Hypothyroid-- Questions about supplements

Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member

I am new to this group, but not new to Hypothyroid. I have been Hypothyroid for 20+ years and on 25mcg of Synthroid. A recent trip to a Rheumatologist for follow up on pain brought some interesting facts to light.

First of all, she told me that my Vitamin B12 levels were low and that I needed to be taking a minimum of 1200mcg daily. Also recommended EFA Omega 3, Glucosomine and a multivitamin.

I picked up a copy of Mary J.Shomon's Book, "The Thyroid Diet Revolution" and her evidence seems to jive with what the Rheumy told me. But specifically, I am interested in what supplements others are currently taking to improve thyroid function and health.

Specifically, Milk thistle, Zinc, and Selenium. Does anyone have any thoughts on these. Just curious.



  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    Vitamin D is especially important for you (you are on a very low dose of the synthetic hormone, and need vitamin D for proper conversion of synthetic T4 to the useful thyroid hormones T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin).

    I also had low vitamin B levels and take a sublingual supplement in the morning (it doesn't taste great) along with an iron supplement (chelated iron seems to not upset my stomach) and L-tyrosine (another thyroid hormone pre-cursor). Be careful not to take iron or calcium supplements within 4 hours of taking your meds, and birth control pills should be taken as far between thyroid doses as possible. My doctor has me on an Omega 3, but I can't tell that it's doing anything "productive".

    Hope that helps...
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    Great, thanks for the information on the Vitamin D. Any particular amount that you take? I already take my thyroid first thing in the morning 1-2 hours before any other supplements, and then the Vitamin B12. Multivite taken toward the end of the day. Birth control meds aren't an issue, but I am wondering if there is any interaction with chloesteral meds.

    FYI, the benefits of Omega 3 and the thyroid are to help reduce inflammation which is a cause of hyperthyroidism.
  • kcvance
    kcvance Posts: 103 Member
    She has me on 10,000 IU of D3 each morning. *DISCLAIMER* my Vitamin D levels were the "lowest anyone at her practice had ever seen", which was 10 ng/dL. I have had skin cancer (squamous) and I'm super pale/ on the red-haired spectrum, so I cannot go outside too much. I also sit at a desk inside all day. I'm not sure how much a normal person would need... Too much can give you a nasty headache.

    Interesting side effect of the D3 was that it helped with my Seasonal Affective Disorder a bit last winter (I live in Arizona, so I was surprised that even here I'm having issues).
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks. I started the Vitamin D this morning. My mother is Vitamin D deficient and also suffers from SAD. We live in Canada though and the winters can be harsh. She finds it helps. I will look into it further.

    Thanks for your help.
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Like others I also take b12 and vit D. I also take selenium and magnesium. Upping my omega 3 was also recommended but I drink hemp protein instead of taking a supplement, it also is a fiber and protein source!

    I do feel best when taking all these supplements but it is difficult when im not in a constant routine to get everything in. I try to space things out and take 1-2 supplements at a time every 3 hours or so. If I take iron, I take it at night when going to bed so it does not interfere with any other supplements. I also take my thyroid meds about 3-4am so that nothing else interferes with absorption.
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    My doctor has me taking D and Iron as well. I take D once a week (it's 50,000) and iron at night with a vitamin c (because I've read it helps with iron absorption). I take my Armour first thing in the morning, and everything else before I go to bed at night.
  • Betti2
    Betti2 Posts: 30 Member
    My Doctor has me on Vitamin D & a multivitamin. Funny thing my iron levels are really high so i dont need to worry.
    I take my Medication at approx 0600 every morning then vitamins at lunchtime or whenever.