Meet and Greet



  • Oops, looks like I'm the youngest and latest one to join the group! I'm actually 14 but have had problems with my weight since I hit 9 and I've always been incredibly self-conscious to the point of wearing nothing but a massive hoodie and a pair of jeans throughout grade 7 including in the summer. I have never really felt "comfortable" in my skin and I'm hoping to change that! I knew I had to lose weight and I never could really sick to a diet it for less than a day... horrid. At first I was proud to go a week but then, I had a talk with myself and put everything I could into turning my life around before I hit 200 lbs at the age of 12. I went on Atkins with my mom and at first I struggled but I've been going for 8 months so far and have lost a TOTAL of 54 lbs. I am losing my way now and struggling again so I am trying to find motivation through apps like these! I have had this app for quite some time now and used to be big on it, and I'm hoping to get back up on it and lose the rest of my weight! I have 21 pounds to go now until I hit my ultimate weightloss goal. I have come so far from being a 2X to a small in the matter of less than a year! Although my biggest accomplishment was that I actually wore shorts not only around my family but to school, and it may sound like nothing but to me it is nerve wracking just thinking about it and I'm glad I over came it. I am looking forward to completing this challenge with all of you! :) Good luck to everybody!
  • Good job! I hope you reach your goals :)
  • You can do it!! I'm in the same boat right now, just need a little encouragment!
  • hi all sorry another late arrival (nothing new there! !) in Suzy 35 from Doncaster, UK, I am a wife to 1 and mum to 3 (boy 15 and 2girls 14 & 7)
    I have been wanting to lose weight for a while now, I was a nice comfortable 9st10 a few years back but as a new years resolution I decided to give up smoking (yay me 2yrs 8months so far :) ) so as you can imagine I piled on the pounds to my highest yet of 185lb :( I never have a lot if will power or motivation for weight loss and not very 'face to face' and a bit shy so wouldn't dream of going to any sort of WW /slimming groups which is why this group is ideal.
    The reasons I want to lose weight are obviously I want a nice figure and to be less embarrassed by myself. I am starting university in a few weeks (bit late I know but family came first) and I want to feel confident at the christmas shindigs, also our 10th wedding anniversary is on boxing day so if I succeed I will reward myself with somewhere special.
    Good luck to every body on their journey and hope you all accomplish you personal goals

    Remember everyone has a story and you dont know the half of it!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    hey, my name is Amber as you can see from my screen name I love Dr. Who and most scifi stuff , I'm 28yrs. old and married to my best friend for 9 years this November. We have three sons together, my husband has a chronic illness and were all trying to stay healthy for him and support him. Right now I walk my kids to and from school and do aerobics or my elliptical for exercise. I'd love to lose another 20 pounds by christmas so I can be healthy for some upcoming surgeries I will having and more energy to spend running after my kids. :flowerforyou:
  • zamphir66
    zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member
    I am not late to the party. I have arrived exactly when I mean to.

    So, after a bitter/amicable divorce I added 50 pounds, as per our settlement. It's the heaviest I've ever been. I got rid of about 15 of them without trying too hard, but the other 35 feel a bit stickier. I'm hoping to be back to normal adult weight by tax time or so.

    Good Luck everybody.
  • conatser9
    conatser9 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi! I'm Donna mother of 3 the oldest being16 then 14 and the last is 9. I've been on MFP almost a year in October .I've lost 51lb.and gained 10 back I would like to loss 35lb more. my goal is 20 lb by Christmas.

    Good luck everyone
  • Hi, I'd like to join if it's not too late! I'm Carrie, currently living in Michigan. I'll be 44 in October. When I started tracking my calories again in mid-July I was the heaviest I've ever been. This was partly due to a terrible harsh winter that put a severe dent in my exercise program even though I tried to get to the gym as much as possible and I have a series of workouts to do at home. There was something about the dark days and extreme cold and never-ending snowdrifts that made this winter very bad for my eating and exercising habits. I was heavier than I wanted to be before last winter though, so I have some years of extra weight to deal with.

