new to group needing advice

Hi I'm Jessica and I have 50 lbs to lose. I am addicted to TurboJam and have lost 15 lbs so far but my weight loss is stagnant now. I usually alternate Charlene's cardio party workouts which I do 3-4 times/week then I do the 3T (sculpting) workout once a week. I cut calories to 1200-1500/day and still standing firm at 188 lbs. It's very frustrating to not lose weight when I'm working so hard. If someone can give me any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong I would really appreciate it.


  • gingerpeachy6
    gingerpeachy6 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Jessica :)

    Sorry to hear that you hit a plateau. I did too for months. I do T25 and Piyo again now after a few weeks rest in between. I restarted yesterday. I am looking at the amount of calories that you are consuming and wonder if it is too little because now your metabolism would be higher? Your body may be in starvation mode. I was to be at 1200-1400 calories and it wasn't until I upped my calories for a week that I noticed a difference. I also looked at water intake and also the amount of salt that was in my diet. You may also want to try upping your calories for a day and then going back to the 1200-1500 a day (alternate) I hope this makes sense, let me know if it doesn't?
  • Jessica11221
    Jessica11221 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for the advise. I know I don't drink enough water I need to improve on that. I had another person tell me to increase my intake but I'm not sure how much to increase. I did increase my intake for a few days to 1500-1600 and my weight went up slightly. I'm just so frustrated because weight loss has never been this difficult for me. Do you enjoy T25? I have been wanting to try it.
  • gingerpeachy6
    gingerpeachy6 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Jessica,

    Yes, if you experimented with increasing calories then that may not be it :( I do love T25 it is right for me. I don't find it jars my joints and not so much pounding on the knees. T25 has a modifier and I follow her when the jumping begins. The way I look at it is that if my joint hurt, then I wont work out lol. I did find that my body changed a lot, but I have an autoimmune thyroid condition and my thyroid went very low. I too was frustrated as I was working out and being so good in my diet. They had to increase the meds and that was what was needed. I did research food that I wasn't supposed to eat with thyroid and it turned out I am not supposed to eat soy. Well my protein bars were soy based, so now I make my own when I can. I do stay away from a lot of fruit too. I also was eating way too much avocado. Even healthy stuff can pack on pounds :( If you are being really good in tracking your food, I would just be patient for a little bit. Us girls have hormones and that scale can really do a number on my inner psyche. Have you taken photos or measurements? I know that also helps a lot, the small changes may not reflect on the scale, but please trust the process. Believe it or not you body is changing :)
  • sweetpea799
    sweetpea799 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to group and love Turbo Jam. My problem is staying with the program, I always fizzle out after week 2....I'm determined this time to stick w it! My TJ dvd set is really old so my goal is to stick w this for a while and then treat myself to one of Chalenes newer programs. I've got about 40 to lose so its a long road. I'm really motivated now. My dads in bad health because of weight and I refuse to be that! I want my kids proud of their mom, I've been heavy all my life but have always felt there's a kick butt athletic girl hiding in here somewhere. Its time to let her out! Let's go ladies! :happy:
  • gingerpeachy6
    gingerpeachy6 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Sweatpea,

    I had a hard time sticking with programs too. After much digging deep and my oldest son introducing me to Shaun T a year ago last spring, I was hooked by his motivation. I couldn't do the high intensity though. It was only until I did T25 that I didn't feel so awkward. I also loved the calendar that told me what to do. In the beginning it was hard, but I just pushed play and did the modified. I still can't get thru the whole thing (burpees) but hey I do try. Beachbody is also supposed to have a new 25 minute program coming this fall with Tony Horton. I love the 25 minute ones they are coming out with and really feel like they are targeting people like me who are 40+ (I am 48) I will also mention that I am a coach, but since we are on a beachbody group I will assume that you have a coach and I do respect that. I became one as I love it so much and like the discount :)
  • sweetpea799
    sweetpea799 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Gingerpeachy,
    Thx for the reply. I despise burpees, I'd rather do 100 situps, maybe I'll eventually be able to keep up w them! I am new to all this and no I do not have a coach, not really sure what that involves. I'm hoping that being connected here will help me persevere. Just loved TJ from first time I saw it. I check out beachbody site frequently but can't justify ordering something new if its just gonna collect dust ya know?! I always have issues when I try to add in sculpting. My legs want to die and my knee hurts and I get afraid of injuring myself. I'm really on my own here. I have friends that r into spinning but its not for me. I like the punching and kicking and also with my schedule I need to do something from home.
  • gingerpeachy6
    gingerpeachy6 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Gingerpeachy,
    Thx for the reply. I despise burpees, I'd rather do 100 situps, maybe I'll eventually be able to keep up w them! I am new to all this and no I do not have a coach, not really sure what that involves. I'm hoping that being connected here will help me persevere. Just loved TJ from first time I saw it. I check out beachbody site frequently but can't justify ordering something new if its just gonna collect dust ya know?! I always have issues when I try to add in sculpting. My legs want to die and my knee hurts and I get afraid of injuring myself. I'm really on my own here. I have friends that r into spinning but its not for me. I like the punching and kicking and also with my schedule I need to do something from home.

    Hi again Sweatpea,

    A beachbody coach not only helps to get you with the correct product for your needs, but also runs challenge groups with other people doing the programs. It helps a lot to keep you accountable and is also a lot of fun. If you are interested in free coaching and more information, just let me know. I will be starting a PiYo challenge group in October after I get back from my honeymoon :) I wasn't sure of Piyo either, but for the first time I am getting definition (and I am 48 years young) It starts slow and isn't hard on the body. If you are curious, just pm me and I can send you a video etc.

    Til then everyone take good care and Happy Sunday!

  • hrh2009
    Hey :)
    Just finished Insanity and found community things really good to drive me through to the end.
    If anyone has any questions or wants to share ideas or tips, feel free to msg me :)
  • cvuittonet
    cvuittonet Posts: 3 Member
    How is the progress coming? I stopped weighing myself because I weighed the same but lost a ton of inches. Now I measure myself. With P90x3 and T25 I've lost a total of 6 inches off my hips, 4 off each thigh, 5 off my waist, and two off each bicep.

    The hardest part for me was increasing my water intake.
  • maasmom2
    maasmom2 Posts: 37 Member
    I am new to 21 day fix and Body pump having a hard time logging in workouts