Day One...

This is for a past Paleo Challenger, you should know what to expect....Many people feel great today, full of motivation and excitement...hold onto that feeling!! Over the next few days, you may start feeling cranky, get a headache, tired and somewhat in a fog..THIS DOESN'T LAST LONG! Push through this time and don't push too hard during your WOD's. The gains in your WODS will come, just not right patient and enjoy the ride!


  • Shannon, our Monday Morning Motivator! :) Or MMM, say it like "mmmmmmmmm" scrumptious.
  • I realized today, my walk to class is right past the campus bakery. I can't see anything, but the smell of doughnuts this morning, definitely started a craving. I may have to take the longer walk to class later this week.
  • I had a dream about donuts last night!!! Not an ideal way to start Day 2.
  • Not dreaming, but I have a hankering for a big bowl of wine!