    My BF/fiance is dedicated to fitness which is great! We go to the gym together and sometimes run together when he's not going for speed. He'll always be stronger and faster than I am, but he supports me in my fitness goals and we help each other get up and out the door to exercise on those morning when neither of us really feels like it. He's also very tolerant of my cooking experiments (currently low-carb high-protein).

    Ideally I'd like to get back to my pre-grad school weight, which would be about 20 pounds from where I am now. I'm not certain I can do it by the holidays but I'm going to give it my best effort.
  • Sarahclaybaugh
    Sarahclaybaugh Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, my name is Sarah, and I am super excited to join this group to help keep me motivated and accountable throughout my weight loss journey. I am 28 years old and 2 years ago left my job in retail management for a more regular M-F 9-5 desk job. In the process I put on nearly 20 lbs and, aside from a few pounds, simply haven't had the motivation to lose it. This is the heaviest and most out of shape I have ever been and it has effected me both mentally and physically. I miss being able to go for a 5 mile run and keep up with my physically fit boyfriend hiking. I have become embarrassed by my new physical limitations and am fed up with it.

    A few months ago my boyfriend and I joined a new gym together and I signed up for personal training sessions there weekly. Though I have used MFP before sporadically, it was actually my training who got me turned on to the idea of using it daily to log my food. I didn't even realize there was a social component to the site/app previously, and that part got me excited again about the idea of logging my diet and activity.

    I am so pumped to be a part of this group and am hoping to lose 18 lbs by Christmas, which will put me back at my pre-desk job weight of 140 lbs. I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you and love that this will help keep us all accountable to each other!
  • RaceFan101
    RaceFan101 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! my name is Nick I weigh 175lbs and I started MFP because I need to loose about 25-30 lbs and I though doing it in a Group would be even better! Hopefully we can all achieve our goals and feel better about our selves!
  • Hi All! I'm 49, married, and mother of a 21 year old son. Several years ago I managed to lose 100 pounds, unfortunately in the ensuing years I've gained 75 of it back. I take way to much medication (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc) and I've been pre-diabetic for years now. I just keep thinking this is NOT how I want to spend my retirement years. I want to 1) live to reach retirement age and 2) be able to enjoy life AFTER retirement. I've so far lost 15 pounds (since July 10) and thought this group would be a great way to stay on track. :)
  • Zy30
    Zy30 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Liz, I'm 33 yrs old and a single mother of a wonderful soon to be 12 yr old daughter and both my parents are diabetics. I'm a recovered alcoholic with 2 yrs being sober and happier then I was. In the beginning of 2012 I decided to change life around in many aspects, I was weighing in at 215 lbs and feeling very unhappy with my life. My job was making sick from so much stress and at some point it was causing me so much anger to the point where I wanted to beat someone up everyday (but I didn't) so I decided to see a therapist. After months of seeing someone and hearing to go to AA over and over I took actions in to my own hands. I refused to go to get help at AA, instead I decided to put to use that membership at the gym and began going 2 times a week, slowly moved to 4 and then got a personal trainer. When I least expected I was at the gym 6 days a week and began taking advantage of the classes the gym provided, I began with doing only 30 minutes of zumba the next day I did 30 minutes of kickboxing and so on. In 6 months I was done with my trainer and was doing 1 hour of each class 7 days a week. Today I do 2 hours of classs a day and spend 2 hours at the gym 4 days a week, well that was until I tore my cartilage in taebo class a couple months ago but I don't make that an excuse because I still manage to go for a swim and some light weight lifting. I'm full of so much energy and managed to meet some great people at the gym classes and eventually we became each others motivators and made sure we were at the class everyday even when we didn't feel like being there.

    I went from being 215lbs to 160lbs, being an alcoholic to being sober and smoke free, being at a job where I hated the management teams to finally bein in a job where I'm respected and appreciated. I make healthy decisions when it comes to eating and spend a lot more time with my daughter and slowly teaching her healthy habits to absorb while still being young. Being healthy is my goal now, not just for myself but for my daughter as well! And that right there is my main motivation!!

