Motivation and Accountability Thread Sept 2-7/2014

Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
Ok, I am gonna try and start the weekly thread as a few of us discussed a few weeks ago....I saw someone else started one a few weeks ago, but not again, so I am going to take it upon myself to do this every week this month and see if it catches on.

I started a day late this week because of yesterday being a holiday. The idea is to post your personal goal for the week, and then check in each day for accountability and hopefully we can all motivate each other, even if our goals for the week are different.

My goal this week is to start logging my food again, starting TODAY!! And to get back on a proper eating and sleeping schedule after a summer of stress from my daughter and late nights waiting for her to get home from work and such.

I did get to bed at a decent time last night, and woke up at 6am today so that was good, but I had a bit of a rushed morning and didnt eat until almost noon, and then made a poor choice because I was so hungry and ate the quickest thing I could find.

How about everyone else? What are your goals this week? How was your day??


  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I like places to check in and keep myself accountable so thanks for this thread!

    My goals for the week:

    Stay hydrated! (10+ cups of water/day)
    Keep my intake in check. (treats are fine if they fit)
    Walk 10 miles (3.5 done so far)
    Do 30DS every day (2/7 so far)

    My day was rough, 30DS is kicking my butt, er, more specifically my abs. My sleep schedule is wonky, so I've been eating at weird (for me) times and my whole routine is off. I'm trying to roll with the punches though, because that's life, right?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I typed a bunch this morning and it got deleted and I was running late so did not have time to retype it then.

    The basic gist of it was that I was wondering about people having trouble keeping hydrated after reading Allie's goals. I drink a LOT of water. An online calculator said I need about six liters a day to stay hydrated at my size, and I always drink at least that, naturally, just from being thirsty.....

    Do people really not drink enough to be hydrated just normally? I never use the water counter thing because mine would just always be overflowing!!

    Anyway Allie, good goals!! I NEED a place to check in and be accountable, so I am hoping this takes off. I am going to add exercise next week, but I really just needed a few days to just get back on track after a crazy summer of messed up sleep habits due to my daughter and eating falls right into that.

    To add to what I had in my first post, for tomorrow I am going to try and start eating breakfast at breakfast time again. For the last two days I have been up at 6-7am and still never ate anything before noon!!
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks for starting the accountability thread. This time of year is insanely busy for me with the new school year. Biggest surprise has been the fact that I have doubled the number of steps I get in during my work day with a new classroom on the opposite side of the building. I have gotten in over 8000 both yesterday and today. Easy to hit my 10,000 steps a day now! I really want to create a habit of getting an am workout in before school. I'm eating healthy and getting to bed early. And I'm like you in that I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day without trying. Night all!
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I'm having a hard time getting my water in lately because I fill myself up on Diet Mountain Dew. I set myself water goals so that I remember to put away the soda and grab some water instead. Well, all that and the fact that my house is under construction and it makes me not want to walk around in all the yuck.

    updated goals!
    Stay hydrated! (10+ cups of water/day) DONE!
    Keep my intake in check. (treats are fine if they fit) CHECK
    Walk 10 miles (4 done so far)
    Do 30DS every day (3/7 so far)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ok, I totally failed tonight.....I had a super stressful day at work and ate super late and had a mini binge.....going to head to bed now and start fresh tomorrow!!! :angry:
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Been there, done that. Stress eating is so hard to change. Hope today's a good one for you!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member

    updated goals!
    Stay hydrated! (10+ cups of water/day) DONE!
    Keep my intake in check. (treats are fine if they fit) CHECK
    Walk 10 miles (4 done so far)
    Do 30DS every day (3/7 so far)

    WTG Allie!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey!! How is everyone doing today?!?!?! Plans for the weekend?
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    Goals update:
    Stay hydrated! (10+ cups of water/day) -- CHECK
    Keep my intake in check. (treats are fine if they fit) -- CHECK (sort of)
    Walk 10 miles (3.5 done so far) -- 6.33 miles done so far!
    Do 30DS every day (2/7 so far) -- 5/7 days done!

    This upcoming weekend and week is going to be rough on me. My birthday is on Monday and I know my dad is going to attempt to make the birthday cake my Grandma used to always make me, he'll fail & it won't be similar at all and I'm going to have to eat some just because I know it's a big deal to him to have baked something on his own. We're also staying at a hotel for 2 nights (the 8th & 9th) so hopefully I'll be able to keep my food in check, it's just much harder when you don't have access to a kitchen.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    9/7 Check-In:

    Stay hydrated! (10+ cups of water/day) -- DONE every day!
    Keep my intake in check. (treats are fine if they fit) -- CHECK (good enough for me!)
    Walk 10 miles -- 6.33 miles done so far! My real goal is 40 miles in September, so I've got time yet!
    Do 30DS every day -- 7/7 done! I skipped yesterday, but did it twice today to make it up. I think it counts.

    Tomorrow is my 29th birthday and I was so looking forward to breaking into the single digits of the 300s for it, but I must be retaining water or something because despite my best efforts and a deficit each day, the scale has just teetered around the 25 pound loss mark that I hit on the 1st.

    I'm trying not to be defeated by the scale just toying with the same 2-3 pounds each day because I can definitely see a difference in my pictures (I took pics today to mark my 7th day of 30DS) and I've lost a lot of inches all over. But I still really want to drop the pounds, too, even though I know that smaller me is the end goal and the number isn't.

    Well now I'm rambling so have a great day everyone! :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    You did great this week Allie!! I am going to open the new thread for this week now.....sorry I didnt get on the last couple days, having time to hit the message boards on the weekend is really really hard....every other weekend I work a ten hour shift on Saturday and then have to do all my regular weekend things like laundry and shopping this was that weekend and it is so hard to find time to get online too!!