center with a nice lap pool so I'm going to get a day pass and swim some laps before my massage. I get off work at 5:00 and my massage isn't until 7:15 so I have plenty of time.

    Hope everybody has a great Friday! I'll check back later to see what everybody is up to.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi Maureen! I agree about September--love it and always look forward to it, despite that it marks the end of vacation. I've always considered Sept (not Jan) the beginning of a new year.

    Laura, have a nice swim and massage!

    I still haven't decided about today. DH has had to work late, so I haven't had to decide yet, but when he gets home I'll have to. T.O.M. has been really heavy and my lower back hurts. Can't see running like this. But my next gym workout due is total back & core...don't see doing that with this backache (which is just hormonal I think). I need to get my steps, so I might just go out for a walk and try to get as many steps as possible in the short time that I have before I have to rush to a restroom (yeah, it's like that. sorry tmi) Ugh.

    Will check back later.

    TGIF e'body!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Maureen- September and October are absolutely my favourites. I agree with Sherry that even though I've been out of school for ages and I don't have any kids that it feels more like a new year than actual New Years!

    Sherry- those days are the worst... I end up like that about once a month as well. A walk seems like a really good solution- and I usually do swimming on those days- much lower impact.

    Laura- congrats on your low weight! That's great. I hope your massage is just lovely.

    I just had my first "check-in" since joining the site 10 days ago (I've been trying to lose weight for a while, but just heard about MFP) and it was more positive than I thought! Most of it is probably water weight etc. but I think that the accountability- especially on the exercise end was really helpful. I know that at least twice in the past two or so weeks I've gone out and exercised when I normally would have just skipped it because I knew I'd have to come here and check in. So thanks! All of you are great!

    Goal today: to go for my run... even if it is raining as hard as I think it is going to be!

  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Sherry - hope that back pain lets up for you and you can get your walk in. Or run....whichever it may be!

    Laura - WTG on your new number!! So exciting, I am looking forward to being able to say that too. haha Hopefully soon! Enjoy your swim and your massage, sounds great.

    Jane - I feel the same way about September, its like the beginning of the year...moreso that January. I've always thought that! lol I feel sort of like when Monday comes around and its the start of a new week. A fresh start...only bigger scale. haha
    Enjoy your run today....did you get rained on?

    I just got back from mine, 6K today. Beautiful sunshine and light winds....just right :) I have a friend coming for lunch today, going to have grilled chicken salad. I haven't seen her since early summer, so I'm looking forward to it!
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Maureen, glad you're getting out. I also love Fall. I even have a favorite tree!

    CONGRATULATIONS LAURA! A new low weight---wow! You're awesome!

    Sherry, sometimes exercise helps me feel better during TOM, other times it's just the heating pad.

    Jane, all activity is great, especially when you can sneak in those "extras."

    I haven't been loving the scale lately and I get discouraged when my weight fluctuates up. This morning I got up and worked out with my trainer before work. Sunday I'll be so sore...

    Tomorrow I have my first Pilates class (yes, Pilates was the winner) so I'm excited about that. Then Sunday I'm taking my son to swimming lessons then swimming laps (I'll never be closer!). Hoping that weekend workouts can help keep me on the healthy path on the weekends and away from the Domino's app. It's so easy to get sucked into my comfy, cozy, house, chilling and having toddler fun...
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Made my steps goal today, but with no other exercise and a serious craving for 2 big (no, HUGE) glasses of cold milk, I went over my calories for the day. But it was the first day I went over this week. Weekly average is still okay, but I can almost feel that I'm going to give-in to snacking as soon as the kids are in bed. IDK why I have such a hard time with food on rest days. I'm gonna hafta buhhring it tomorrow.

  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I agree our September is a perfect beautiful one.

    And there is some good to all this lingering cold crap, I lost the 3 lbs I gained back :ohwell:

    I was having a major problem with sugar and wine and now neither sound good to me, so that is good.

    I am making lemonade folks....:tongue:
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Just got in from my 5k run drenched to the bone. I thought I was going to make it but the heavens just opened up on the last km. To be honest it was a bit of a relief by that point as it was 30 degrees when I set out. (What can I say? I'm a Canadian of Scottish/Scandinavian descent... cold and rainy is much more my speed than heat.)

    I really appreciated the women who rolled down their windows and yelled "you're a trooper!" at me while it poured- it was by far the nicest thing anyone has ever yelled at me out of a moving vehicle.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    It's been a crazy week. not bad, just busy and I was unable to follow a normal routine at all. Not one day. It's left me a little discombobulated. Glad to be able to follow a normal routine tomorrow since I always eat better when I'm following the same routine.

    September definitely feels more like the new year. Done with relaxation, on to school and church routines again.

    Have a great weekend everyone!