    Even if I don't meat my goal of losing 30lbs by the end of the year I'll be very happy to lose 15, 20 or 25lbs, something is always better then nothing. =)
  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I'm Amanda. I'm 31 and married to a wonderful man. This is my second round on MFP, technically my third but the first time I didn't really use it consistently or to its full potential. I lost almost 40 pounds the last time I used MFP and unfortunately, I have put all of it back on. I am looking to get back to feeling good and being healthy! Hubby and I don't have any kids yet but we definitely want them (preferably sooner rather than later...haha). That is also part of why I want to lose weight. I want to be able to start a pregnancy from a healthy place. I also want to do what I can to keep myself healthy. Let's face it, there are some problems that are just going to come with getting older, especially for me and I want to minimize any extra problems/stresses. I know it is not always an easy journey but the end goal is what needs to be focused on. There will be slip ups, I allow myself an adjustment period and try not to beat myself up to much, and it will never be "perfect" but I am going to do my best. I've done this before and I know I can do it again. The only reason I was successful last time is because I had an awesome, encouraging support system in and out of MFP. I'm looking forward to helping everyone toward their goal! Please feel free to friend me. :)
  • pdbt4
    pdbt4 Posts: 22 Member

    I'm soon to be "55" by almost Christmas! An I too decided that 5# at a time sounded great to me then I saw this group. I too have been challenged by my health due to auto-immune issues. But, enough about that I'm just looking for positive people & positive energy. I'm also gluten free so I love to cook if anyone needs any help let me know. Oh I too got a fitbit flex . I love life & I want to be the best I can be. I have a great hubby & 2 awesome kids, 3 grandkids! I guess now I just need to know how this works. I'm new to the whole online group stuff.

    Thanks for including
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am 52 years old, married and have 2 sons 23 and 20. Both of my sons are in college right now and they are in and out of the house. More often out of the house, so I am a part-time empty-nester. Finally got family matters to a reasonable "happy place" and can now concentrate on me. Oh, and my two dogs Kobe and Luna.

    I can't stand that I have "let myself go" to the point I am. I am 5'6" and at my heaviest was 225. Tried different diets and could never stick to anything. So I started MFP in July when I was approaching my heaviest weight again. I am now at 204 and am feeling good. I always remember my sports days and how thin I was...and was able to eat without a care about weight or health...or so I thought. Never, ever pictured myself heavy.

    After raising my kids to the point where they are almost out on their own, I feel this is the time to get serious and really try a new way of taking care of myself. I ran across MFP by chance on my new tablet and thought this might be my ticket to healthy and fit. I'm sick of quitting diets after one week. I am hoping that I don't lose my motivation...I login everyday and read posts to keep my motivation. MFP is an excellent site and I really want to hang in.

    Glad to have this opportunity to join the group to lose 20!

    Hope we ALL have success!!!!! :)
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Hi all,

    Late to the party here; wish I'd found this group earlier!

    I'm 43, married, no kids of my own but have acquired 2 stepdaughters - 18 & 15. I live in Toronto, Canada and OF COURSE I play hockey year-round, bike, swim, run and cross-country ski. I started on MFP January 2013 at 240 lbs. A few missteps here & there, but I got down to 160 in May 2014, just in time to get married. Then life intervened. I love to cook (and eat). Celebrating my marriage, rolling into the short Canadian summer (hello patio season!), camping, vacations and some family issues (stress eater & drinker here), and I regained about 18 hard-lost pounds over 4 months. Things have settled down again, and the summer high social season is over as of Labour Day, and I'm back here, back on track, and determined to re-lose those 18 pounds, plus a few more, to achieve my ultimate goal weight of 155. It would be awesome to get there by Christmas and I'm going to try my best, knowing that a pound a week is very aggressive this close to the end.

