It's Working!

I mean, we all know that logging your calories will help you lose weight, but I have been over my calorie goal almost every day and I've STILL lost 1 lb this week! For me, just being more conscious about what I'm putting in my mouth (instead of mindlessly nomming on everything) has made a big difference in my eating habits. I thought I had to be very strict and stringent with what I ate, otherwise I would never lose anything (this is how I'd lost 30 lbs before), but apparently it's a little different this time around. Maybe it's because I'm more active? I don't know. But anyway, this 100 day challenge has been great so far, and I'm really glad I've joined. Looking forward to keeping with it for the next 90ish days!


  • ghenne04
    That's awesome! Glad you're seeing results and feeling positive about logging.It helps to have early victories.

    I've been successful too in that I've been tracking everything, and being very conscious about what I'm eating. But I haven't seen the weight come off yet. I think I'm retaining water due to the time of month, so I haven't been too worried. I'll weigh again in a week or so and I bet I'll have made some good progress at that time!
  • marciamuse2
    Congratulations! I'm glad that you have found success in your journey down the scale this time that doesn't seem so stringent. Your weight loss so far must make you feel so much better in your clothes too! Keep up the great work!