Hoping people post and stay committed!

Ooohh almost forgot to log but then remembered committed to the 100 days!!!:smile:


  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    I'm posting every day on my wall but sometimes I forget to crosspost to here. So you might see a few days input all at the same time :)
  • 9 in a row
  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    I am on day 72, but I plan on staying with it for this full 100 days on top of what I started with. I saw someone that had 1000 days and that would be great, but I will start with this 100 days to begin with.
  • Deja_Thoris
    Deja_Thoris Posts: 18 Member
    I am at 10 days this morning! It's really motivating to have this group to keep accountable to. Thanks to all!
  • Way to go!
  • Things have been crazy lately but I've stayed committed to logging everything, even if it is donuts or beer! I think today is day 11 in a row for me.

    I'm glad I'm logging daily, but it does have a downside. It makes me a bit sad when I just want to have one more beer, or a small snack, and I realize I've already reached my calorie count for the day. I technically could have the additional food, as long as I log it, and still meet my goal of logging every day. But then it would be sabotaging my other goals.

    But, rather than hold out on going over my calorie limits for the day, I am reserving all of my willpower to remember to log what I consume. So I do have a few days that are over by 100-200 calories, and not quite as many that are under by the same amount. It is also helping me remain accountable - on the day I knew we were going tubing on the river and I was going to drink several beers, I made sure that my other meals that day were more 'efficient' in calories - proteins and fats that would keep me from being hungry, rather than carb-based meals that make me want to eat again an hour later.

    So glad for this 100-day challenge!
  • Still logging and exercising--how about you??
  • Way to go! One day this last week I took a walk just so I could eat some more. Just imagine how great we are going to feel when there is a zero after our total logging days!
  • ifixyospeech
    ifixyospeech Posts: 25 Member
    Definitely still here and still committed! I'm noticing myself being better about making smart choices since it's so embarrassing to log "french fries" for lunch! Slowly but surely...! :)
  • You know it takes a good bit of time to log all this when you are not use to it but it is getting easier. Need to get some exercise in but just can't seem to get started.