    I've found MFP works best for me when I set my own calorie goals (search for the "road map" in the open forum) based on MY actual body composition. And when I stay within those calories. And I (aim to) exercise daily for at least 500 calories burned. And only eat half (or so) back. And cut back/out the booze. As much as I love it, alcohol REALLY slows down my weight loss - more than if it were equivalent food calories. Nailing all 3 of these simultaneously is the trifecta for my success.

    I'm happy to be here, and am keen & motivated. Looking forward to rocking this challenge with all of you! I've made some good friends here on MFP in other challenges; I hope for the same here. Feel free to send a friend request if I sound like your kind of MFP buddy! Just mention this challenge so I know you're not a creeper. ;)
  • hyneskj
    hyneskj Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name's Kayla and I'm 23. I'm hoping to lose about 20 pounds of fat, but gain muscle at the same time so I know the number may be slow to change. Throughout college, my weight fluctuated. I have lost weight in the past, but have a difficult time maintaining the body I want.

    I've used this website in the past, but not very regularly. I've never posted in a group before so I'm hoping I will be more motivated and willing to actively participate! I just bought an Anytime Fitness membership today so I'm very excited about that! I feel SO much more confident when I workout regularly and I'm much happier. I enjoy working out, but it's sometimes hard for me to stick to a routine.

    Here goes nothing!! :)
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi all! Jen here, im 27, Just found this great group : ) I am looking to loose around 15 pounds. Getting married next fall!!! I can't wait! I know MFP work because like many others have lost using this site. First time around I lost 25 pounds! Then slowly faded away from logging daily, but now I am back looking to really lose the weight but also looking to be healthier as well. Better food choices all around.
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi folks! I'm Stephanie. Joining up with the group a little late, but better late than never!

    I'm 27 years old, married, no kids (but trying to get pregnant!). I'm currently sitting around 264 and I haven't been in the 250s since I was a teenager, so that's definitely a mini goal for me. I'm on day 48 of my latest lifestyle change, and I feel like I'm doing pretty good so far. At the beginning of the year for my annual doctor exam, I tipped the scales around 298 and it was a bit of an eye opener. I always felt smaller than I actually was.

    Currently, I've mostly doing treadmill stuff 4+ days a week. Made a doctor appointment to chat about my general fitness and diet habits and we'll see how it goes from there. I definitely need to add in other exercises, but my body just wants to jog!

    My goal is to be so consistent with fitness and calorie counting (which I'm doing great with a different app but may just switch completely over to MFP) and hit the holidays with a clear head and more self control so I don't sabotage all my efforts up until now.

    My hope is to get pregnant soonish, and I hope I can also keep up the good behavior to have a healthy pregnancy. Until then, I'm using each month as motivation to get healthier just in case I get pregnant the next month. :smile:
  • _Dorothy_
    _Dorothy_ Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Dorothy, another latecomer to the group. I'm 50, heading for 51, and I'm from Ireland. I have a husband and 3 kidults (14, 18, 22) who are all very underweight. Unfortunately I am compensating for them :o))

    I struggled with keeping weight on until my first pregnancy (I was only 98lbs when I got married) and was 140lbs after my last pregnancy.

    Our 14 year old son has Asperger Syndrome and we have been having a number of problems with him this year - issues with stress at school - which has impacted on my own stress levels. And unfortunately my stress levels are feeding his so its a vicious circle.

    The stress levels have also reactivated my asthma forcing me to have to take anti-allergy meds which have helped push up the weight as well.

    My "Moment of Horror" was last Friday when I was trying to buy a pair of winter boots. I couldn't get a pair to fit me and had to go up a size. The guy in the shop had to push my legs into them. :blushing: I realised there and then I needed to do something about my weight because otherwise it would just continue to creep up. I came home and immediately joined MFP.

    The diet plan is a 1200 calories a day plan and I'm trying to do 30 minutes brisk walking every day. I've rejoined the gym and hope to start going this week. For the moment, I'm working on a simple Calories in < Calories out process. 20 lbs would be lovely to lose but realistically I need to lose about 28lbs.

    Even writing this down and reading the stories of others has been therapeutic.

    Good luck everyone.