Help Needed. At a Complete Stall.

tatanisky Posts: 33 Member
So I've been diligent for a few weeks now, but I only lost about one pound before my weight loss completely stalled. It's been eight days and I haven't lost so much as an ounce.

I checked myself and I'm in full ketosis; the strip comes out dark purple.

I eat approx. 1600 calories and keep my carbs below 60, exercising every other day.

Any ideas why the scale isn't budging?


  • Hebrews12v2
    Hebrews12v2 Posts: 1 Member
    My carbs are below 30, usually around 20 and I also am stalled out. I am about to go back to counting calories because that worked in the past for me. Low Carb is delicious and filling but I am not excited about it anymore. I am really getting depressed about this very very slow drop in pounds. The inches came off , but weight......nadda.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    My first thought, is that eight days does not a stall make.....and I know this, because I am an every day scale watcher who gets very upset when that darn thing does not move down. But, as time has marched on, I have learned that "scale" stalls, not "fat" stalls, as far more common than us weight losers want to see. I know that hearing this does not make you feel any better, nor did it make me feel better when I got told. We want to see that scale move.

    However, I have found that when I go through periods (sometimes as much as a month) and the scale does not move, and I am sure to measure every morsel going into my mouth, and I am in Ketosis, working out hard and often, and still not losing weight, it is usually because I am losing fat and gaining a bit of muscle in my exercise. Which, when you consider muscle increases our metabolic burn when we do nothing, is an awesome thing.

    My second thought, is that you might try coming up a little out of Ketosis (try hitting the third color from the darkest end) for a few days and see if that helps. I know that, for me (T2 diabetic), when my sugars go too low for more than a few days in a row, my weight can slow way down. It may be that you are doing your ketosis correctly (getting your carbs from greens and great sources) that your Blood Glucose (BG) levels are too low. Try adding a little more carbs with 1/2 cup berries, to your diet and come up just a little on your KetoStix and see if that helps.

    My third thought, is that if you are dong everything right....keep doing it. There is only so long that your body can hold on to the fat stores, before it has to give it up to you. Again, I know it is frustrating, but just keep doing what you know is right and give it some more time. If you go two months without weight loss, then you can start talking "stall". Good Luck and God Bless.
  • tatanisky
    tatanisky Posts: 33 Member
    My first thought, is that eight days does not a stall make.....and I know this, because I am an every day scale watcher who gets very upset when that darn thing does not move down. But, as time has marched on, I have learned that "scale" stalls, not "fat" stalls, as far more common than us weight losers want to see. I know that hearing this does not make you feel any better, nor did it make me feel better when I got told. We want to see that scale move.

    However, I have found that when I go through periods (sometimes as much as a month) and the scale does not move, and I am sure to measure every morsel going into my mouth, and I am in Ketosis, working out hard and often, and still not losing weight, it is usually because I am losing fat and gaining a bit of muscle in my exercise. Which, when you consider muscle increases our metabolic burn when we do nothing, is an awesome thing.

    My second thought, is that you might try coming up a little out of Ketosis (try hitting the third color from the darkest end) for a few days and see if that helps. I know that, for me (T2 diabetic), when my sugars go too low for more than a few days in a row, my weight can slow way down. It may be that you are doing your ketosis correctly (getting your carbs from greens and great sources) that your Blood Glucose (BG) levels are too low. Try adding a little more carbs with 1/2 cup berries, to your diet and come up just a little on your KetoStix and see if that helps.

    My third thought, is that if you are dong everything right....keep doing it. There is only so long that your body can hold on to the fat stores, before it has to give it up to you. Again, I know it is frustrating, but just keep doing what you know is right and give it some more time. If you go two months without weight loss, then you can start talking "stall". Good Luck and God Bless.

    Thank you for your input!

    It is very frustrating, but I'll keep at it and, hopefully, the scale will start moving again soon.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    My carbs are below 30, usually around 20 and I also am stalled out. I am about to go back to counting calories because that worked in the past for me. Low Carb is delicious and filling but I am not excited about it anymore. I am really getting depressed about this very very slow drop in pounds. The inches came off , but weight......nadda.

    You have to understand that whether you are low carb, low fat, high this, or high that......or anywhere in between, the only thing that matters is CALORES IN - VS -. CALORIES OUT. I don't think that low carb is failing you at all. If you look through your diary, you will see that you are over your calorie macros almost every day in the last two weeks. If you eat more than you burn, no matter your food choices, you are not going to lose weight.

    With that said, there does not appear to be any exercise going on in your diary. Did I miss it? If not, please don't blame a low carb diet on your failure. It looks like you are trying to do a low carb high fat diet, but are missing the point that you need to incorporate some heavier exercise into that and perhaps some strength training to increase you RMR.

    Try adding an hour of walking every day over the next 7 days, lower your calorie intake to have a 500 calories (minimum) deficit each of the seven days, and see what happens on the scale. It is always easy to blame the "diet" than to admit that we are not doing the "diet" correctly. Low Carb High Fat is yummy, and it really works, but you can't pick out the parts of it that you like and leave out the parts you don't like.

    Just a thought.
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    I just broke through a 6 month stall. What kept me going was getting fancy fitbit aria scales. They measure body fat as well as weight. I noticed that while my weight was stalled in a 2kg range, my fat went down and lean mass went up (I've been bushwalking). I also lost an inch in the waist.

    What finally broke me out was a fat fast (I'm on the 3rd and final day).

    Breakfast: 3 eggs scrambled with sour cream and butter with Coffee with cream
    Lunch: Konjac spaghetti with a beef bacon, blue cheese, cream cheese and cream sauce. "Lowcarbonara" ^^
    Dinner: Labneh (Very thick low carb yoghurt), coffee with cream, and/or Strawberries and whipped cream.
    Snacks: More coffee with cream
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Firstly, 60g of carbs and in ketosis? Wow, I can't go above 20g a day.

    I've been the same weight for 2 weeks. Sunday morning I got on the scales and was down 500g (just under a lb). Great I thought, things are finally moving again. But no, this morning, back up 500g and sitting where I have been for the last two weeks.

    You know what? Fine. I don't care. I can wear my "small" clothes (size 16 rather than the 20s and 22s I was in). I don't feel like rubbish every day. I went horseriding on the weekend for the first time in 2 years. My skin is clear, my legs look good, my face is not puffy.

    Big picture, I've lost 6kg in the last 6 weeks, and for a 40yo office worker, you gotta be happy with that. I haven't gone above 20g carbs a day the whole time, but I have some days eaten more than others (including a bowl of bacon for lunch :P ) and I've had red wine on the weekends.

    It's taken me about 22 years to put on all this weight. It's not going to fall off overnight and reveal a supermodel, lets be honest. But I'm not gaining weight, the scales are moving in the right direction, and that's all that matters.
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    Have you been measuring your body parts as well? I have had weeks where the scale does not move but my measurements are down.
    Dr. Atkins had stated a stall isn't a stall unless there was no weight lost and no decrease in measurements for 'several weeks'. I've seen people say that this is more like 4-6 weeks before it's a true stall.
    Measure your body periodically (I do mine weekly when I weigh), and you might be surprised.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I've also committed to taking pics monthly, right around the anniversary of my start date. It helps me keep into perspective that this is a long haul deal, and that it takes time. Not only that...looking at last months pics and this months pics you might be like "whoa. i only lost 2 lbs? it sure looks like more" see yourself everyday. its easy to overlook the little changes and shifts that definitely occur.