September 8, 2014

valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    Its a beautiful fall morning, about 12*C (54*F) but I am sure it is going to warm up. Yesterday was HOT. I sat out on the deck with my kobo and I had to make myself go in the shade. It cools down so much at night now, but still warm in the day.

    Going to run this morning, hopefully before it gets too hot. Yesterday was rest day for me, we went to moms for lunch and then I spent the afternoon with my kobo. :) I'm reading Winter of the World by Ken Follett. I think I'll mow this afternoon too, the grass is getting long.

    My exercise classes start up this week, Tues/Thurs/Sun so i am kind of excited for that. It is usually pretty motivating and gives me a boost.

    Aprilfoolbrid - nice to hear the enthusiasm in your post regarding the pilates. I still have not got my dvd out. Hmmm. I really should.

    Marla - enjoy your last couple of swims, and glad that you're feeling better!

    Donna- congrats to you on completing the half! wow, it sounds like you had some serious weather conditions for that, good for you beating your own time :) Great idea to do another in the spring....better temps for sure!

    Valmaebel - glad that the scale is going in the right direction. It can be discouraging when you're doing everything right and its not happening. But, you've rounded that you said! Enjoy those cooler temps

    Laura - hope you had a great hike yesterday, did you take the hilly route?

    Sherry - glad that you got out for your walks....and some gym work!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    Maureen, I had to look up "kobo". I'm so out of it over here in Greece. I got that it's basically like a Kindle or Nook. See, I at least know what those are! Sounds like a nice time.

    Today I walked to the gym and did chest/shoulders/arms and walked home. Still need some more steps, so I'll probably walk my son to tkd tonight, instead of his Dad.

    I feel like I'm making some progress on getting leaner & stronger, and am pretty happy with just 3x/wk gym and 3x/wk running. Honestly, I'd rather do more, just because I really do love both of those activities, but I have to find balance with other things in my life. And I know that I don't HAVE to workout more than that to make progress either. But if, after son's school & tutor re-starts, I can find a way to do more gym/running and still do all the other things I need and want to do, I will.

    Have a good one!!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I didn't make it in Saturday...but I had a great last swim yesterday!

    Finally getting over this!

    I think I will do walk by river today. Weather jumped down almost 20 degrees to high of 70 instead of 90. Fall is coming!

    Have a good day all you runners!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I wouldn't have known what a kobo is either, so thanks for looking that up Sherry!

    I love today's thread starter. It's so true!

    Glad you're starting to feel better Marla. We're expecting a high of low 50s on Wednesday with rain so I'm afraid fall is coming here too.

    Sherry I'm happy to hear you're finding your balance again with your workouts. Your schedule is so busy I know you have to put in effort to find the time to workout, but it's so worth it.

    My legs are tired today after my 4.44 mile (7.15km) hilly trail run on Saturday & my 26.56 mile (42.74km) bike ride yesterday. Tonight's homework is a 2-3.5 mile (3.2-5.6km) run plus some light strength workout - assisted pull-ups, dips, plank & side-ups. I'm tired today. Went down to Starbucks this morning for an iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso and still can't stop yawning.
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Hi all!

    Donna- congrats on your half marathon! And way to keep going in that heat.

    Sherry- good luck on making more time for running- I know it can be challenging juggling the schedule.

    Laura- congrats on the trail run, it sounds challenging but fun!

    Marla- glad you're starting to feel better!

    I skipped town at the last minute this weekend as I got an email on Friday letting me know that some friends that I haven't seen in years were in the country. A great time (and lots of brunch) was had by all- but I didn't get much exercise done. At least I managed to stay within my calorie goal.

    My goal for this week is to stick to the exercise plan I have for September. I have a tendency to get over enthusiastic and do too much at the beginning then get either injured or discouraged and stop. This week I'm just going to try and add some yoga for flexibility to my running schedule.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Thanks for the congratulations. Despite the heat I enjoyed the half. I really didn't feel like I was pushing myself at the time; felt like I had more in me, even at the end. But mentally I really was quite a bit out of it by the end of the race and really needed Sunday to recover. I just don't handle direct sun very well. The race was really well run and the people were great! They supported the runners, all of the runners, until the end.

    I didn't feel like it, but really wanted to get out on a run this morning. Saturday night we had a huge thunderstorm with driving rain and Sunday was just a pleasant nice day with no really high temps; perfect for running, biking, or any outdoor activity. And I was so beat that I just enjoyed it from inside my house, although I did open all the windows.

    So Fells and I got up this morning and did a 3 mile run before work. All day today, every time I've gotten up it's been "ouch" with my legs and rear. This evening is scheduled the first yoga class being held here at work. The classes are to go on for 8 weeks, every Monday. I felt so proud of myself for remembering that and bring in proper clothes and feety things to wear. Then I read the introduction email they send out last Friday (when I was off in Lancaster, PA getting ready to race) and it didn't mention clothes, but did say to bring your yoga mat. Oops! Hopefully I'll be able to do something without a mat. Maybe the standing poses.

    Sherry, I've also let my weight slip; been eating too much. Time now to focus on my diet and incorporate strength training in more.

    Laura, you've got me thinking triathlon thoughts again. The bike will come out next weekend! Congratulations on a really nice trail run!

    Marla, glad you're feeling a bit better.

    Valma, good going!

    Aprilfoolbrid, hope the pilates worked out. It's tonight, right?

    Maureen, glad you enjoyed your rest day and really rested. I also did some reading yesterday, although it was made a bit difficult with two dogs trying to stay on my lap at the same time. Lately I've been accusing Colin of being a cat in a dog suit. He's got the have to be in the middle of what you're doing, the weave against your legs to trip you, the "I'll run when and if I choose to and not for very long", and the "I want to come inside right up until you open the door then I'll just stand there deciding and finally turn around an go back in the yard. I just wanted to see if you'd open the door".

    toeatapeach, great going this weekend handling the unexpected. That's when it gets hard.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    It sounds like everyone is making such good progress. It's a testament to how important this kind of accountability is. I'm cry glad I found a group that is so encouraging and keeps me going! To post daily like this is a huge motivation for me!

    I live in Phoenix and today has been record rain. Started at about 3 am and didn't let up until probably 10 or 11am. There was so much that most of the highways and interstates have shut down because the flooding goes higher than car windows. I ran in it this morning. I had to wade across streets that were now rivers that came up to my calves. I had to climb over a tree that had fallen down. Our soccer field had become a pond that ducks were swimming in. My clothes got so wet they were obviously all this factored into a very slow run! But I still did it so I'm proud of myself!

    Our internet wasn't working, and my tire (that I bought last week) went flat. I got both fixed this morning, so I'm feeling pretty accomplished! :)

    Goals for today:
    After a crazy week of visitors and events last week, I just want to get back into a routine! So that's a goal for today. Stick to my routine!
    Count all my calories, and no eating after 8pm!

    Here are some pics if the roads here in Phoenix:


  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Feeling discouraged because my weight is up...but I am not giving up! [Grumble, grouch, grouse...]

    Glad to see so many healthy activities and challenges faced head-on. It's really awesome to see how you do it!

    Valma, two gold stars for your crazy soggy run! Hope your house stays dry.