Finally seeing some results!

So I've been tracking for 15 or 16 days straight, and was very frustrated that I wasn't seeing any results. And then I started retaining water for that time of month, and my weight actually went up 2 pounds! Very discouraging.

But I stuck with it and now my weight is 2 pounds below my start weight, 4 pounds below the peak water retention! Starting to feel the benefits of extra energy too, and had a crazy productive weekend. Here's to another week!

Many thanks to cherhorowitzzz for starting up this challenge :)


  • marciamuse2
    Glad you stuck through the scale mine field! It would be really nice if the scales would say x amount of water, x amount muscle, x amount fat! Until that day, we will just have to look for trends rather than playing the numbers game in our heads! Congrats! I'm away from home so I won't check in with the scale for another week. My sodium has been disastrous on the road and I just don't want to see it. I am logging though so I know I can get through trips too. Glad everyone is here working the challenge!